Welcome back to the Matt podcast. I'm your host Matt Turk from FirstMark. My guest today is Amjad Masad, the CEO of Replit, one of the most exciting companies in the Red Hot Space of AI coding agents, and also one of the most visible with over 34 million users around the world. We started the conversation with Amjad's fascinating journey as a founder, including the long and winding road to starting Replit from humble origins as a student project in Jordan. I kind of want to start a company, but I don't want to start this company. These multiple attempts to get into YC. Three or four times, I kind of lost count. How an email from Sam Altman changed everything. He was like, hey, I run YC. We're really impressed by what you're doing. Come to the mission.
We then dug into Replit's new hit product, Riplet Agent, which enables anyone to build a fully functioning app using just prompts. We're going to build something that's not going to work today, but at some point, some model will come out and it'll work. And that's exactly what happened. And this goes to the implications of AI coding agents on the software development profession and entrepreneurship. Silicon Valley dogma is like ideas don't matter on the execution. In the future, it'll be more like execution doesn't matter on the ideas.
We closed with Amjad's thoughts on the techno optimism and the future of Silicon Valley. I came to Silicon Valley so we could yell in cell computers, bringing back the heart charging energy of Silicon Valley. And that doesn't mean that we want to alienate anyone. I think it's going to sell track the best talent from all over the world, but it needs to be energetic and it needs to be exciting. Please enjoy this wide encompassing and very fun conversation with Amjad from Replit.
Amjad, welcome. Thank you. Excited to be here. So I thought that would be a fun place to start, actually, your entrepreneurial story, because it's super interesting. First of all, you've been at this mission for a number of years now and second, so many twists and turns and so many lessons to be learned. So let's start with that. So you grew up in Jordan. You studied computer science. That's right. And that's when you started thinking about Replits or Replits. What is Replits in Replits? You know, for example, a DOS or like a Unix command line is a form of a REPL. So it comes from Lisp, actually, in the 1950s at MIT, where you can create the simplest programming environment with like one command, which is read eval print loop.
So read reads the command from the command line. Eval evaluates like a Lisp string, print prints out the results, and then goes back to the start. So this is like the simplest IDE in the world, right? And so when I was building, so the way sort of Replit was born, I was going to school in Jordan, saying computer science. And I didn't have a laptop. So every time I would want to do some homework, I would have to reinstall the development environment. And that was like the, you know, it was so annoying, right? You have to download gigabytes of software and packages. And there's always something that goes wrong. And so I was like, you know, I'm using everything in the browser. At the time, Google was putting docs and Gmail in the browser. This is 2008, we're talking about it. Yeah, actually, the eight, nine. Chrome came out, V8, the JavaScript engine, you know, the web was becoming a real application platform. So I was like, why can I code in the browser?
And then I sort of Googled it. And it was surprised that no one had built it. So, okay, I'll build it, how hard could it be? And actually got a prototype pretty quickly, because you can eval JavaScript in the browser, right? So I put a text box, I put a button, you write a little bit of JavaScript, you run it, and it alerts like the results. And I gave it to my friends, and they were all like playing with it and really excited about it, started adding features, like sharing and saving and things like that. And I was like, okay, I need to add more languages. You're studying computer science, you're probably gonna be using a lot of different languages, Python, Java. And that's when I head into problems, because the browser can only run JavaScript.
And this became like a multi-year sort of research effort, sort of culminating in, you know, having a breakthrough where my friends and I were able to compile a bunch of languages into JavaScript. We used a library from Mozilla. That library became Wasm, which runs sort of native programs in the browser, Figma has built on that, a bunch of really modern applications, wouldn't be possible with that. But at the time, it was just a library. And there wasn't anyone using it, and so we were like the first to kind of use it to run all these programs in the browser. And put it up on GitHub and went viral and hack and news and a bunch of other places. And it was really surreal because like, yeah, I didn't expect it to be this big. And people were talking about it in conferences, Brendan Eich, the CTO of Mozilla at the time and the inventor of JavaScript, like tweeted about it. And that was like the highlight of my life at the time. Yeah, it was a huge deal, Brendan. Yeah. And then one day, you know, as always, I'm like lurking and hacking news.
这变成了一项历时多年的研究工作,最终,我们取得了一项重大突破:我和我的朋友们能够将多种编程语言编译成JavaScript。我们使用了Mozilla的一个库,这个库后来发展成了Wasm,它能在浏览器中运行类似原生程序。像Figma这样的现代应用都是基于此,它们的实现若没有这个技术是不可想象的。但在那时,这只是一个库,没有人使用,所以我们成了首批利用它在浏览器中运行各种程序的人。我们把项目上传到了GitHub,结果在Hack and News等多个平台上迅速走红。这种经历真的很梦幻,因为当时我没想到它能取得这么大的影响。人们在会议上谈论它,Mozilla的首席技术官也是JavaScript的发明者Brendan Eich还发了推文提到此事。这成为了我人生中的一个高光时刻,是件大事啊,Brendan。然后有一天,像往常一样,我在Hack and News上潜水。
And I see, you know, this startup code academy, like maybe a couple months after I open sourced all the infrastructure that we built. And like I click on the site and it was like going viral, right? And they built this like interactive way to learn how to program. Because learning how to program at the time is like, it's like textbook and all of that. But they built this thing where it's like this, you know, like the course kind of talks to you and like gives you these exercises and you have to code with it. It was a very novel idea. And at the time it was like the hype was around MOOCs, massively online, open online courses. I had a feeling that they're using myself. I just like the way the system worked. And then I tried to like, I kind of look behind the scenes and I valid it. So I put a comment on hacking news. It was like, oh, you're using this library, my library. And then two days later I get an email from the CTO, Ryan Obinski. And he's like, I'd love to chat with you. Amazing. And I don't think they knew I was like a kid in Jordan. So we started talking and.
And how'd you graduate? And somebody who had Yahoo in Jordan, right? Yeah, so at that time I had graduated. My time at the university was pretty tenuous because I just like, I didn't like sitting in class all that much. Initially, I also, and I'm sure we'll get into more into that. But I was reading a lot of sci-fi. I was like really into AI and really into, how do you build a brain? And I was like reading a lot about cognitive science and neuroscience. There was into way to study that in Jordan, but that was like a personal interest of mine. And I felt like we're on the cusp of like, you're solving intelligence. And I felt like computers will be able to program themselves.
So I was like, okay, if computers can program themselves, so what can I do with computers? And I was like, okay, well, someone still needs to build these computers and run them. So I went into electrical engineering, computer engineering, I suppose, to programming. And then like two or three years in, I'm like, you know, I don't think machines are gonna be coding themselves anytime soon. That would be crazy. Yes. Well, and I just switched back to computer science. But yeah, it took me six years. And then I graduated. I was like hacking all the time. And if I may ask, and I'm asking as a, you know, French guy who's been in the US for like decades, at this point and still sounds the way I do, you sound very American. Like how did that happen? Well, we're the YouTube generation, right? Is that right? It's like, you know, YouTube came out what, 2005? Yeah. You know, I started watching it then. And so, you know, I think-
So it's not like you went to American school in Jordan or- No, I went to British schools. I was in downtown British. Yeah, because- It's fascinating. So that was YouTube. So Jordan was like a British colony, right? Yeah. And so the influence was more British. And so we did IGCSE and all levels and all levels and things like that. But it was also lame to sound English. Although now it's cool, I think. Yeah. But I did, you know, I did to be a little serious. I did work on the accent a little bit because- I don't know, I guess I just want to fit in. And I thought it's- You know, I really want to be American.
And I've always kind of wanted to be here and wanted to be in Silicon Valley. I watched- There's a movie, this like very low budget movie called Pirates of Silicon Valley. And it's about the story of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. And it's like very overdramatized story and half of it is wrong. But it like really inspired me. And I was like, oh, Silicon Valley is like a great place. You can like fight and yell at each other and like build computers. And it's awkward. What could be better? Exactly. So, you know, we grew up with a lot of American culture and there was like a very, you know, interest of mine to kind of really be here.
