The TikTok Car Dealer: Livestreaming Negotiations to 1,000s
发布时间 2024-06-27 09:00:34 来源
Welcome to the Car Dealership Guy Podcast. In this episode, I'm speaking with George Saliba, Dealer Principal at J&S Mitsubishi ...
When Elon first dropped those prices, I thought I was done. I honestly thought the ED markets over from them. No one's taking pictures of the software screen. Like they're just sitting there. And you don't know what kind of Tesla it is if you don't look at that screen. Tels you long range plus, miles, then everything. In two months, we gained 220,000 followers on TikTok. ["TikTok"] George Saliba on the CDG podcast. We finally made it. Oh, I'm so excited. What's up, dude? Awesome. I'm excited, man. Been a big fan for a while. And dude, the first in-person. Technically second, I did one with Alex Vedder from Cars Commerce. Set up wasn't as good as this, but we're upgrading. We're evolving. Right place, right time. So good to have you on, man. Yeah, thanks. I'll have you be here.
当埃隆(马斯克)第一次降价时,我以为我完蛋了。我真的以为电动汽车市场从此被他们占领了。没有人去拍照软件界面。他们就坐在那里。如果你不看那个屏幕,你根本不知道那是一辆什么型号的特斯拉。屏幕上显示长续航、电池里程,所有信息都在上面。两个月内,我们在TikTok上增加了22万粉丝。「TikTok」这是乔治尔·萨利巴在CDG播客上的分享。我们终于成功了。哦,我太兴奋了。怎么样,兄弟?太棒了。真激动,伙计。我也已经是你的大粉丝了。而且这还是第一次面对面采访。严格来说是第二次,上次是和Cars Commerce的Alex Vedder一起录制的,设备没有这次好,但我们在不断升级中,不断进步。对的时间遇上对的人。很高兴你能来。是啊,谢谢。我也很高兴能来。
All right, so I got to start. I was saying, I was like, how do I want to start? Got to start off with the story of how we connected. Yeah. So I got to say, so you DM me. Yeah. And I saw the last name I'm like, so he brought us in. I'm like, what does his name sound familiar? Yeah. I'm like, oh my God. It's that mother that used to bid against me at the auction all the time. And then you're like, wait, that's my uncle. Yeah. Yeah. And that was the weirdest thing, because that's when you were mysterious. Yep. I was anonymous. You were completely anonymous. And you had my attention when Elon Musk retweeted you. So I'm like, who's this guy? So basically, I had to send you a message. I don't even remember what I said. I think I asked you about something anyway. And then you reply back. Hell, you said your uncle. Yeah. Tell your uncle I say hello or something. Yeah. Tell your uncle I say hello. And you said the go. And I was like, what is going on? I was like, this is so weird. I was so creeped out, honestly. I was like, what? And I was asking everyone. I was like, this is the car dealership guy. You know him? He just replied back to me. And like, no, no, no. I was like, I was fan growing basically. Yeah. That's crazy. And then I saw you at NDA. And I was like, I got to go up to him. He said that. He said that thing to me. He said that thing to me on on X. I got to go up to him. Yeah. That's crazy.
The crazy thing is that when you DM me that, you probably weren't even on social. No, I wasn't. I was barely on TikTok or Instagram or anything. Today you have what? Over 500,000 followers? Yeah. Yeah. Across across the board. Yeah. So you made some moves in between. Yeah. Some things happened. It was. So when I saw you at NDA, I had 30,000 followers on TikTok.
And you know, I was with my brother, John. And it was our first time at NDA. So we were excited. And I'm walking around. And people are like, as soon as I walked in, two minutes. And people asked me, think people were going to recognize you there. And I was like, maybe because it's a car convention. And you're like, yeah, basically. It's possible. First two minutes I'm in there. Someone's like, George. And I'm like, what? This is what? Hello. And I was like, what the hell is going on? So in the convention the next days, I was going to recognize like two, three times a day. I had 30,000 followers. And I was like, this is crazy. And I wasn't even going hard at that time. I was just on my own. I was editing everything. I was filming like kind of a maniac. I got made fun of for like carrying my iPhone around and like filming some stuff. And I was just playing with it. You know what I mean?
I had a good advice from someone who was big on TikTok, Vukam. And he was basically like, you know, it was a customer mind. So I asked him, I said, what's this TikTok thing? How should I go about starting? I'm going to try. And he's like, post twice a day. Every day, don't miss a day post anything. He said, just post. So I'm like, I'm on post. And then like, you know, you could think about it. Oh, the editing. I don't know the video. I don't know the call. You know, like I just posted. Like I didn't think about it. You were just documenting your day. I just got the ownership and whatever it was. Like just sold my Tesla stock and bought him a clearance of a 20 S POV. I don't know, like anything. My book, my brother buying cars in the auction, me bidding on cars in the auction, me telling market updates on somebody. So it grew to 30 K.
我从一个在抖音上很有影响力的人,Vukam,那里得到了一个很好的建议。他基本上是这么说的,"你知道,那时候我是他的顾客。" 所以我问他,我说,这个抖音是怎么回事?我该怎么开始?我要试试看。他说,每天发两次,不要错过一天,随便发什么。他说,只管发就行。所以我决定开始发,然后你知道,你可能会想,哦,编辑视频,我不知道怎么做,不知道视频内容该怎么拍。不管那些,我就是直接发。我没有多想,你就是在记录你的一天。我就是接管了这件事,无论是什么。例如,我刚卖掉了我的特斯拉股票,买了一辆麦克拉伦20 S的视角视频。或者说,我的书,我哥哥在拍卖会上买车,我在拍卖会上竞标,或者我告诉别人市场动态。结果它涨到了3万粉丝。
And then I was with friends with someone on TikTok. My camera guy, loved my camera guy. Videographer, everything he does, everything's great. So I used to send him videos and he had me up on TikTok. And he was like, oh, you know, like, I'm looking for an 911. We just became friends. So I told my media guy that I'm looking for my own camera guy and I'm going to like go full time. Cause I had someone doing it for me at that time, at the other ship, we're doing like car review videos. And I was like, I was doing it myself. I was like, look at the panoramic roof and the beautiful leather stitch that gave us stupid. It was like, it was so fun. Before you take us back, cause I want to talk about how you even got started before that business, what happened to your, like what happened to your business, right? You started documenting just what you're doing. Nothing you said, like just nothing scripted, nothing unique. You're just at the dealership. No, I don't have time for that. Indi dealer independent dealership in New Jersey.
And you're just showing what you're doing. And like what just started happening? How did that impact your business? What was the evolution? So I, the first thing that happened was I was documenting a 2023 Tesla Model X plaid. At the time, you know, there was ice fold, I sold it for like 130 or something like that, which is the high peak of the market. I'm documenting, I get a message from someone, Elizabeth, Shadow of Elizabeth. And she's a great customer of mine now. And she said, hey, I'm interested in buying this guy to hire you the money. And know my first lead on TikTok, basically. She found you on TikTok. She found me on TikTok. Yeah. And it was like, sure, you know, here's my cell phone number, Text Me. And I was like, if she's real, she'll text me. So she texted me and she's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, can I send you like a $5,000 wire deposit? And I'm like fraud, you know? I'm like, I FaceTimer. She's like, hey, I'm Elizabeth. I'm like, oh, wow, you're a real person. And she's like, yeah, can you show me the car? Whatever face on the car showed it to her. So okay, done. She sent me payment done. She bought the car. She sent me to her like the next week.
你只是展示你正在做的事情,然后你刚刚开始发生了什么?这对你的业务有何影响?有何演变?那么,首先发生的事情是我正在记录一辆2023款特斯拉Model X Plaid。当时市场很高,我卖了大概130或者类似的价格。在我记录的时候,我收到了一条来自伊丽莎白的信息。现在伊丽莎白小姐是我的一个很棒的客户。她说:“嘿,我有兴趣买这辆车,可以给你转账。”这是我在TikTok上获得的第一个线索。她是在TikTok上找到我的,她联系了我,我说,“好的,这是我的手机号码,给我发短信。”我当时想,如果她是真心的,她会发短信给我。所以她发了短信,然后说,“可以给你转5000美元的定金吗?”我觉得这是欺诈。所以我跟她视频通话,她说,“我是伊丽莎白。”我说,“哇,你是真人。”她说,“是的,可以给我看看车吗?”然后我通过视频展示了车,她说,“好的,成交。”她立刻给我转了钱,买了这辆车。接下来的一周,她把我介绍给了她的朋友。
It was crazy. It was a whole TikTok series. I documented the whole experience. She sent me a trophy in the mail, like your first TikTok sale was hilarious. So now take us back, right? I think just the story of how you got into the business, again, I should say, or you weren't that close to it, but then you launched You sort of had an evolution. Yeah. That's culminated in what you're doing now. Can you give us just a brief overview of how you got to this point? So like, I was working, you know, I worked in New York City for like three years and then I worked as an automotive warranty sales person going dealership to dealership, which was really cool. And I like looking back, like that was awesome. Cause I got to see different dealerships and all that stuff. But anyway, I was doing that. And then my dad was like, you know, go search on and look for Mercedes to buy it. Cause that, what you hear is that, I think it was like 20, 24, 25, 2014 or something like that. And the internet buying was big before that. We didn't know, I think we're late late to the game, but we still kind of were early. And I was buying like 25 Mercedes Benz a month on the website. I was like the number one buyer in the country. Like I got invited to go to the AMG school. Where were you buying them? Where were you buying them? Mbeyond demand, Mercedes Benz on the band from, directly from Mercedes Benz financial. Nowadays that website is the puts, but back then it was hot. So I started doing that and I just started buying. And I was like, I love buying. I never really liked to sit at a desk and sell. Buying was always just more fun to me. My appetite for risk is very high. And like for me to like, yeah, there's crazy swings in buying. Yeah, it's fun. Once you get into it, it's just like, it's a great time. You can do it from anywhere, you can do it from home. Like it's awesome. So going from there, so I left that job.
你是从哪里买的这些车?我是在Mbeyond Demand,梅赛德斯奔驰公司的一个平台,直接从梅赛德斯奔驰金融公司购买的。现在那个网站没落了,但那时候很火。所以我就开始买车,然后就爱上了买车。我从来不喜欢坐在办公室里卖车,买车总是更有趣。我的风险承受能力非常高,买车有很大的波动性,但真的是很有趣。一旦你进入这个领域,就会发现这是个很棒的事。你可以在任何地方做,甚至在家里。真的很棒。所以从那时起,我就离开了那份工作。
When I left that job, the Mitsubishi leadership we had wasn't doing so well, it was losing money. So I just quit and I told my dad, like I'm coming. And it was kind of a weird situation going in there, but I got in there and we turned the store around in like five months, it's like a break even point. And then after that, I was just buying grand cars. The story was losing money. Independent store. Or was it all? It was an all-star. It was an armance of each store, Mitsubishi point. You're Mitsubishi point. So then I got in there, I learned everything. I once in ADA Academy, which is great. 323, shout out, NADA and 323. So, came back, the pandemic happened. And we did, right, we sold like 60 Mitsubishi's a month. Like we're a top, we're like top 50 top hunter in the country. Like it was awesome, you know? Yeah. Anyway, we had a raw success doing that.
Then in January of 2021, I went to one of my best friend's wedding in Massachusetts. And I got COVID and that's when COVID everything, like it was hard to have a wedding, like you know all that kind of stuff. Tell me about it. I got married during COVID. It was like top secret stuff. Yeah, top secret stuff, like no real invitations or anything that was hilarious. So anyway, I get COVID, my wife is like very pregnant. And we're about to like, you know, have her first son. And I wake up, like when I get back home and I'm like, I am sick. Like so I drove her parents' basement, like hung out there. And then I have my laptop with me, you know? Buying cars, looking for inventory, just like, like it's pretty cool to send a basin by herself and not go live. You're like, yeah. I'm like introverted and not. Like that was like a great time for me, but like, anyway, isolation was kind of cool.
So I had a laptop. I'm like, oh, you know, my wife's having our first, you know, first kid and baby. And I want to get a 2020 Tesla Model X performance, you know? And I found on the Oxford 90 miles on it. LA and I just, it's like, bidding, bidding going up. But I'm going home with this. So I just went home with it. I bought it for like $91,000. And got it, you know, did the whole thing with the EVs and like not do the whole thing. But I priced it online. And then the profit we made was like crazy. It was like a $39,000 profit. Okay. So just to stop for a second. It's 2021. Yeah. This is my, going into the EVs right now, 2020. Correct. And you buy this Tesla, right? And you look sure whatever I drive it, but then you sell it, you make a shit load of profit. So like 39k on one car. Yeah. And I'm just going to assume here that at this point, you had this massive light bulb. Yeah, everything was not like, it was crazy. I can turn this into a legit business where I am buying Teslas and selling them. I was like the first one on the East Coast have a Tesla.
所以,我有一台笔记本电脑。我当时想,我妻子要生我们的第一个孩子了。我想买一辆2020款的特斯拉Model X高性能版。我在牛津找到了一个只开了90英里的车。然后我开始竞价,价格不断上涨,但我决定无论如何都要拿下这辆车。最终我以大约91,000美元的价格买了下来。然后我做了一些关于电动车的调查,估了价格。我们最终的利润非常高,赚了大约39,000美元。
There was a guy in the West Coast. I don't know if I want to say his name, but it's plugging something. I forget. Now I'm just drawing a blank. It's terrible. Whatever, plugging something. And I'm like, all right. This guy has some Teslas. What's going on here? It seems like to be the only guy that has Teslas. And I was like, you sold that car quick. I was like, okay, what do you mean dealer? He was the only dealer I saw in the country with like over 60 Tesla's and stopped in 2021. Got it. You're referring to dealers that had like high volume of Tesla's. No one had any Teslas at that time at all. People were afraid to buy them. We tried buying one like four or five months prior to that. And it was not a fun experience. But I figured it out when I got the car, how to market the car, what to take pictures of. Yeah, like what Tesla's like. All right. This time I could tell people it's not even a real secret. You just got to take a picture of the dang hardware screen in the software screen showing, yeah, the software screen. So I had dealers there putting, I was watching like, I was like, no one's taking pictures of the software screen. Like they're just sitting there. And you don't know what kind of Tesla it is. If you don't look at that screen, tells you long range plus miles, then everything. So I can't imagine like these things are going to be auctioned. They're probably being marked wrong as like the long ranges and being performances. And dealers that knew what they were doing were probably making like 25 grand on each car. Before I bought that car, I was like, I was like, there has to be a 20 grand profit or 10 grand minimum on each car prior to 2020. And whoever was buying Tesla before that was making like an insane killing.