So, good Academy was the way in? Yes. But I was also like very, very passionate about this. Because like when I build like this open source version of Replit, it was about education. It was about me, you know, being able to, you know, learn to code and code on the go without needing an expensive computer. And so I was like, OK, you know, this helped me so much. I think it's going to help a lot of a lot of people in the world. And I had, you know, this theory that like programming could be the thing that you democratize access to kind of wealth and entrepreneurship.
And I think it is playing out that way. And so I was really passionate about joining Code Academy. And at the time you saw a ton of people come online in Africa and India. And then Android had just started going and it felt like everyone's going to be able to get a computer or a phone. And I always want to make programming work on the phone. And I've tried really hard to make Code Academy work on the phone. Now, Replit, we have a mobile app actually. Yeah. So good Academy actually to these days, I don't know. It's his pronounced Code Academy.
我认为事情的发展确实如此。所以,我非常热衷于加入 Code Academy。当时,你会看到大量非洲和印度的人们开始使用互联网。然后,安卓系统也刚刚开始流行,感觉每个人都会拥有电脑或手机。我一直希望能够在手机上进行编程,并努力让 Code Academy 能在手机上使用。现在,Replit 其实已经有一个移动应用程序了。对了,如今我也不知道好 Academy 究竟应该怎么念。
It was it was it was spelled Code Academy, but pronounced. No, no, it's pronounced Code Academy. It's pronounced Code Academy. OK, but everyone everyone like. Yeah. Well, anyway, it worked out for for Zach. If you remember at the time, it was like the hot thing to do to a startup is misspell your company. Yes. I ran out of letters for the comma. Yeah, exactly. And you mentioned Android, but that that was your next stop. When you joined Facebook, you joined the Android team.
Yes. So I was inspired by a lot of the open source work that Facebook was doing, like around React.js. And I was very early to that. But I was also inspired by Zucks vision for internet.org. Do you remember that? Yeah. So the idea, which you know, Elon ended up doing it, but the idea is like beaming internet from the sky, essentially. And and again, this like fits into this vision that I had of more people connecting their internets. And I felt that was like such an important thing.
And so when I went to Facebook, I was like, OK, I'm either going to work on and at the org or or work on on mobile. So when I got there, you know, the the way Facebook worked is like you go through bootcamp for like three months and then you do team selection. Because I don't know what I was going to work on, but I picked up Android tasks. And did did really well at them. And I picked really the hardest task that you shouldn't pick as a as a sort of like a boot camper at some point, I broke the Android app for like 10 million, 10 million users, the beta users.
And and everyone was surprised that I was able to do that as someone bootcamp, because I was taking a lot of risks to, you know, move fast and break things. And but I couldn't get into the internet or team. And and because we were in New York, almost all the teams wouldn't wouldn't take me. They were like, you have to move to the Bay Area. And I wanted to stay here. So I ended up on the photo steam for about six months. And that was like the only team that would take me essentially. And then on the nights and weekends, I was contributing to react. And I was interested in this team that was that was trying to make mobile programming more accessible.
Because Java was this like heavy, you know, brutal thing. You know, every time you change the line of code, you need to recompile the entire app. So this project called Catalyst at the time, which became react native. And I was the first to I was one of the first like three or four years ago. I was one of the first like three or four people to work on it. And I was tasked by the founder of react and the founder of react native Jordan Walk to build the JavaScript tool chain for react native.
因为 Java 当时被认为是一个比较沉重、复杂的东西。每次你更改一行代码时,都需要重新编译整个应用程序。当时有一个名为 Catalyst 的项目,后来发展成为 React Native。我大约三四年前是最早参与这个项目的人之一。React 和 React Native 的创始人 Jordan Walk 当时给我分配的任务是为 React Native 构建 JavaScript 工具链。
So I started building it here initially on my own and they told me like go out and build a team. So I was here in New York kind of interviewing who's who and like the JavaScript community. And I met a lot of friends that I'm still in touch with today, which was a big thing. It was like at the time there was what was it called? Glitch and Joel Spoles key and doing this big thing around JavaScript.
Right. Yeah. Yeah. But actually I ended up moving to the Bay Area because I actually, you know, we were just talking about it. The talent. There wasn't a lot of talents here. There's like very competitive. And so I moved to the Bay Area, built the team there and released a react native a year later. And it was this like super viral thing and a ton of people used it.
So to continue the thread, you had started a version of replits back in Jordan and you effectively put it to the side for a bunch of years. And so the next step in the journey is that you decided to pick it up again. What was that that journey to decide to making that decision? You know, I sort of. I sort of wanted to to let go. Like I was like, I did this thing. You know, I kind of like burnt out while working at Code Academy. And I wanted to do to do other things and.
所以,继续这个话题,你在约旦的时候曾经开始了一个类似 Replit 的项目,但实际上搁置了好几年。接下来的旅程就是你决定重新拾起这个项目。是什么促使你做出这个决定的呢?我有点想放手不做了。当时我觉得,自己已经做过这个项目了。在 Code Academy 工作的时候有点精疲力竭,所以我想尝试做其他事情。
But like actually the project kept growing. It was like this open source project and we had like a demo page. And I keep getting emails. And it looked at Google Analytics and like we had like still 10,000 users. And like this thing is like is roof is to die. Yeah, it was to die. So let me fix it a little bit. So I started fixing fixing it. And pretty quickly it started growing again.
10,000, 20,000, you know, 50,000, a hundred thousand users. And at the time I moved the code execution from the browser to the back end. At the time Docker had just come out. And I felt like if we move it to the back end, we can have packages and servers and I can make it into a full development environment. And and so it was costing me a ton of money at the time to just like keep going.
It was like the user growth was was insane. I was like, OK, maybe I have to sell it. And so I tried to I tried to sell it. And then I was like my time at Facebook was coming to a natural end. I was like, I kind of want to start a company, but I don't want to start this company. Because I'm already done with it. But but it kept growing and people kept really getting excited about it. And I was like, OK, OK, I guess I guess I need to start this company.
And I looked at the landscape of online IDEs and there was like there was a ton of attempts at it. The problem is no one had built like a sort of a web native experience. And the way I define web native experience is that it should be able to load really quickly. It should be able to be URL addressable. So like when I send you your all, you should be able to see my project. It's just like you doing docs or a figment. Yeah. Yeah. And should we multiply her by default? It should be a real time in none of those existing IDs where we're doing that. So incredibly complicated, technical problem. Right. That's why that's why it took four years to be able to figure out before they started taking.
Yeah, Figma was in stealth over four years. Exactly right. And so yeah, we started Reploed and officially in 2016. Because this thing that just wouldn't die and like kind of exploded itself onto the world and I was like, OK, I was still passionate about the idea, but I just I just, you know, I knew it was going to be super hard.
And then in the, you know, in the folklore of entrepreneurial stories, like this, the that's a YC part of the story. And then tell us, tell us a story of trying several times and then getting in and like just just tell us how that went down. So we, we, you know, we try to get in a YC, even before I quit my job at Facebook, because that's that's what you would do to do risk it, essentially. And really why I see do risk a lot of entrepreneurship.
Mostly for the good. I think something, you know, I think you need to take, I think some amount of risk is good. But we wouldn't get it. We weren't getting in. And I said, when I took the plunge, it was it was just us and we were able to raise money from Bloomberg beta, a bit of capital. And over the next two years, that was your pre-c. The pre-c, yeah. And that was so that was pre-YC pre-YC. So that was like a like a really a pre-c. The kind of the OK.
OK. And we were like grinding for for two years, building a lot of those, a lot of this infrastructure that that we just talked about. But it was like pretty lonely and we weren't like really able to hire a lot of engineers. We weren't part of the like, you know, Silicon Valley sort of hype or buzz or also the, the, you know, Dev tools at the time were kind of like not an exciting space, right? That was like pre GitHub acquisition. And GitHub acquisition kind of really exchange everything. Yeah. So, you know, I got used to writing about what we're, what we're doing. And so I tried to write like something every couple of weeks about some of the engineering challenges we're facing. And I thought it could be a good recruiting tool, marketing tool. And Hackenoo's really liked my writing. And so it would always make it there. Now they hate me, but that's the, that's what, that's the kind of natural evolution of Hackenoo's.