So anyway, I bought six Tesla's on the movie the next week. They also, before I know I have 30 Tesla's in stock, 40 Tesla's in stock. I had people coming to the dealership to sell me their Tesla and I've always wanted to start an acquisition business. And my dad would be like, do you really want to get off your desk to go appraise Twitter, crawl over the 200,000 miles. I'm like, no, I don't. So this was cool. Cause I was realizing all these cars are new. What like the 2013 was the first Tesla. So all these cars are new. This is in 2019. So it's easy to buy them. People are coming to me to sell them. And I was like, why are you coming here? And you're the only guy that knows open the door on these things. People don't even know how to open up the door. So I'm like, all right, you know, this is pretty cool. And I was like, let me see if like, is available.
And it was available for like three grand. I was like, click and bought it. And killer domain, by the way. Yeah, thanks. I mean, you could sell it out to them. We have 206 reviews right now on Google. So before you started social media, which I want to transition into, what were you doing? Like what volume, what numbers were you selling of, you know, these Tesla or buying and selling? So our basically for the last year, we've stocked 80 to 100 Teslas. Now we're low, but we stocked 80 to 100 Teslas. And we're selling about 60, 60 tests, 40 to 60 Teslas a month.
So explain this. I just had a dealer on the podcast, massive dealer, very successful. And he told me, he's like, I don't touch Teslas at all. Yeah. Ever. No one, a lot of people don't touch Teslas. What do you, like, what do you think about that? Like what, what are they doing wrong? Or what's a vault on market? That's why people don't touch them. And that's why I'm kind of like over the eating market. You're over the eating market. Yeah, I'm, I love it. Always be in it. I'm in it. I can't get out when the, when the first, when Tesla, when Elon first dropped those prices, I thought I was done. You thought you were done. I was done.
I was like, how much money did you lose that time? Honestly, it's not that much compared to people who had Rolls Royces and G63s. Yeah. But like 220 grand, which over the course of our losses of three months, which is we were, we were in it. So we can, you know, you have, you have to have money to lose. So, so we were in it. So we were able to like buy another Tesla and lower our dollar cost, dollar cost average inventory. So you, what you did was you're saying you bought new ones and then you dollar cost average. I just took, I just took, I took 15 grand, 17 grand losses, like all day. And I was like, let's just get them out of here because I could buy another one and make and we're like big six or seven. Yeah. So it's not a big deal. You just got like ripped the band off and keep moving. And what, what did your dad think about that?
You know, like, like about this entire experience. Oh, I mean, like I, I got it. Like I don't like, and I was like on top of myself. Like if my dad was here, he'd probably tell you, like I'm very proud on how he like just fricking shovel them. You know what I mean? It's like, I was like a cow, like just like, I mean, when those price drops start, I can imagine the butterflies and you're something like, holy shit. I thought I was done. No, like, honestly, thought the EV markets over for me. Really? Yeah. Cause I was, but I was so, I didn't know how in it I was. Like that domain name that that business I was building there was just strong. And people just kept calling me to some of their Tesla. I was like, what's the price? You know, what are we? How were they hearing about you at this point? Was it through already?
So I started paper click. I never did any social media at that time. Um, so I just started paper clicking SEO and then people were referring me on forums online. And then I became known as like the guy that just buys Tesla. So today you generate thousands of leads. I want to say per month from social media. Let's transition into that. Right. I think lots of dealers, I just posted, um, I just posted a study that shows that social media is the fastest growing outlet for shoppers. It's not the biggest, but it's the fastest growing. And there's no doubt, I mean, we're both in the game. We know the power of this, right? I would say I'm much bigger on the dealer B2B side. You're very big on consumer side, um, especially with having people sell you to our cars. I'm, I'm curious to know what got you, what got you into social media. Right? Like, yeah, how did that even work?
So I just started playing around with it. Like my, I had my buddy, Vukam was telling me, yeah, post this post, this post. So when I got back from an ADA, my videographer messaged me. I looked for a job. So I said, come right now. I was ready to go. Cause after an AD, I was like, wow, I'll be recognized me. I just sold this model X. Like I was doing all these things off TikTok. I was making some TikTok deals at the time. So I said, come right now.
所以我刚开始玩这个东西。比如,我有个朋友,Vukam,他跟我说,发这个帖子,发那个帖子。所以我从ADA回来后,我的摄像师给我发消息。我在找工作,所以我说,马上过来。我已经准备好了。因为在ADA之后,我感觉,哇,人们认出我了。我刚卖了辆Model X。我当时在TikTok上做了很多事情,也做了一些TikTok的交易。所以我说,马上过来。
So he showed up and I didn't tell anyone I was hiring this guy. Like I should have looking back on, I should have mentioned it, but he shows up. Everyone's like, what are you doing here? He's like, I'm here to see George. And like, why are you saying George? We didn't, he's like, I'm going to be filming. They're like, that's a little, you know, like, so I didn't really tell anyone that I was doing kind of just happened. Cause I knew it was going to be successful. And, um, you know, then in two months, we gained 220,000 followers on TikTok.
所以他出现了,但我没有告诉任何人我要雇这个人。回头看,我应该提到这件事的,但他就这么出现了。大家都问他,你来这里干什么?他说,我是来找乔治的。他们就问,为什么你要找乔治?我们不知道啊。他说,我要拍摄。他们觉得这有点不对劲。其实我并没有提前告诉任何人这件事,就这么发生了。因为我知道这会成功。然后,两个月内,我们在 TikTok 上增加了22万粉丝。
And we're, we're, I have, you know, I have 30 videos in my drafts right now. Um, but we're doing content like almost every day. It comes in like four times a week. And we kind of just took it full time. You know what I mean? Uh, like if you ever watched like shorts on Instagram or TikTok and you see people like invest in yourself, get a camera guy to record your life. Like this is basically like that situation. You basically went on social media. You didn't do anything differently than what you were at your dealership. You were just documenting. I was just documenting it.
Like I didn't like to do the social media that was like, show this panel roof. And these zine lights. You weren't doing the script itself. I had to stop what I was doing. Yeah. Yeah. You were not going to go, like, I'm actually working here. Like, why do I have to go stop and go do this and then come back to my work and like miss five cars to buy. So like break this down. First of all, what was it like you're not bringing customers in, right? We're like, I was sitting here. You're presenting them some terms or payments and there's a person filming. Yeah.
Do people like care about that? But then like, why are you going to go really cool about it? Now people were cool. I'd be like, Hey, because it's kind of cool. Like if someone says to you, like you're going to go, like you're going to go sell your car and they want to record it. I mean, that's kind of, I think that's kind of easy, you know, but it's only sell your car. Also people that are buying their car buying car too. But these people that we, that we filmed when they're, when people are buying car, we, we just say, Hey, we're, we like like to film the process and we have, we have a good following on social media. Do you want to do it? And, and a lot of people would just say yes, to be honest with you, like, if you took me back around like 12 months and you told me that you would be doing this filming people on a car deal and they like almost wouldn't care, I would be, I would have said no way. It's one of those things to me, which no, because I just don't, I didn't think that people like someone come and make a, you know, a six figure purchase or something.
Like I just didn't think, but I think what you got the car business all about experiences. It is. Everyone's always trying to like make a damn experience or you're doing a right. They read carpet, though, you know, like, come on. So people want to feel like special, I guess, you know, like the people like attention. And that's a good point. And there's, you make them feel very special. It is, it is a, it's cool. And the way the deal ends, they're always happy. What am I going to do? Film it and make someone angry? Yeah. Like, so now tell me about a little bit about the different platforms you're on today.