So you tried several times to get how many times? Three or four times. I kind of lost count. Three or four times. And the reasons why you didn't get in was, was the room reached out to us. It was like, I would get your automate email. Yeah. And at the time you are doing a lot of things that were not necessarily, let's say, popular in Silicon Valley, like you're selling to students effectively and hobbyists. So the, the only people that would like give us money, we had a lot of developers use the platform, but they're like, I'm not going to pay for it. It's just, it's a good, it's like a useful thing, but, you know, probably not going to kill me if I don't have it. Yeah.
But the people that were really dependent on it were the students. Again, like not really surprising because, because that's what I built it for essentially. And hobbyists and, and, and, and people who wouldn't know how to set up a programming environment essentially. And, and so we started monetizing that. So we started selling to schools. We sold the API as well and other, other companies built, built on top of it to kind of sell to schools as well. But selling to the education market is not necessarily the number one thing that gets excited. It's horrible. Excited about it. I mean, I understand it. It's, it's, it's really, I mean, I, you know, I have tons of respects for education entrepreneurs. It's just like, it takes a lot of grits and like, to be about the mission. Yeah. Okay. We get checks for like $50. And then the, so to close on the YC thing. So how did, how did the, how did the, how did it come? How did it eventually, how did you get in? How did it come about?
So, so Paul Graham had already retired. If you remember, he passed the mantle to, to Sam in like 2015. And so 2017, 18, he was Sam Altman. Now the CEO of OpenAI for anyone that doesn't follow the YC history. Yeah. You know, by bit, yes. And so Paul Graham, PG, the founder of YC. Reads at the time reads Hackers every day. Um, and so he found one of my posts. Um, and, uh, and like, uh, you know, a few days later, you know, wake up one morning. And I have a message from Sam Altman. Uh, it's probably still in my DMS. I could look it up, but, um, yeah, I probably want to save that one. Yeah. It was like, Hey, um, I run YC. Really impressed by what you're doing. Uh, it's like, dude, I know how you are. Uh, it was like, uh, you know, I'd like to meet you. And, um, so I, uh, he's like come to the mission. I was like, that's not YC's office. So I go to the mission and it was, uh, your link on the right. And it was, um, opening eye on the left. And so I went to open and I was like, why am I here? Yeah, but both part of the Elon empire at the time. Yeah. I mean, uh, Elon just, uh, I had the investors then. No, well, Elon just retook the building. I'll retook that building. Okay. So now I see, okay. Okay. Okay. Fantastic. That's hilarious.
Yeah. I think there's some, uh, you know, there's some, uh, sort of, you know, message underneath. Yeah. That's like, we're taking it. Um, so, um, so he's like, um, you know, uh, PG found your, your company. And, and he said, he said it was something that he was, he's been looking for for a long time. It's like, why don't you go visit him in, in the UK? And I'm like, well, yeah, let me get my private jacket. At the time I was an American to get a visa as a Jordanian to the UK. What have taken me another year? Yeah. I was like, how about I email him first? And, um, and so I started this email relationship with Paul, by the way, PG doesn't hop on, on zoom calls or very early does. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. I really, um, so we started this, uh, which was awesome because I'm, I'm getting personalized PG essays.
Yeah. It felt such an honor. And we just talked about, um, you're programming what's hard about it. And he had told me that one of the insights from via web, via web is the online store that PG built in Solter, Yahoo. Was like, Oh, people want to customize the stores and they want to put it on a piece of code. And he always imagined like if he built like a browser environment where you can code and like easily generate apps that that could be amazing for entrepreneurship. And so we really connected on that. And that's always been my passion. It's like, how do you get more people to participate in the amazing wealth creation engine? That's the internet. Um, and we also connected on the technical aspect of it and programming languages. And, and I really enjoy the emails and he's like, look, I'm going on a trip now, but, um, you know, why she's about to start. I was like literally a few days later, where I see you would start. Why don't you join the batch? And then he went off flying.
So I forwarded the message to sound was like, Hey, you know, PG saying we should do I see. And my co-founder, uh, my wife, she's, she's still with the company. Had a, had a design. Um, you have a, you have a brother as well. My brother is a family affair. My brother, uh, leads a portion of engineering.
Um, and, uh, you know, I was like, you know, should, should we, should we do? I see. And it's like, you know, we got rejected all these times. We're starting to make money. Should do any of the given I was having percent. And. And so I, um, I emailed a salmon poll and just say, like, we'll do I see as long as we get access to you to, we don't want to go in and like become some random startup.
And they said, yes. Um, it was like, I was like, okay, we'll do it. And then Sam is like, Hey, just a formality filling this application. I fuck, you know, I've done this application so many times. I was like, you know, it was kind of like a triggering some trauma. I mean, it's like record the video and like talk about it and send it. And you never hear back.
So we did this application very quickly. And the next day I go to YC, it was literally the kickoff day. So we would have a dinner or sitting outside. I think we're literally the last interview. So we sat outside for two, three hours and you see this late interview startups that are going in and out. Um, and so they, they call us in and I go in and it was, uh, Gustav and Jared and all this amazing YC partners.
And at the end, it was Michael all the time he was the CEO. Uh, Sanal, what was the present? He was the CEO. Michael is a big guy. And so I, you know, I shake his hand and I felt a squeeze. It's like, what's wrong with this guy? I like, why is it? And like, I barely sat on the chair and he was like, you know, his face was really angry. I was like, why did you recroll us?
And so, uh, the, the, because I was so sick of making these YC videos. And I thought it was really just a formality. I put their recroll song, their recast, the never going to give you a song. And the YC application, actually, if you go to our YC profile, now they publish the videos, click on the video. It is still a recroll. People discover it. And I agree. Everyone said a while.
因为我实在是厌倦了制作这些 YC 的视频,所以我觉得这只是个形式而已。我在他们的申请视频中加入了 "Never Gonna Give You Up" 的恶搞版。如果你现在去我们的 YC 个人资料页面,他们会发布视频,点击那个视频,还是会看到这个恶搞版本。人们发现后,我也认同他们说的话。
And, uh, and you imagine what's happening because they're reviewing the application just before the interview and they're all sitting together, huddling in the computer and they click the video. They can recroll. So they're all really pissed out of me. And they gave us the toughest YC interview, probably the history of YC. It was really tough and pressuring a question from a hair, one question from there, because I asked my friends from the batch and no one had such an intense interview.
Um, so, you know, the interview is done. We leave. I tell hi, I was like, okay, I don't think we're going to get out and we fucked it up. We fucked up our only chance. That I call an Uber and then I get, I get this phone call from a random number and pick it up and it's like, um, it's that door of Chang. Uh, she was in the room as well. And she's like, um, you got into YC. How does that sound?
It's like, are you sure? Like I just offended all of you. Like, and you were really angry. And it was like, no, come back. Do the paperwork quickly. Cause the dinners about to start. That's how we got into it. Fantastic. Yeah. Which by the way, it says really good things about YC because if you're Sam or PG and you got inundated by applications and you'd be in a completely inbound kind of like, uh, mode, uh, but very much for the credit that actually went outbound to you, uh, based on that's very true. Actually, which is interesting. Yeah.
So you know, YC and, um, so let's talk about the, the journey to today, the, the final stage and especially, uh, with a machine learning, an AI angle because, um, pretty much from the beginning, uh, of replicas, a commercial entity. So not the, the, the project before that, but the commercial entity. Sounds like machine learning was a key part of it. When you raise your seat around, it was one of the core principles of what you wanted to do.
Yeah. Uh, we published the, the seed deck at somewhere on there and you can see there was like this master plan and AI was a part of it. So as part of my work at both Facebook and code academy, I worked in compilers and interpreters and there are very, you know, kind of finicky programming exercise. So taking a piece of code and parsing it, that's how compilers work. You parse it into a structured tree and then the way, you know, you traverse the tree, that's how you evaluate a program essentially.