Okay. Because I'm curious as a dealer, like what platform works best for you, worse for you. Here's the thing, right? We see these, I call them vanity metrics, right? A million followers, three million, five hundred thousand, right? But you know, just as well as I do that, different platforms, right? The follower has a different amount of value. Plus, is it a, is this follower a 15 year old kid or is this a 30 year old with real disposable income, right? There's different quality. So what platforms are you on? So go ahead.
So you don't want to take talk. Everyone was saying like, Oh, like the people are going to be broke or like whatever. You know what I mean? I mean, like low quality, low quality followers or the demographic may not be like super urban, but it's like I'm shocked about how my following base is strong, how strong they are. And like I've had a, they're just the cars you could see I'm buying. Like that speaks for itself. You know what I mean? So the first insight here is just that TikTok actually has followers that are not a 15 year old kids.
Yeah. But like, like, everyone knows that. But like, let's go beyond that though. Like you're buying like real cars. Yeah. You know, real cars, like from real people really, really established, wealthy individuals, business owners and celebrities and stuff like that. And, but I am upset that I never fall through with Instagram when I started. I, I was so like when I started TikTok, I was so focused on TikTok. We had 250,000 followers on TikTok and no followers on Instagram or Facebook or anything like that. But when I started, it's really cool to see what the other people come from, how they come, how they come from other social media platforms, not just TikTok. Yeah.
So that was all. That's a plus. And now I'm going full time on the social media thing, posting to every platform. And, and it's just, it's just free, you know, just free advertising, free marketing and it builds some kind of community. Well, tell me more about like you meant, I see you often you write on social media. Like, Hey, I'm looking to buy a cyber beast, this car, that car is crazy. And you mentioned me prior that, you know, like certain platforms outperform, right? When it comes to that community. So what does really well for you when you're actually, if I'm posting a story, I'm posting it on Instagram. Why?
所以这就是全部的内容。这是一大优点。现在我全职投入到社交媒体上,发帖到每个平台。而且这完全是免费的广告和营销,还能建立一些社区联系。嗯,告诉我更多关于你的情况,比如我经常看到你在社交媒体上写道,“嘿,我想买一辆Cyber Beast,这辆车,那辆车真疯狂。”你之前还提到某些平台在构建社区方面表现更好。那么,实际上哪些平台对你来说效果最好呢?如果我是发故事,我会在Instagram上发。为什么呢?
Uh, I don't, it's just just the reaction you get is better on Instagram because on TikTok, I think it's just how they do their stories. It's like likes and not many people are engaging on the TikTok stories, but a lot of people do DM people DM more on TikTok in my experience, maybe because I just have a big following there. But on Instagram, they've had stories longer, I think.
And people are looking at stories every day, like they're looking through a catalog. Yeah. Or they're looking through like looking to buy a new couch or, you know, new, a new something, new something. So a lot of people, you know, like we're selling things all the time. And it just seems like Instagrams and maybe more transactional type of platform than TikTok, I think. Interesting.
And by the way, I was just telling my wife, I think I spent on Instagram, like $700 in the last week on just clothes. Yeah. And, you know, like I hate shopping and stuff like that, but it's crazy how good, like you mentioned transactional. It's true. I haven't spent a dollar on any other social network, but it's crazy how good the ads are. Um, it's not has nothing to do with organic content. But just the point is like, I'm very comfortable spending money now on Instagram. It's like, Hey, I actually need a bathing suit for a family vacation. Let me just buy it. Yeah.
It makes it super frickin easy now. Yeah. Yeah. The, I know it is scary. Yeah. I mean, that stuff works. Like that's just like, uh, it's just show, it just shows you like how people are transitioning to social media. And I was late to the game for sure, but, yeah, but you've grown from like zero to 500,000 hours in like four months. Yeah. Yeah. It's been a crazy ride.
Like, I know I've had, um, I have, I have, I get the most insane messages sometimes, like positive ones, like how people are telling me like, I've taught them so much or they've learned so much in my sales from from watching me buy a car from actual business. And I haven't really thought about it like that. Um, like I do like a lot of playful things with my customers. Like I have these, um, cash cards for closers. And basically like it tells you an objection on each one.
And that's another thing I'm really into. I love, I love turning it known to a yes. Get in. And I think you told me for like, you love game of finance. Yeah. Yeah. I like making it fun.
Yeah. And you know, so we tell us about these, tell us about these cash cards for closers. So, so they have like an objection on the back, like these, yeah, it's like, it's like 50 cards with the objections on them. And then there's responses to the objection to it. So it's like, I want it. I need to speak with my wife. Yeah. Yeah. Why?
You know, what do you do? She says, no. Yeah. So if I'm a customer and I'm at your dealership and I say, why need to speak to my wife? Are you going to pull out an actual? No, I will. If I have people in my, if I feel my office, I'll make it fun and be like, so what's going on? And then like I'm waiting for the objection. I'm like, pitch me, you know, like, I need to do my way. And you'll take a physical car to be able to think. I need to do it. Is it again?
Oh, I expect my wife. I understand he speaks to your wife. And oftentimes I do too. But what's going on? Like, what do you know if she says no? And, you know, so you're like, you're like breaking the fourth wall. Yeah. You're making it. And they laugh. Yeah. Yeah. It's a lot of fun. So so good. And then when we're like doing live appraisals, I try it. It'll be you can't be on all the time. Like sometimes we do a video and I'm like, that's, that's going to be huge. Or that's, that was an awesome video. But yeah, it's, it all depends on obviously the person you're filming with energy. They bring all that kind of stuff. But yeah, we try to do something interesting in each video. Um, it's crazy how if I do want something wrong, I learn from what I'm doing wrong. I read the comments and I get better. Um, but yeah, it's, you tell me about it. It's, I get crucified on Twitter. Yeah. When I say something wrong, you know, it's funny. I'll tell everyone a little secret here, but I post all my content first on Twitter because the beautiful thing on Twitter is people are not afraid to tell you what they think. So before you put it on every frickin platform, you put on Twitter and you wait like 10 minutes. Within 10 minutes, you already have a bunch of comments and you can see if you missed something. Like sometimes you miss something small and someone calls you and like, Oh, wow. Yeah. Like great point. You edit that and then you put it on all the other platforms. Do that's nuts. Like when I, when I go live sometimes, so I'll go live and buy cars, right? It's like my favorite thing to do. Like I just want to do that. How does that work? Like explain it to us. What do you mean by go live? So I go live on TikTok or I'll stream. I have a streaming, streaming set up in my office. So I can, I'm working on making a really cool setup, but you can stream on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch and TikTok at the same time. So I'll put like one day, this was recent. I just put a number and it says like a call rail number, you know, like 1,800 number two lights on my cell phone. So I was like, it says call here if you want to sell your car. And I had 220 calls in less than an hour. Why are you streaming to your audience? I was streaming to audience on social media. yeah.
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And just to kind of table set here, before you like you did not have any social media experience prior to this, no, no, no, I don't have any social media experience at all. I mean, just doing stuff like, you know, for the dealership, like most sales managers or most, you know, owners will do to advertise the store. Correct. yeah. OK. But a couple questions. yeah. Right. First of all, like, what do you think if someone's listening to this, right? They may be a dealer, an employee to dealership. What do you think from like, if they're like, you know, I want to grow my business, I want to, I want to do what you're doing or some version of what you're doing, right? yeah.