Um, and I was, I always figured that like, um, that you could use machine learning instead of like doing all of this by hand. And NLP was getting better and better. Actually, I don't know if you remember, but 2015, 16, we had a chat bot hype. Yeah. Period. Yeah. Cause there was some NLP unlock at the time, but it wasn't good enough. Everyone was faking it. There was like Facebook M, which was like, yeah, it was like a bunch of people. Yeah. Um, and, uh, and so I had this intuition that, you know, we're going to be able to run machine learning and code to evaluate code, to help people learn how to code to, um, just, just like this intuition that like deep learning on code will unlock a lot of avenues. Um, and I felt like if we built this like large community, we're also going to be able to collect a lot of data that's going to help with that. Um, and so every year we, we would prototype something since the start and it was just never, it was never good enough to, to ship anything.
And then GPT two came out. And that was the first time when I felt like, okay, this, this feels like the unlock because GPT two can write in my coherent code. Uh, and then when GPT three came out, I think we were one of the first companies to build anything on top of it. The first thing we built was like you highlight a piece of code and you explain it. And I was, yeah, I was taking notes. So that was, um, explain code. That was an important product. Yeah. So what did that do? So, uh, you know, still a lot of people, you know, hobbyists, students that are using the platform. And so, uh, yeah, a lot of code, you're just copy basing from SAG or a flow or library code and you ought to be able to understand it. And so highlighting a bit of code and explaining it is actually very useful. Still having the product people still use it a lot. And you wouldn't have been possible with that. Like it wouldn't have been, you wouldn't have been able to even conceptualize it. Without all of those.
But what I really wanted to build was, um, like a true autocomplete code generator system. And, um, it was really hard to build anything like that with GPT three. It was expensive. It was slow. And we started talking to open AI by doing something with, um, and then Microsoft had just come out with, with co-pilot and beta. Um, and it was like, you know, we really need to do this. Um, you know, uh, this, this is the future. Like our company would like die if we, if we don't do this, because I was like, all of coding will be that. Mm hmm. Uh, there was a lot of skepticism even inside the company, but I felt like that was the big bet that we're going to have to do. And, um, so, so at the time it was like maybe 22.
And so we're, we're, you know, between a rock and a hard place, we were like, okay, we either build on GPT three and it really sucks. Cause co-pilot was using some kind of fine-tuned version, distill version of a GPT three. So that was, uh, it was really fast. We couldn't come to any sort of agreement with open AI at the time. And so I was determined that we're going to have to go build it on our own. Um, and no one at the time had done that. Everyone was relying on open AI, open source AI was not really a thing. And, and we were really plugged into the news and we found that, um, uh, sales force had a, had a small research team and they worked on code models. Um, and they produced this model that was still very, uh, very slow because of the model architecture.
But it was, it was decent. It could like generate some code. Um, and so we took that. And that was code gen. That was code gen. Yeah. So we took that. We, uh, sort of rewrote the code to make it a lot faster. We did a lot of engineering work on top of it to be able to ship it. So that was the beta version of what we called ghost rider. So we built the first sort of co-pilot alternative, essentially. Um, and it was super viral because, um, because it really. A lot of people to imagine that there's a, there's a world in which you can build AI as a startup without depending on an open AI. Because at the time the feeling was like, Oh, open AI invented this thing. And it is this magical thing.
Uh, it's just like no one will be able to replicate it. It's like this dark art and open AI had stopped publishing research and models. And so I think we inspired a lot of people that, Oh, okay. Open source is possible. Open models are possible, but still code gen wasn't, wasn't really great. So I was determined to train, train our own model. And so that was the next phase. And I wanted to use our data to do that. Um, and again, we were in your data being what users do, uh, when the build and, uh, what, what works, what doesn't work and use that to feed the, the LLM. Yeah. By the way, when we released code gen, it was, um, me and like an intern working on it.
Uh, I, I like recruited an intern. Um, and, and that what, that was it. Um, when it came time that we needed to like train a model, we had to, we had to have like more and better people. And by the way, other people on the company had joined and started learning how to do, how to do machine learning and some people on the data science team joined. Um, we had started talking to Google, Google, we were, we've been always building on top of the Google platform and, you know, they reached out and they're like, look, we're building like, you know, GPT three alternative and we want to see if you want to use it. I was like, Oh, yeah, it looks great.
Palm at the time. We would love to use it. And, you know, the, the, the talk, the talk progressed, the conversation progressed. And then it was blocked. They're like, we're not going to release it. The search team said it was like too much of a legal risk. So we're not going to release any alarms. Our counterparts, an engineer on the other researcher on the other side of Google, uh, was part of this conversation. He was so frustrated by it and he wanted to leave anyway. So he left, uh, he left Google. His name is Michaela Catasta, a researcher who was on the Palm team. And, um, I was like, you know, we're going to train this model.
Why didn't you, uh, at least part time kind of join us to, to train this model. Um, and, and he was like, yeah, let's, uh, let's do something great. And I was like, look, we're, we're going to be constrained by capital by talent. And so we have to work within these parameters. Um, and so we decided to train a super small model. At the time, Lama had just come out and, uh, in the research paper, they're talk about how you can train a model, train a small model a lot longer, get the same performance as a much bigger model. So it's a lot more cost efficient.
Um, and we trained this three billion parameter model. It was the first three billion parameter model that was state of the art encoding and open source coding. It did better than all the other open source models. It actually did better than Palm when coding. Uh, and, um, and, uh, and yeah, that was another kind of big moment in, uh, in the AI community. And then at a time, a ghost writer was finding a product that we're proud of and we could sell and, uh, and we put it on the market. And that's commercially started being a business. 2023 was very early 23. Yes, very early 23.
I mean, around, around the, you know, the time on Chagipati was, was going to go viral. Yeah. And then in the last few months, you've had a huge moment at the company right that feels at least from the outside as, um, you know, like a real hit, uh, that you've had, which is your new product, new ish, but I guess it's still very new, uh, called replete agent. Uh, so maybe walk us through that story. I read somewhere that you had, uh, uh, you know, to the PG thing, a little bit of, uh, founder mode moment when, uh, you decided, okay, this is the time when a lot of the thing that you've been thinking about all along, uh, become possible.
So what, what happened then? Yeah. So when we, um, uh, after, after released a, uh, a ghost writer and we got a lot of, uh, excitement, we did this, like really big deal with, with Google, uh, on the cloud and AI side and raised a really big round. Uh, and I was like, okay, you know, it's time to mature as a company. I'm going to like go hire all these executives and we're going to, you know, grow the business and, and we're going to go into enterprise and we're going to obviously get to do all the things you you're supposed to do. You're supposed to do, I guess, paper. I did all of that.
At the same time, I sort of like neglected the product a little bit. Um, and also the culture a little bit at the time up until that point for the past six years, that at the time I was interviewing everyone. And when I would like, I want to put my big boy hat on, I was like, okay, I'm going to delegate all of these things. Um, and I'm going to just like be more higher level and, um, add more structure management and things like that. And we, we were suddenly behind, uh, you know, at the time, like the auto complete stop being the state of the art, have people, um, use AI for coding, cursor, it just come out. And, and there were a lot of other explorations around agents and, and, and different things like that.
And we had a lot of these explorations already on, but we, we started like lagging behind a little bit because we were optimizing. And this is a lesson, uh, I like to talk to right now, we were optimizing for the current generation of, of models. We're, we're building like, you know, ghost writer V two, right? As opposed to like figuring out what's next. And we'll get back to that in a second. And so, uh, so we were like, we started 2024. We're like 130 people burning, uh, a ton of money. Um, the commercial aspect kind of lagged behind how much we were burning and how big the team was.
Um, a lot of the engineers were really miserable, even the early engineers, people started leaving because it just felt started to feel bureaucratic. And you know this, like a lot of companies go through this. Um, and, uh, and also we weren't also defining our, uh, customer set, uh, clearly. Um, you know, Reploed was always about democratizing programming. Our mission was always like, um, our first mission was, uh, making programming more accessible. And then we kind of updated it to make it a little more ambitious, which is, um, uh, empowering a billion software creators. Um, but people at the company were confused because, oh, are we building for developers or building for no code people? Are we building for?