Really specialized in buying cars, maybe selling who knows what it's like the first step you tell, like someone, you know, any dealer in the country. And I listen to this. Just start posting something. Just, I don't know. Just do like depends, you know, like, anyone could do it, you know, it's just like anything else in life. Like, you know, you got to have like 90% energy and maybe a 10% tactics, you know what I mean? so usually I find someone that's going to execute the thing. There's a lot of people doing something like the Nissan dealership in Texas. yeah. With like the karate chop central central use and yeah. yeah. yeah. Like the karate chop and they're flying on mattresses in the showroom. That probably got them so much business. I would like to know why I find out. yeah. That that was great. But I was going to get them a ton of impression. You're right, man. I'm curious how much you translated to actually.
I'm sure. I mean, you'll get to click that link in the bio. yeah. I mean, that's like what, how much would that have costed you? Someone to charge you. yeah. Served by the time. People are spending 80 grand. I'm up in the radio. Yeah. Now, give us like actual numbers, right? Like what was your business before you started really buying from online? What is it now? How are how many cars are you buying online? I'm still in a growing phase because this has really only been going on for three months now. Like I have three months of of statements like looking at these numbers. And obviously it's still too early because, you know, like the average day to sell a bio car after you sell it, it's like 30 days or less and stuff like that.
I mean, I'm trying to run out of high velocity and so this quick as possible. You know, I'm a big into the tools. I'm the auto and Accutrade, but it really, it really has to be more time for me to really say like what's happened, you know what I mean? But it's fun and it's engaging and you're in. We're building like a nice community and people, you know, someone came yesterday from Ohio, they saw the RS7 online and they said, that's the guy on TikTok. Let's go. That's the guy on TikTok. So and that happens often. But give us like rough numbers. Like how do we buy? So we're buying 20 to 30 cars a month on TikTok. And we're probably doing like 10, 10 deals. I don't count the sales. Like I don't have a sheet or anything like that.
Yeah. Probably just it just gets overwhelming because sometimes a lot of people are coming in like on the ticket. So like TikTok, TikTok, TikTok, like, you know, like, you know, so maybe probably over 10 purchases. In terms of actual buying cars, you're saying. So if like 20 to 30 right now and it's growing, so I've been in a bad place, you know, the past couple months, it's just been too many leads and not enough manpower to handle the leads. So this is a great month. Like I'm like so happy this month. I can just go stream. I got like just getting leads to come in. My buyers are buying. I'm buying too. I'm filming some stuff. I'm going on live and I'm buying these cars on live. And it's funny because well, I might have to close the deal.
Customers would be like, George, no, don't do 84. And I'm looking at the numbers because people start commenting. 84 grand. You can do it. Don't go over 84. Don't go 84. And someone's like, it's worth 87 five. And I'm like. Oh, so you don't know when you buy these cars live. yeah. I'm like, I'm like reading the comments. The comments are coming in when I'm going live. Dude, this is crazy because you like, you know, John Clay Wolf, right? Yeah. Yeah, of course I know John Clay Wolf. Yeah. I mean, so this is like, it's so similar to how, you know, he's done for years on buying cars on the radio. I mean, listen, I obviously like it's when you're in the business, you know, you like you had your fans and stuff like that.
顾客们会说:“乔治,别,别出价到84。” 我在看数字,因为人们开始留言:“84千。你可以出这个价。不要超过84。不要出到84。” 然后有人说:“这车值87.5千。” 我就想:“哦,所以你买这些车的时候并不知道最终价格对吧。” 我一边直播一边读评论。这实在是太疯狂了,因为——你知道John Clay Wolf,对吧?当然,我当然知道John Clay Wolf。对啊,这和他多年来在电台上买车的方式非常相似。我是说,显然,当你在这个行业里时,你会有自己的粉丝什么的。
Like, like I'm a fan. Well, I'm John. Yeah, I'm a fan of John fan of Hans head. Like, you know, my dad is someone who's very influential in the business to me. Um, and and like just like how they started, like, what was he spending? Like over a million dollars a year on advertising to grow, give me the Like. So basically right now is I'm going, it's my, my next, my next like endeavor is to grow this into like a monster, basically. Like, you know, so you want to grow the wholesaling, or sorry, you want to grow this. You can say wholesale. You want to go to retail, everything, you know, that's your vision. It's to could just buy more of these cars and you're using social media as a, as a lead funnel, essentially.
就像,我是个粉丝。嗯,我是约翰。对,我是约翰的粉丝,也是汉斯的粉丝。你知道,我爸在商业方面对我很有影响力。而且,他们一开始是怎么做的?他说他每年花费超过一百万美元做广告来扩展“Give me the”。而现在,我的下一个目标是把它发展成一个巨大的企业。你明白吗,所以你想要扩展批发业务,或者说你想要扩展这一切。你的愿景是购买更多的这些车,并且你正在使用社交媒体作为一个潜在客户的渠道。
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, like, you know, we still retail, you know, a lot of cars and we wholesale a lot of cars too. So, um, it's, it's just easy. We have a process to set up in place. The only thing like the cell might, EV thing when I'm showing before that got me to set a process in place to buy any car across the country at any time, at any day, like sell my EV was your foray into like, let me build an actual process. I can do this. And then social media as a distribution child.
The whole, the whole way I came into the business was like just like home, a home run, like from, from every step of the way to being learning about every single process and how to get there, how to do it. You know what I mean? So now I'm able to control the advertising I'm doing and control the marketing dollars I want to spend. I've never boosted anything on any social platform because it's amazing content. You don't need to do that. Like I have a theory on boosting when you should boost and all that kind of stuff. But like if you're doing amazing content where it doesn't sound to marketing and advertising, it's like, you know, the classic dealer thing is to stand in front of a car and say, Brett sales alert, how 99 it's old school.
It's like on if you want to get into the algorithm, if you stand at a, if you stand in front of a camera and talk to it, how many people are doing that? Yeah, a lot of them. But if you stand in front of the camera and watch a video and react to the video, how as a professional, reacting, how many people are doing that, you know, like people, people want to work with someone worth listening to. Yeah. I totally, I totally get it. I mean, you need, you need differentiated content. And this is a friendship. You just change it up. Do you think dealerships are going to transition to like a pay, pay plan or model where they're incentivizing the team, the salespeople for like social media? Look, I know obviously the end result is if you do it well, you're going to get a sale. So if I incentivize you to sell, this is upstream of that.
But do you see a world where like salespeople are incentivized? Like part of their pay plan is like, I don't know, quantity of content, platforms. Who knows what? Do you think that's going to become more mainstream? I'll tell you where my head is at. Like I'm always thinking like, what's next? There's no doubt about it. I'm seeing dealers like opening up for like recording studios in their, in their showrooms. Like who do you know, like has recording? Roman. Roman is a great, Roman is a great example. I mean, Roman, you know, they have a very forward-thinking leadership and they have a recording studio now. They're creating actual like podcast content.
Yeah. That's our goal. And they're not the only ones, but the point is like. See others do it. Yeah. So the point is like, what's next? I mean, is this, is this going to, you know, our dealers can continue going down this path? Cause here's, here's the big thing, right? You can create content, but if it's not great content, right? It's not the algorithm is not going to pick it up. It's like it's going to be seen.
Were you, how do you just think about like the incentive model for dealerships? And are we just going to continue seeing more adoption at dealerships of this like organic content creation world? Yes. Yes and no, obviously. I mean, it depends who's really has like the vision for the store. And you know, obviously this is like the older business, maybe going more modern, but I don't know.
I mean, you know, I know, I know, I know some people who obviously do it. And I haven't heard of anyone really trying to do it again. I mean, it really takes a person to start. You have to have that intrinsic drive. Yeah. Yeah. You're going to have no one. This is so like it's the hard part about conning creation is that it's a treadmill. Yeah. Right.