And so, you know, I, I felt we needed a radical change and I felt we need to bring the burn down and I felt that we needed a reset. And I felt we needed to innovate again and we need to build the AI product that wasn't possible today. And the thought experiment, uh, I, I went through was like, um, let's build the things such that the next generation models will make possible, which actually turns out to be a really hard thing. Like how do you, how do you project forward? What is the capability of these models? And, um, and, uh, you know, when are they going to land? And there's, there's so much risk to that. Yeah. Cause you had a TED talk in 2023 where you said, uh, that some of the stuff that you're actually doing today was possibly not going to be possible for a decade. Right. Is that, is that right?
I said, I said, uh, so I give this big talk about how, um, uh, programming agents are going to, uh, change the, uh, the industry and make it so that anyone, um, even people with no technical skills would be able to build software by just commanding these agents, uh, and put up, uh, like a very ambitious vision, uh, for, for replant and for the world to see. And I felt like, oh, maybe we'll get there by the end of the decade. Um, and, uh, and early 2024 when I felt like, um, when I did, when we kind of went to defounder mode, laid off, you know, half the team, uh, leaned up the executive team and, uh, the management structure and brought us back to kind of like a, a small team with a very intense focus on one thing.
And that, that one thing was like, let's, let's, let's build some version of agent. Um, and so we created this thing called the agent task force. Uh, and that was basically the only thing we were doing at the company. And, uh, that was like March or April, 2024. And we, we got something done really quickly and it was starting to work, but it was very clumsy. And then the big unlock was June, July, 2024. Once on it, 3.5 came out. And throbbing and throbbing son at 3.5. And that was basically the bad. It was like, we're going to build something that's not going to work today, but at some point, some model will come out a little more. And that's exactly what happened. And then he did very quickly.
Yeah. Yes. You know, the, the product was barely usable with four. Oh, it was like very buggy. It was like very random. They could like produce something. It was very slow. It would take, um, like $100 to make it like a to do app or something like that. Uh, and if you, if you like watched some other videos, like Devin was, like, for example, working on, they had all these problems as well. Yeah. It's very slow, very expensive. So Devin being, uh, another competing, uh, coding agent created by a company called cognition. That's right. That's right. Um, and when, um, Sonic came out, we, uh, we plugged it in and we're like the product immediately got better.
Um, we did also cut scope quite a bit. Uh, so with, with Devin and others, a bunch of them got funded. Um, their idea is like fully automated agents. So you can put it in the background and I'll, I'll do its thing with, with us, the kind of intuition that I had is we want to make it so that it's like this. You know, man, machine symbiosis. Um, and that's something I actually wrote about in, uh, back in 2017. Um, we, we didn't think we were at a place in the technology was not our place to create fully autonomous systems.
So let's build this like human in the loop system where the agent goes and like could do 10 iteration or 20 iterations, but we'll come back to the user and say, um, was what I built, uh, what you expect. Can you test it for me? cause agents are very good, very bad now at having eyes and, and being able to test something. And that was another kind of piece of product innovation that we did. So we got to September, we launched it in early access. And at the time, there was no other programming agent on the market. So it was really the first and, um, and to capture everyone's imagination.
Uh, and, and the video of the launch went viral. We were, we thought we'd get like some users to test it and, and we got a ton of users, which was good and bad. It wasn't ready. And so that there's always this, um, you know, you want to set expectations correctly. And I think, uh, we quickly made it a lot better. Like right now, um, right now it's like, I would say like five X better than what, uh, what we launched. And in September, and I feel like it's going to get 10 X better even this year. With those, you also have five X revenue, right? Yes. More. Well, now it's more, I was more than six or seven X, uh, this been a big year. So like you're reset and, and, and all of things.
And, uh, just to, to bring it home for anyone that may not follow the sort of coding, um, AI for coding space. So there's the, uh, the, the co-pilot model, which is what we talked about with GitHub and I guess ghost writer, which is the AI helps you, I could assist you as you, as you code. And then there's the agent model, which like in its purest form is, uh, an autonomous agent that does the whole thing for you. I would say there's something also between the, the assisted and the autonomous. Um, and that's like the cursor model, which is it's not like, you know, a type ahead kind of like co-pilot.
But it's not fully, it's not like an agent. It is somewhere in between where you can generate entire files. Right. And that's the thing that made them very successful. So the, the magic of Ripley, the agent, um, is that, um, you can prompt it, right? So you, you, you basically say, build this app or even I saw you can even give it a screenshot of what, and the app of your dreams looks like. And you say, do this. That's exactly right. yeah. We wanted so that, um, you're gonna have to be a programmer.
Um, I think you still need to be technically savvy, which is, I think the kind of people we're getting is Silicon Valley professionals and, um, it largely sort of finance and kind of these kind of industries, although we're starting to break out into, um, into more sort of traditional industries that are able to, to use agent, but our, um, our vision. And again, it's like, I think we're going to be able to get to at some point, like a billion users and the kind of mental model that I have, you know, a fix cell has like a billion users. Anyone who's able to use Excel should be able to use agents. Mm hmm.
You're interesting. So yeah, you write a prompt. It, um, it quickly goes into generating almost like a full application for you. uh, it'll provision a database. It'll do whatever it needs, like a program we would need, it'll create a developing environment. We'll bring in the libraries. That's a big thing that that's everything that you had built at Replitt up until now. Right. So, so versus, uh, so it's not just a magical cloud ID. It's, it's, it's quite literally is going to build a live, fully functioning application for you without you as a software creator needing to know anything about databases or cloud. Or any of that stuff.
And I think it's all to say, we're like, we're the only, uh, company that that's done that, which is like the full stack experience from the code to the databases to the, to the cloud deployment. Amazing. And so did you rip and replace everything that you had done with, uh, code gen and your own model, we saw it 3.5. We actually, um, stopped caring and perhaps removed a lot of features of people going to the ID and coding. It's still possible. But our view in the way we track our metrics now is that when you go into the editor and code, it's almost like the Tesla disengage. Right. Like, so what is the main metric that Tesla tracks miles between disengagements? Right? And like the V13, I don't know if you saw the chart, but it goes, you know, it's like, you know, 10 X, V12 in terms of like how many miles to go between. And that's my experience to a Tesla now. Like a go to work without disengaging ones.
So when you disengage, they consider it a bug and they're like, you know, give us feedback. So that's how we're thinking about it. So all the stuff that we built around coding AI, I don't think it matters. What really matters is being able to chat with an agent and get an application at the other end. And again, you have this concept of, um, it's that call a control panel or whatever, but like you see the code being written and perhaps in the YouTube video, we can show a screenshot of that. Yes. Um, but so you're able, uh, that's how you achieve your goal of being, um, a product that can be used by non-technical software creators, but also technical users.
The technical users can get into the code and if it's stuck, sort of has, right? Yes. And, and, um, the multiplier nature of RAPlet, what we're seeing is, um, uh, you know, you can bring in an engineer into the project so you can invite an engineer. Uh, and you have a bounty system that you never needed to do that. Yes. Uh, so let's say you're a solo entrepreneur and you're trying to build an application and you get, you get 80% done, but then you get stuck on this one problem. What do you do? Um, you could potentially get like, go to Op-Worke with some of these places, but they may not know RAPlet and they might like confuse you even further. So we built like the small community where you can hire someone from the RAPlet community to get your application to the, they were asked the finish line.
So what, what does this stack look like around? Uh, Sun at 3.5 is there, uh, you know, how do you think about, uh, fine tuning, uh, prompt engineering, rag, uh, like any of those now AI engineering kind of, um, uh, you know, Lego blocks. Where do they fit in? Yeah. So, uh, at the bottom layer is the RAPlet container. And there's a process that we call Pidwan, which is like the first process in the container that orchestrates, uh, all these things. It, um, it has services such as like install this package. Um, uh, write this file, read this file, uh, but also has services where it is like watching the file system and then every edit is updating a vector DB, uh, there. So rag built into that.
And so this, this like fully, uh, encapsulated system that it kind of looks like an operating system. So, uh, you know, uh, you know, manages the entire system and exposes this very clean interface to the agent. Where it can, uh, we expose all these tools. We can install a package, read a file, delete a file, write a file. Um, you know, a provision of database, do all these things that a human using the RAPlet editor and IDE could use. Um, and then in terms of the architecture of the, um, of the agents, um, it's a multi-agent system. So when you're talking to the agent in what we call the lobby, it was like when you're starting to the agents hash on.
Um, it is like mostly a conversational agent that is like building a plane, uh, plan for you. Uh, it doesn't have a lot of tools, only tools around, um, um, around a retrieval. Um, and so that builds a plan for you. And then when you start with a plan, it goes into, uh, sort of a prototyping agent, uh, as it were, where we're like, uh, this agent is like responsible for like generating the initial application. Uh, it tries to, it tries to kind of be as complete as possible, but it tries to kind of, you know, reduce the ambition of, and this cope of the program because, you know, people put PRDs that are like really big.
And so we're trying to get the first thing done. Uh, and then it kicks it off to like the project management agent. And so that becomes the primary agent where you're conversing with. And that agent is the agent that has the memories, uh, has the connection with the user. And then it is the, um, router agent. It will kick off other agents, right? So you're, you're, um, you're, um, you're, um, you give it a new task. You know, add this feature. It will kind of provision editor agent. So the editor agent gets some context, gets the files, you know, the rag, the files. And goes into its own iteration loop where it's like writing the files and trying to edit a file.
By the way, editing files with models is actually quite a tough problem. Turns out they don't know how to generate diffs. They don't work with line numbers very easily. So you have, you need a quite a complicated system for edits to work. So when the editor finishes, it kind of goes back to the project manager, gives it a summary of what it was able to do and that gets committed to memory. And the project manager kicks off a bunch of processes to restart the application and, um, and get all the way to presenting the application to the user. Now along this way, it might run into an error, right?
We resource the application, runs into compiler. The editor maybe ran into a syntax error or runs into a runtime error or runs into database error. So now you need to kick off to some debugging loop to be able to debug that and the debugging loop might come back and go back to the editor. And so this is where the autonomy is happening, right? It is, it is going through these different states in order to get to the application to the sort of final state to be able to present to the user. So it's very much a family of agents. It's a multi agent system. Yes. Yes. And that way you can encapsulate every agent and this clean interface because the contacts get pretty messy if you're like doing everything in, in, in one place.
And what we found is, you know, all these LMS are getting marketed as, um, very long contacts models. What we found is reasoning over long contacts. Actually, not very good. It's like not good at all. Like, once you cross 32,000, uh, tokens, the performance of reasoning, you know, just goes down a hell like very, very quickly. So chunking the problem into smaller bits, uh, helps with that. And, uh, being able to audit the memory and being able to, yeah, like, um, making sure not everything goes into the memory. Like when you, when you have a sub agent going and doing its thing and not everything comes back and pollutes your memory and contacts and kind of really having this isolation.
And how do you think in the general context about, um, evaluation, uh, so, you know, for hallucination and all the things, but I can, in general, like evaluation is like the big problem of those, um, of one of the big problem of AI engineering. So what does that fit there? So software agents, um, there's a, there's this benchmark called, uh, sweet bench. So software engineering, uh, bench. Uh, and that's what everyone's competing on.
We don't really compete on that. And the reason is because we are building for a different audience. The people who are building sweet bench, um, are building agents that go from, uh, issue or a ZR ticket to a per request. What we go from is a high level product description to an app. And that's like a fundamentally different problem. And so the, uh, the tough thing for us is that there isn't academic benchmarks, which gives you a head start, right? So we've had to build our own benchmarks.
And, you know, as you get users, you get more data and you're, you're able to get some of that data and create benchmarks from it. And, and that's like a quite a tough problem. So we have our own internal emails and benchmarks. I heard you somewhere talk about, um, ACI versus HCI. Um, can you go into that? That was, uh, basically what you learn about interacting with machines versus, uh, humans.
Yeah. So, uh, when we were building, uh, the rapid environment for humans, um, you, you're like, okay, this is the editor. This is where you go and type code. This is the UI for the editor. There's the line numbers and this is where you see. There's the console. This is where you run the code and here's the UI for the, for the terminal and everything. Here's the files and here's the UI. Here's how the files work and and then you want to deploy or you want to add a database. Here's how you do it. Here's how you provision the database. Here's the UI for it. Here's the interaction, right?
Um, when you start building, uh, something like the agents, your expectation is like, okay, I'll just present all these things as APIs and I'll just work. What you find pretty quickly is that if you just do that kind of verbatim, you have, you don't have the best performance and there was a paper, uh, I think from like Open Dev in or some of the people that are working on agents in open source, we're introduced the terms ACI. So the term HCI is human computer interaction. ACI is like agent or AI computer interaction.
And the main observation from that paper is that actually you need to create tools that has like that almost has a UI but a UI built for language models. So the interesting philosophical thing here is that language models are actually kind of human imitation machines because the train on the train on all our crap on the internet. So they become this like, you know, you know, it's like very much like us and they say they understand, um, their view of the world is like closer to us than to like, uh, you know, pure program.
And um, so you're in that paper, for example, they say like, um, it's better to give the, um, instead of giving it the entire file, the editor, it's better to give it a view of the file and have it navigated to page up and page down. So you're actually building an editor for the agent. And this is, this goes across, um, the entire stack, for example, we give it eyes, right? We give it a screenshot tool. So again, go screenshot the, you know, the browser and see what's going on in the application.
Um, and the kind of feedback, you know, as it's editing the code, it gets like compile errors and things like that. And so, uh, now we spend a lot of time crafting these tools for the AI, which is kind of like a weird surreal thing to think about. What, uh, doesn't work yet? The main problem is, is reasoning. And the reason why I sort of predicted that is going to take a while to get reasoned correctly. And I think I was kind of, it happened faster, but like, I still think the reasoning is like not there. Um, obviously like all one and these test them compute, uh, models might change things.
嗯,当我们在编辑代码时,AI 会得到各种反馈,比如编译错误之类的。因此,我们花了很多时间来为 AI 打造这些工具,这种想法有点奇怪和不真实。目前还存在的主要问题是推理能力。我曾经预测,推理能力的提升需要一些时间。我觉得它发展的速度比我预想的快,但推理能力还是不到位。显然,像所有的一体化测试和计算模型可能会改变这一点。
Um, but, uh, uh, sort of what, what models are still are today is they're like, they're sort of a completion engines, right? That's, that's how LMs are trained, the sort of order aggressive models where they try to predict the next token. They're still next to open prediction machines. Um, reasoning is, is, is different. Uh, next token prediction is more like intuition. It's more like, oh, I know what you're going to say next, right? Whereas reasoning is more like, um, it is more like, you know, this happened and potentially this caused this and, and, well, here's a conjecture. There's a hypothesis and let me, let me think about that. Oh, but you know, I'm wrong. Let me backtrack and, you know, think about a different hypothesis. And so it is like qualitative, very different than, uh, you know, intuition and you know, in the sort of literature, it's called system one versus system two, you know, the Daniel Kahneman book, the fast and thinking slow.
And so models today think fast. We don't, I mean, you could argue old one is that, but still like, and it's your reason out, like whether they can do whether you can build really good agents with them. We're starting to see results from that, but still kind of early. Inevitable question and to the, you know, point about clickbait, the headlines is, um, where, what does all of this mean for professional software developers? Where if we build agents that can empower non-technical people to build fully functioning apps, what is the future for software developers? I think the best way to think about it is to think about other industries where that happened.
Um, you know, right now it's very easy to take an amazing photo with an iPhone. Right. Um, and that a lot of like, you know, I mean, Apple did this whole campaign around, you know, to get rid of an iPhone. There are a lot of people that are just like making really great content with just, uh, iPhones. Um, professional photographers like didn't die. Maybe the population is not growing as fast, but they exist and they have their own equipment. And, um, it tends to be better. I don't know if the sort of the market size of professional photographers have like shrunk. Uh, but it's kind of probably state constant.
Um, and I think that's probably what's going to happen to software engineering. The growth that we've seen in computer science, um, over the past 10 years, I think we'll slow down. Uh, as the, um, need for them, uh, as well as them because companies will be more efficient. Suck was unrogan recently and he talks in 2025. We're going to have a mid-level software engineer equivalent of a coding agent that's going to be able to commit in code. I think it's a little overstated, but, um, I don't think he's, he's wrong.