And so it's like you need to be disciplined, have consistency if you want to actually win. And in my opinion, that's like obviously creating good, good content is also really tough. But doing it consistently in my opinion. It's all about the consistency. I mean, like if we just want to talk about like motivation and attitude and all that kind of stuff, that's what's going to drive you to be successful and kind of anything.
But I mean, if you ask, if you ask people like, or especially like my dad, if you asked them like the other day, it looks at me. I can't believe you're doing that stuff on social. Like I can't believe you're on camera. Like because he never would have guessed. Like I was always a shy. Yeah. I feel like I feel like you're talking about me around, but you're saying to stuff, it's like it's hilarious. I wasn't even on social media before this like stop.
I like making people happy and stuff like that. And it's just like fun for me to be with customers and give them all the money or like whatever it is on camera because they're like, that was cool. You know, I was going to ask you like, what motivates you? I guess this let's call space. You have enough money than you'll probably ever need or you have a lot of like the point is like you're not doing it. It's just like for the money.
Like is it the thrill? No, it's the build. It's building something like you feel like I feel like I'm really going into something that's going to be pretty cool in the next six months. I'm just going to create like one website where you can do you can join a sales group for like a subscription fee. And I like teaching people. What do you mean a sales group? What do you mean?
So like, you know, I'm going to build the website where all I have to do is say or whatever it is, you know what I mean? And people to go to because the link tree thing, by the way, got to go. If you're building a business and like you tell people when you're streaming, go to my link tree, the viewers actually drop. They take talks algorithms actually like, Nope.
所以,就像,你知道的,我打算建一个网站,只需要说“”或者其他什么网址,你明白我的意思吧?然后人们就可以直接访问了。因为那个链接树(link tree)之类的东西,真的该淘汰了。如果你在做生意,然后在直播时告诉人们“去看我的链接树”,观众数量实际上会下降。TikTok的算法也会觉得不行。
But if you say, Hey, my website, sleep I don't use links. Different actually. I'm actually website. It's great to use in the beginning. But I see this being like a website where people can sell cars, you know, possibly buy merchandise, join a sales community and just kind of like hang out in one place, you know, like you're like.
And you can tell me from off base here, but you're like, you're becoming like the Alex or Mosey of like automotive. I guess I am, but or maybe not. But when you say I like teaching, he comes to mind. It's like, I mean, you're, you know, phenomenal content creation and you're focused on automotive and you want to teach. Yeah. I mean, it is a weird, like hidden passion of mine. I don't think many people know.
I've never said George. I've never had anyone say George loves teaching. I'm like, yeah, but the German I get out of just how people were actually like driven and know how to do it and execute something is just like, it's fun. Super interesting. Yeah. So, you know, it's funny. Like I don't have, I actually am not like teaching doesn't get me excited at all. To me, it's more about democratizing the knowledge.
Like that, you know, when I when I when I get, you know, some crazy insight or something and I share it with the world, to me, that gets me excited. Like I don't even know why it's like, hey, like you've you've you've now been armed with this information that will make you better, make you whatever, smarter, more money. Um, anyways, just, you know, come juxtapose what you said to how I feel.
But yeah, like I'm a I've been a huge ClickFunnels fan and just started the website. ClickFunnels is a website where you can go and it's like you pay a subscription fee to grab their website and they basically build everything to you based on like call to actions and be testing all that kind of stuff. It's like the perfect website for someone who wants to get people to transact. Like it can be transactional or like maybe get like an offer like a cash offer or something like that. It's gonna be it's a it's an easy website. It's e-commerce acts as e-commerce and sales at the same time. But yeah, it's been crazy because it's like now that I've built a buying team, I have to build a social media team, get people to reply to the comments, the DMS, the messages, and that's like a new sales team in its own business, which has been really, really fun. Actually, that's been really cool.
Do you see a world where you're making more money from media than from automotive? Or like is your like I want to just continue growing the actual automotive. So it's like if someone comes to me and says I want to give you like I don't know money to do this, you know what I mean? Like I've had I've talked to different content creators, like I've had the Costco guys come to the dealership and I talked to Eric and he told me who's Eric, one of the Costco guys are on TikTok. It's EJ Bafumo, Eric Bafumo, I think at I'm going to, I was just terrible at another at but anyway, a lot of people know them and they went full time in the content business. He left his job because they were making like a lot of money doing it full time.
你觉得未来你会通过媒体赚的钱超过汽车行业吗?或者说你更想继续发展汽车业务。如果有人过来跟我说,他们想给我钱让我做某件事,你明白我的意思吗?我和不同的内容创作者聊过,像Costco的那些人在TikTok上很火。我和Eric聊过,Eric是谁?他是Costco的TikTok达人之一,我觉得他叫EJ Bafumo,Eric Bafumo。我记不清了,但总之很多人认识他们。他们全职做内容创作,Eric辞掉了工作,因为他们全职做这个赚了很多钱。
But me being in a business, it's like I got to focus on this. Like this is my this is my machine that I want to build. You know what I mean? Yeah, you're doing it in service of your business. Like there is monetization that you earn, but it's getting really minimal nowadays. So you're saying your earnings are decreasing from that? From monetization? I just find that it's getting less. Yeah, by the way, that's what I'm seeing as well from other creators. Yeah. TikTok is that you're making less. Yeah, you're making less. I mean, a lot of people are getting in on it nowadays, which they're going to draw, you know, the the, uh, the, uh, Is it the RPM or something like that down? Yep, correct. Yeah. Like what are just some other opportunities that'll spawn for you from being suddenly, like, you know, becoming like, you know, I call it like a niche micro influencer in our industry.
Right. And like you're an up and coming. You're gaining all these followers. Obviously lots of eyeballs. Other like, have you realized any other opportunities across the business from this? So like you asked me about the content question before and like, I mean, like I've never like said this out loud or anything like that, but I wouldn't mind being like someone like Alex Hormos or something like that or like get against that kind of role. I mean, um, I do love the car business. Like I would never leave. I, it is my goal to be like, you know, 30 buyers working for us across the country and taking over a hundred cars a week to the auction every week. Like, but um, it is like a true passion. So, um, if I had time, like I'm going to build a studio in my office. I'm going to go, I'm going to have a make a podcast. I'm going to go live. Just conversations with people and see where you know, you know, you know, you just got like, do it.
好的。你现在正在崭露头角,粉丝数量不断增加,吸引了大量关注。你有没有发现在这一过程中还有其他商业机会呢?你之前问我关于内容的问题,说实话,我之前从未公开讲过,但我不介意成为像Alex Hormos那样的人,或者扮演类似的角色。当然,我非常热爱汽车行业,绝不会离开。我希望最终能够在全国范围内拥有30名买家,每周拍卖超过100辆车。这是我的真正热情所在。如果我有时间,我会在办公室里建一个工作室,开设一个播客,进行直播,与人们对话,看看会有什么结果。重要的是去做。
Like if I could buy your stock, I'd buy it because I have the big testament because I feel like I, I just, I've seen your growth and CD approved. I like that. No, but I think that I can just see scaling the media, the media game. Yeah. Tremendously, not leaving a car business, but at some point, you know, you have an operator that runs the day to day and you're building this media led empire. Now, do you retail most of the cars you purchase or do you wholesale them or do you just go into, you know, accurate trade and you kind of decide based on that? How do you do it?