I think we're on the trajectory where you can do a lot of. Sort of junior to mid-level engineering tasks, uh, automatically and that's like refactoring, testing, I think initially. Uh, but pretty soon, just like some basic features and moving UI around and things like that. So the need for software engineering will. Will, will go down. Um, and as, uh, as, you know, non-professional software engineers are able to build their own software, um, I think that. The, uh, demand for the, you know, plethora of SaaS that we have today will also go down and that will reduce because you'll be able to generate software on the fly that like really fits your use case and, um, I don't think SaaS is going away anytime soon because there's all these ways in which, um, companies can can support enterprises.
Um, that's like quite important to security and all that stuff, but there are a lot of long tail SaaS that I think will just go away and people will be able to generate the software that will reduce demand on, on for software engineering. Uh, so I, I think, um, I think, I think the population of software engineering will probably be constant and not grow all that much. So to unpack a couple of the things, so the, the, the future of software developers and then the, the future of the SaaS and software industry. Uh, so on the developer front, um, so there's a couple of, a couple of things. Uh, one is the often asked sort of obvious question of, um, you know, if you, if you remove the stage where you're a junior and then a mid level that does, you know, very basic tasks.
Uh, how do you become senior and what does it become? What does it mean to be a senior software developer when you never were a junior? That's the question. Well, I mean, you can generalize it. How do you become an account executive if there's no AI SDRs? Yeah. And it feels like there's not going to be any. Hundreds. Yeah. Right. Yeah. I think it's just a general question about, uh, entry, entry jobs. I don't have an answer. Yep. What do you think? No, fascinating, uh, fascinating future. Uh, yeah. I mean, I think as, as much as we're creating an alien form of software, I think we're creating and we're going to create an alien form of what it means to be a professional, right? And then, you know, uh, we'll have hopefully superpowers that we can't imagine just yet.
Well, you can imagine something like that or, you know, uh, what you hear often as well is, uh, which is what I think as well, uh, that, uh, intuition, salesmanship ability to network, create contacts, uh, will matter as much as technical skills. Well, you could also imagine, um, sort of, uh, AI's teaching humans. Um, like, I feel like, you know, education sucks, right? It's something to education sucks. But it, you know, it is one of those applications of AI that hasn't been fully explored. Um, I think using AI to teach those junior programmers and accelerate them to become a senior pretty quickly is a possibility.
Assuming that any run of the meal, uh, programmer with replant, with coding agents can create amazing applications, then what's the next bottleneck? Is it? Creativity is that what is it? Well, I think if you think about it as a sort of a, as a, like a factory line or a pipeline, um, you know, uh, the bottleneck has always been sort of like the, uh, the making of the thing, right? So you have an idea, um, and, uh, you need to make, make the thing, uh, and then you need to sort of sell it and distribute it. And we have all these ways where sales and distribution has gone easier over time. Like PLG is an example of one, um, adds, you know, things like that.
So there's a lot of innovations and ways in which companies can grow fast today. Um, so the bottleneck is like, oh, how do you, you know, how do you create the thing? And even if you have the capital, it's actually still quite hard to make things, right? And you know that as an investor, sometimes you invest in a company. It's still not working. You could give it as much money as you can. I mean, what is it like all these companies, um, magic leaves and equi, uh, movie or whatever. And like, uh, there's a ton of examples of, uh, companies that sucked up a lot of capital and win nowhere. Um, but you know, uh, if, if in fact, uh, soft recreation gets dramatically easier and better, then I think, uh, the bottleneck will shift somewhere else.
Uh, and my, uh, prediction, uh, is that the bottleneck will become on the idea side of things, which is counterintuitive because the, um, Silicon Valley, um, dogma is like ideas don't matter, only execution. And, and maybe in the future, it'll be more like execution doesn't matter. Only ideas. Um, because, you know, if you think about it, there aren't a lot of great ideas in the world. And a lot of times you should, you know, it takes, um, a lot of times like it takes this novel idea and all these ideas and retrospect seem great. But, um, but, you know, sometimes a thing could have happened 10 years ago. And it just happened today because someone had like a really great idea. And that's true of companies, but even at a sort of personal level, or that's a problem of like broadly horizontal platform, which is okay. All right.
So now tomorrow morning I can know today who's replete, I can build any app. Okay. What is it? What is it that I need? Right. That's almost a problem of a chat GPT when we were first all confronted to it. It's like, okay, you got this box. And like, I think, you know, we two years in and people are still basically just starting to understand the range of things that they can do. It's a skill.
Yes. Right. Like, um, finding problems solve is a skill. Problem solving is a skill, but like finding, like, if you know how to code or if you know how to make things with replete agent, you still need to develop the skill of like, potting problems in the world that you're going to be able to solve.
And by the way, back to the bottleneck. Um, that bottleneck is also true of science. And math and every part of a human invention, um, uh, assume that we have the, uh, you know, labs are fully automated and we have robotics and, um, and so what becomes the bottleneck to running experiments, ideas? Mm. Um, you know, I assume we have this like amazing, uh, theta improvers and things like that. And then you can try things really fast.
Um, and then what is the bottleneck to coming up with new mathematical insights? It's going to be new things to try and ideas to try. It brings up the question of like, um, how do you, how do you teach the next generation of people? How do you teach your kids, um, to become more creative and I'm not sure how you do that.
And then going, going back to the point you were making about, um, software. So indeed, um, this, this idea that all of this could be profoundly disrupting, uh, to the, uh, I guess what, what has been known as a SaaS industry, uh, and software in general. And, um, you know, just like a couple of tweets, um, I saw like as I was, you know, prepping for this.
So that's the one from PG precisely that, uh, uh, went, uh, very, uh, viral where he said, I talked to the CEO of a moderately big tech company who said that replaced Figma with Replit. This surprised me because I don't even think of them as being in the same business. But he said Replit is so good at generating apps that they, uh, just, uh, go straight to Port-O-T-A-P now. So that was, that was one thing.
And then, um, another, uh, tweet from, uh, Chris Branridge who said that, um, he had just built a type form clone in 20 minutes for $3.50 using Replit AI agent. Uh, so just a couple of examples, but, um, I can indeed, uh, you know, if you can build any software and what does that mean for entrepreneurship? What does that mean for venture investment? Uh, does any company have any, uh, mode at least from a technical standpoint? Uh, and then, you know, is that a good thing? Is that a bad thing? It's, it's so huge as a concept that it's hard to wrap your mind around it.
I feel like venture, uh, capitalists are already intuiting that the, um, sort of golden age of offsasses on its way out. And, uh, you can look at the, uh, sort of the American dynamism trend, uh, like trend to going to the world of atoms away from bits. Uh, you have the, you know, after Andrew, like defenses is a big thing that all these VCs are getting into, uh, government in general, obviously like AI, AI chips. Um, and, uh, sort of what we used to call heart tech is, is becoming trendy. Yeah.
And maybe it becomes the majority of venture capitalist, uh, venture capital investment, as opposed to the, to the other way around. Mm. Um, uh, I think there are still like network effect businesses and software that are quite defensible, like even if you generate Facebook, you know, you're going to have to get a billion users, right? And so, um, you know, consumer, social, um, those were probably become more, more important as categories for, for VCs.
Um, and perhaps there's, there's probably going to be a consolidation of, of, uh, venture capitalists, especially there's like a bit of a squeeze where like the, uh, you know, um, do a lot of the early stage rounds are like, there's like a lot of angels and solo, solo capitalists that are able to do those. And, and the later stage rounds, they're like so expensive and, and capital intensive that like only a few could do.
And in terms of entrepreneurship, the other thing that brought up, I actually think it's going to be net positive for entrepreneurship. The way we use the way we define entrepreneurship today in Silicon Valley is like you build a venture scale business. The way kind of America defined entrepreneurship pre-s Silicon Valley is like anyone be able to build a business.
Um, if you look at the, uh, number of firm creation, uh, it's like been trending down. So this is like whatever 1960s or 70s, which is kind of crazy because like everyone's talking about startups today, but like new firm creation has been trending down. And actually there was like an uptick with COVID. I don't know if it stayed, but COVID, um, got a lot of people to, you know, quit the jobs and start online businesses.