We're, we're, we're retailing 400 cars a month and a whole selling 200 cars a month right now. Oh, so you're wholesaling a meaningful amount of cars. We are. Yeah. How are you wholesaling the cars? We do manheim and we do OVE, but I want to move everything over to manheim and I want to start the wholesale. Yeah. Because now I'm trying to become like, you know, a huge buying machine. We're using accurate trade now so we can spend less time with customers and make them an offer for just for wholesale.
是的,因为我现在想变成一个巨大的购车机器。现在我们在使用Accurate Trade,这样可以减少和客户交流的时间,并直接给他们一个批发价格的报价。
Yeah. I should also disclaim that this is not sponsored by accurate trade. No. Ac, um, cars commerce is a very great sponsor of CDG, but this is like, no, I mean, there's only two tools in the business. This is fully just organic. Your experience. I mean, I mean both of the two monster monsters in the country already use, use them. So it's like, it's a tool that, you know, people should use. But anyway, um, I moved my buyers over to it because we don't buy Chevy pickup. We don't, we don't buy Toyota Priusas with 110,000 miles. We don't buy a Corollas, you know, but why shouldn't we? Yeah. We're only buying cars that we want to buy. So my buyers, it's hard to teach someone to buy cars. You either have it like, like you got it or it's like, they're going to be a learning struggle, you know, But one second, why aren't you buying those cars? Because how am I supposed to get them in every single lead that we have coming in? So right now we have over 2000 leads a month. Okay. It's just a capacity thing, right? But you want to teach the buyer to make the decision on their own. So Accutrade is more of a tool where you can do that. Yeah. And that's how you buy the Corollas. We already bought two Corollas because we switched to this. And I don't have to help them or get the number. Scaling your, you know, you're buying team that one. Just scaling the buying team. How big is your buying team today? It's only three. So me and my brother have our own teams. So separate teams. Separate teams. Yeah. Yeah. I have, I have three buyers and I have a group of people that feed me deals, like a little like free community group. And my brother has, geez, I think he has like five or five buyers right now. So, and then, you know, obviously my father has buyers. So you guys operate like, you know, as they say in a corporate world, like separate P and L's...
对了,我得声明一下,这不是Accurate Trade赞助的。其实,汽车商贸是CDG的大赞助商,但这次完全是我个人的体验。这行里只有两种工具。坦白说,国内两大巨头都在用了,所以这是大家应该用的工具。总之,我把买家转移到那边去了,因为我们不买雪佛兰皮卡,也不买跑了110,000英里的丰田普锐斯,或者卡罗拉。不过,为什么不买呢?我们只买我们想要的车。所以我的买手们,很难教他们怎么买车。要么你会,要么你就得慢慢学。但是,等等,为什么你们不买那些车呢?因为我怎么才能处理每一个进来的线索?我们现在每月有超过2000个线索。这只是一个容量问题,对吧?但是你希望教会买手自己做决定。所以Accutrade更多是一个你可以用来做这件事的工具。对了,所以我们买了两辆卡罗拉,因为我们转用了这个工具。而我不用再帮他们或者去设定价格。扩展你的买车团队。对,正在扩展买车团队。你们现在的买车团队有多大?只有三个。所以我和我哥哥有各自的团队,分开的团队。对,我有三个买手,还有一群人给我提供交易,就像一个小的免费社区组。而我哥现在大概有五个买手。另外,我爸也有买手。所以你们的运营方式就像企业界所说的,有各自的利润和损失(P&L)。
Yeah. Yeah. We have three separate, three separate stores. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Got it. But that's the key though, to teach buyers like how to buy and how to buy easy, you know, like kind of just like a little plan for dummies or something like that. Yeah. So, so I mean, what's next for you, man? You've been rising super quickly. You have the store, of course, which is sort of running on, I don't want to say cruise control, but it's kind of just doing its thing. Right. What's next for the business right now? I mean, what are you thinking about? You know, we would love to open up a new location indoors, like over 80,000 square feet. A new retail location? Yeah. One new retail location...
Why? Why? We want to, you know, my brother is a big exotic player and now that I'm on social media and stuff like I'm buying different cars. You're buying. You're not used to buying Tesla. I only used to buy Teslas, only electric cars. Like I was Rivian, Tesla, everything. But now you're selling these great cars. Now, people are coming to me with these different cars. So my Tesla inventory is shrunk, right? And not only did it shrink because of my time, it's shrunk because of the amount of leads coming in, or just too like crazy. I didn't have the manpower to handle all the leads. So as over time, my Tesla material will grow back again. Yeah. We're going to buy more cars...
But basically, when I have people trying to sell me like a Lamborghini or a Bentley, it's hard for me to get time to all the leads, you know? But it's just a manpower thing at this point. And then the exotic's for buying, we want to open up a new store to put them all inside and have like a really cool experience. And I think being on social media and having that kind of amazing indoor facility would be a crazy, crazy social like, like, you know, just to take it to the next level. Tastes the next level...
Yeah. Like we're operating in Ewing, New Jersey and Old and Avenue right now. So and it's already fun. But yeah. Some little like indoor, a little awesome place would be like really cool. I know that'd be like just like almost like a museum hangouts about kind of thing, you know, a couple of pool tables, you know, like. Yeah. I know what I want to ask you. I want to transition for a second from the media. Tell us about just the market. You obviously have some form of pulse here on the market. You're buying cyber trucks. You're buying, you're getting hundreds of thousands of lead. What do you just give us like the general, your general take on the market today, what you're seeing in the market. So I think the market overacts...
Like consumer health. Go ahead. Yeah. So I think the market over over reacts. So like if there's one or two dead weeks in the auction, prices across the country drop, because dealers are reflecting their prices. And then all of a sudden everything sells again. Dealers sold all their cars and then the market's hot again in the auction. And that's the truth. So I think you just got to buy when you see good prices. And what's good prices though to you? Like what does that mean to you? So you'll see like, you know, when you see the auction, everything's doing over like 90% say cost to market or something like that. And it's just doing way over MR. And you're like, oh, just sitting back and just watching. And then all of a sudden you have two or three dead weeks in the business.
And then in those weeks, no one's buying cars. So you kind of just have to catch it at the right time if you're an auction buyer. But yeah, that's I think the market over over reacts to whatever reaction is going on, which is kind of funny. And then when it's hot, everyone's buying again. But I think it's going to be a good month for us in the business. And I think the next three months are going to be really good. Tell me about the market for Tesla's Cybertrucks EVs in general. Like what are you buying them out today? Are people taking big losses on these cars or making big wins? Like what's it look like today? So Sabersharts are going to be available on Tesla's website in a month or two. On pre-owned or new? New. Like they're going to be sitting there. You can go ahead and tell your order. Available for delivery times are going to be at a week or two weeks soon. Okay. So what does that mean for the market? Are we about to see? We're going no, no, it's going to be at a like, I think we're going to be retelling Sabershucks soon for like 117 like easily. One of the things. What are you retelling now? Now we're selling them for like one to one. If someone offers me 117, it's sold. This, this fell fast. It was only in since maybe three or four months. Yeah. We had like a couple months ago, someone bought one in Florida for what 250 or something? Yeah, 250, 275 or something like that.
And went from 275, which was the first sale, which you knew it was doing over 250. You know it was going to be two over 250. It was the first one running the auction. And the next one sold for 200 or 205. The next one sold for 200 again. It did 200 a couple times. And then it went to 190, 180, 170. It's from 170 to 140. And just kept flying all the way down. And now I would personally buy a Sabershuck for 105 this time of week, but ask me next week, and it may not be 105 anymore. Sorry, this thing is changing daily. Yeah, the beasts are holding value because they have overseas demand. Why do those have overseas demand? Everyone in Dubai, for example, wants a Sarabese. Like not many people want to sell a Sabershuck. And just for anyone that doesn't know, that's like the most upgraded premium version. To try motors, you're to succeed in like three seconds. So you're, are you shipping any to Dubai? Or no, you're not doing that.
I've done two or three deals already. Oh, so you have actually exported these hybrid trucks? Yeah, two or three. They reach out to you like, how do you get back? Just someone just someone here comes in and buys it and like, you know, they ship it out. Got it. Yeah. It's, it's, I've done, it's, I've gotten like all my Sarabese hucks I sold up to TikTok. It wasn't until recently we had three deals. That's a good one. The last three deals were phone calls. Finally, finally. Well, they still heard about you somewhere. I mean, Yeah, well, one of them did follow, but it was just like in the beginning, it was all NBA, NBA players, NFL players, famous people in Dubai.
And, you know, that's pretty much the shadow Ahmad Amwell from he owns our luxury super car rentals. When he hit me up, it was like, you're talking to that guy? Like people were going nuts. He hit me up on TikTok and I was talking to him in the morning. I was on the Stairmaster of the gym and he's like, uh, brother, brother, I need some Sabar trucks in it. I was just like, what do you do? And I'm looking him up. He was like four million followers. What is he based in Dubai? He's in Dubai. It owns a really amazing luxury here in so car company out there. It's incredible. Yeah. And it was fun.
你知道,那正是Ahmad Amwell的影子,他拥有我们的豪华超级跑车租赁公司。当他联系我的时候,感觉就像,“你在和那个人说话?”让人觉得很疯狂。他在TikTok上联系我,而我早上在健身房的登山机上跟他对话。他说,“兄弟,我需要一些Sabar卡车。”我当时想,“你是干什么的?”于是我去查了查,他有四百万粉丝,住在迪拜。他在那里拥有一家非常棒的豪华汽车公司。这真的令人不可思议。而且整个过程很有趣。
It's fun. We're going to them. But, um, yeah, it's, uh, it's been the volatile average truck market for sure. Yeah. And, uh, it's going to keep, it's going to stay, but it's going to depend to how available these are. I always thought the average truck was going to be a flop. I had, I had a feeling it. It is it by your standards. I mean, it's a not a flop. It's not a flop, but it's about to maybe be a flop. Cause all these people that have made these orders all flippers. Like Tesla buyers are flippers. Like a lot of them.
Oh, yeah. I mean, I think most people who ordered the average truck knew they were going to make a hundred grand on it. So until people actually get the cyber trucks that want to get them, you know, who really knows, but in California or any other state, we're paying sales tax. You're owning that thing for 108, 109 right away. So you have to make that decision. Am I going to actually own this car? Cause there's no money in left to be made on it. Yeah. And how many are going to pile it up out on the west coast? I mean, I'm only buying them in Jersey right now. Cause Jersey, there's, there's sales taxes on three views.
So they're owning them for one on one. So people are selling them to me for like 105, 106. You know, but that's quickly, you know, disappearing. Are you seeing any other trends with respect to buying cars on the street? Maybe lots of negative equity where you can't actually buy 80% of these cars or? Well, for a time, yes. Like you're noticing, I can't buy anything. Everyone's flipped on their car, but then they all just fold, you know, in the next couple, couple of months.
What do you mean? They all just go ahead and say we got to sell. We got to move. You know what I mean? But what do you do if to have 10 grand of equity? They have to wire us money first. Signability sale, they'll wire us money first when we purchase the car. So the last five deals I signed on Friday to purchase were all negative. Every single one, oh, like 10 grand. Are these people that you're referring to? Do they have the cash to make them the difference? Of course. Really? Yeah, of course. Yeah.
People are still, why are we? Why me $21,000 to get the to get the to get out of their car? So people are behind are underwater, but they do. You're saying that you're seeing some people with cash that can at least make up the difference. I mean, what choice do you have? You know, we all know what choice you have a repo. Yeah, I know. That's the only other choice. So possess or keep the car. Yeah, exactly. Or fix it and keep the car. Yeah. So a lot of people are manning up and coming up with cash.
人们还在,我们为什么要这样?为什么要我付 $21,000 才能让他们下车?有些人的经济状况很糟糕,但是他们还是努力想办法。你是说你看到了一些有现金的人,他们至少可以弥补差额。我是说,你有什么选择?我们都知道你的选择只有收回汽车。我知道,那是唯一的选择。所以要么拥有或保留汽车。对,要么修理它并保留汽车。对。所以很多人都在咬牙拿出现金。
Yeah. It's been, you know, it happens in waves all of a sudden they're bad. And that's why when I talk to people, I'll be like, listen, I know you don't, you don't like this price. I'm giving you and I'm giving you all the money. But what's going to happen if you don't sell in a couple of months? Oh, well, I'll sell next month. Well, I got news for you the next time you're selling. It ain't going to. It's not going up. So you, how much money do you want to lose? I was like, you don't lose 20 or you don't lose 25. And they're like, let me think about it. I heard no problem. Go talk to people and figure it out and come back to me.
You know, and they come back. Okay, let's just get it done now. You know, I mean, it's, you know, we're in tracks. Like it's like, it's, it's all fun. So before we wrap up, I'm curious, like, is there any message you want to tell to the industry? Like, is there anything on your mind? I don't know. Should people be afraid or something like that? Should people be afraid? I don't know. No, I don't know. Nothing to do with the market. I'm just curious. Are there any closing thoughts in your mind? No, no closing thoughts. It's going to be like, You're just having a blast. I'm just having a blast. Like, like wait for me to call you if you're out there, you know, like, I'm going to, I'll get on the phone with you. I'll buy your car, you know, I'll get on the call with my, with one of my buyers. We'll close the deal, you know, and we have lots of consumers that listen to this podcast as well.
Yeah. So yeah. I listen, I talk about people in the business. I'm sure I will, but a lot of people are going to be, you know, it's crazy that the brand that's happening, you know, the brand like what the brand like just the whole, the whole like, you know, right now it's just the George J. Saliva show. But like, who knows what's going to happen? Like this is season one, season two, you know what I mean? That's basically, it's just the beginning, you know, just getting sorry. Yeah, everyone's getting into it, you know, like, it's, it's hard when you first start doing this.
It's not, it's not accepted by everyone. But then people see, you know, like, once you get a little bit like, people are close to me in the business, like, start enjoying it. I'm like, let's go, you know, like, it's anything that happened. I mean, now I have sales people tell me, you know, this guy wants to film a TikTok. So before I didn't have that, I was instigating, you know, my sale by camera guy. He's awesome. He was helping me. It's accepted now. You know, now it's accepted, you know, so good work, man. Who knows what's going to happen? I'm pumped to start a week.
We're going to wait and watch. We're going to have to do a follow-up pod on the other end to see, you know, how far you've come. Yeah, he's got to stay tuned. Pumped about, man. Yeah, thanks. Good stuff, dude. Really good having you on. Yeah, thanks. And in-person pod. So this was a nice little new test for, for Cardiostrum guys. So pumped, pumped to, pumped to air this. Yeah, thanks, man. It was a really, really fun time. Happy to be here. Loved it. All right. Hope you enjoyed that episode. Please give the podcast a rating. Consider subscribing to the show and check the show notes for links to what we talked about. Thanks for tuning in. I'll see you guys next time.