So I think the form of entrepreneurship will come back as the sort of more small business entrepreneurship. Okay. So maybe too close, uh, as I was, uh, you know, researching this and even before, I was, I, you know, saw you online on all the things, one of the things that I've found fascinating about you as a, as a founder, um, is that there is a whole side of you that's deeply thoughtful about topics, uh, philosophy and politics and, you know, all those, uh, all the things.
So, uh, maybe for the last few minutes or this kind of thing, I wanted to get into some of this, um, and to start with your described, uh, to, to me and also online as a techno optimist, which is like part of that, uh, you know, uh, I guess movement into like in value. Like is that, is that fair? Is that how you, uh, think about yourself? yeah. So, um, so, so I think that, uh, this is actually, um, there's actually two ways to view the world. Uh, you, you're either, uh, a primitivist or a techno optimist because I guess they're European style of like, you know, we're done, we're just gonna, just get a distribute the wealth and, and, uh, regulate, uh, regulate.
I don't think it works at all because capitalism is based on growth. And when you don't have growth, you actually have decline. Um, and so you can say we're actually gonna, gonna go back, uh, you know, and, and, you know, and like actually technology is bad and deep growth is actually, I think, a more coherent view than, uh, than we're done. Uh, and so you're either deep growth or for growth. There's nothing in the middle. And I think for growth is it has its downsides. Like everything that we talked about, it's scary because you just don't know what to teach your children.
And you're just like, things are gonna rapidly change. But I, you know, I'm much more optimistic about that and about the future of humanity than, uh, than a world where we sort of go back to a more primitive. You are a self-described civilizationist. Yes. Not even truck and pronounce the word. Uh, what, what is, what is that and why is it, um, important to you?
Yeah, I've always kind of struggled to kind of describe my, my world viewer outlook. And the, I think the best way I could, I could think about it is like, um, I'm like, in awe of civilization. And I feel like if you restart the world, um, you know, hundred times, perhaps, uh, only the minority of time will get to the level of civilization that we're in. Um, you know, it's, it's quite hard, uh, you know, to go from a single cell organisms to, to, to, to, to multiple cell organisms. And it's quite hard to get to more complex. And there's all these ways in which, uh, evolution could have stopped.
But I do think no one talks about how, you know, you could have, you know, a human civilization could have stopped at, um, sort of the stone age or the agricultural age. There's no reason for it to actually continue developing further. Um, which he did for centuries. Yeah. And I think, uh, we take that for granted. And I think this is the sort of the de-growth versus growth mindset. Um, COVID showed how fragile civilization is. In some sense, you know, civilization is, is, is very robust.
But, uh, but, you know, um, you had the, the, the disruption and the, and the, and shipping and, and that caused all sorts of like downstream effects. And, um, and there were like a few instances where I just like felt like, oh, like actually like, you know, you could easily disrupt the global supply of food and like, people will die. Right. Or, or like just the fact that there's like a virus going around and like spread super fast and, and any governments are dysfunctional. They're not how to deal with it.
And they either become super draconian and, or they, they're kind of, you know, just like, put their hands up and we're like, we're not going to deal with it. And, um, and, and, and, and there was like this massive distrust and governments and institutions and, um, and I think going through that phase, I just felt like, um, the thing I, I value the most and the, the thing that, um, I think we should be, um, we should, uh, protect and, um, and this also gets the techno optimist to continue to develop as human civilization.
And to the government dysfunction and, and, and all the things seem to be, um, very energized by the new administration and that, uh, the next reason what, what is the, what is your hope? What, what, um, what does success look like for this new administration? So if you look at the Biden administration and you, if you look at what happened to the world, just look at geopolitics, um, uh, you have the Ukraine-Russia war, which, you know, I know people are very sensitive about this, but I do believe that, you know, we, we bear some responsibility to, to kind of exaggerate in this issue and make it, and like we made sure that there wasn't, um, any resolution to it and, and, and, and there was such a, um, motivation to kind of keep it going.
Our relationship with China got, got a lot worse. It's kind of surprising because like Trump, uh, sort of started that, um, and, but Biden like really took it to the next level and, uh, and there were moments where they could have gone on the, on the right track and there's like small things where, you know, President Xi visited us and Biden same day kind of insulted him and, um, uh, and the situation in the Middle East, I think could have been resolved if Biden was stronger and put some pressure on, on both parties to kind of resolve the situation. And America actually has a lot of power to be able to do that. But, um, but the Biden administration was a combination of both being, um, weak and, um, and so it was just like not having a vision for the world that's, that's coherent.
Um, obviously Trump, there's all these downside to him, but I think I do think that he's a, uh, powerful force in, in G of politics because, um, I think he's both a deal maker and, uh, projects American strength, uh, such that, um, uh, a hostage and ceasefire deal was done even before he took office exactly what he said. And, and I think, you know, he remains to be seen. There's so many ways it could go wrong. And from a, from a tech and sort of Silicon Valley, uh, perspective what, um, uh, what do you think is important? Yeah.
Um, uh, I think, I think, you know, without a stable world, there's no tech. And I think, uh, if you want techno optimism, you have to really care about geopolitics. You have to care about a stable world because, because, you know, um, it's, it's all connected, you know, that's the world that we built. It is a global world. It is globalists, right? So you can't return to this idea of like, oh, you know, I'm a big fan of reindustrializing the US, but like the dependence on China is, is a reality. And, um, and there's no reason for them to be really an adversary.
Um, and, and so in terms of like, uh, the Trump's, uh, kind of view on AI, um, I think, uh, you know, just, you know, they're ready, they're ready to hammer to the regulate to regulations with executive orders. Um, I think the Biden administration was heavily influenced by the sort of effective altruism movement. And they, you know, spent a lot of money lobbying and everything. And, um, they were really trying to pause or slow down AI development that resulted in the executive order. And I think a lot of other things that the Biden administration was excited about doing.
And, uh, you know, now we have projects to our gate. 500 dollars recording this, uh, the day after the announcement, yeah, 500 billion, uh, uh, announcement. Yes. Yeah. And, um, and, you know, uh, it seems like Trump played a big role in that and in attracting investments and, um, and I think it sounds like, uh, you know, there's going to be a lot of, um, energy around space and getting to Mars. And I think that'll also help with industrialization and it'll help with, um, with the U S becoming like competitive again with, with the kind of what Elon talks about all the time, which is you need to be able to look at the future and be excited about it. Um, and, um, and yeah, those were the, the primary things.
I think that, um, I think just generally, the mood in Silicon Valley is also better. Um, I think we got to a point where, um, it got very focused on identity politics. And I think that's something also, you know, the Democrats, really pushed and excelled at. Um, and you see, Zuck, you know, uh, sort of bringing fast Facebook back or meta back to the hacker culture, uh, and, uh, and reversing a lot of this sort of, identity based hiring and identity based, um, uh, sort of, uh, uh, promotions and, and all that stuff. Uh, and he went on a road gun and he said, uh, you know, we need more masculine.
And that company, uh, which was a amazing meme fodder. Yes. Uh, but you could tell that, you know, you know, I came to Silicon Valley so we could like, you know, yell and sell computers, right? And, and so just like, like bringing back the hard charging energy of Silicon Valley. And that doesn't mean like we want to alienate anyone in fact, you know, uh, I think it's gonna still be, uh, still attract the best talent from, from all over the world. But, um, but it needs to be energetic and it needs to be exciting. And, and, and the, uh, side effect of this administration is actually making it possible for, for, for, for entrepreneurs to, to be, to be in founder mode. It feels like a wonderful place to live it. Yeah. I'm glad. Thank you so much.
This was terrific. Of course. My pleasure. Thank you. Hi, it's Matt Turk, again. Thanks for listening to this episode of the mad podcast. If you enjoyed it, we'd be very grateful if you would consider subscribing if you haven't already or leaving a positive review or comment on whichever platform you're watching this or listening to this episode from this really helps us build a podcast and get great guests. Thanks and see you at the next episode.