Tesla's IR Lead Said What? / The Problem With ARK & TSLA / Alarming EV Stat ⚡️
发布时间 2024-06-12 23:42:18 来源
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It's a lot of money, but when he took this pay package, nobody else I know in business would have accepted an all performance pay package for a company that CNBC was reporting was on the verge of bankruptcy. So pay the man is due. He works his butt off. He's the most innovative CEO we have in America. And I think it's not. I think it's a shame. I think it's a travesty where he's having this discussion. Welcome to Electrified. It's your host Dylan Ummis. Today is going to be a quick episode. It is my birthday today. Now personally, I'm not a big birthday guy, but I am a family man. So I'd like to spend some time with them. And there was actually a fair amount of meaningful news today. So figured it be worth running through it. McKinsey put out a new survey and the results more than four in 10 owners of EVs in the United States are likely to buy a combustion car for their next purchase.
这是一大笔钱,但当他接受这份薪酬包时,我认识的其他商界人士没人会愿意接受这样一份完全基于表现的薪酬包,尤其是对于一家CNBC报道濒临破产的公司。所以应该付他应得的报酬。他拼命工作,是美国最具创新精神的CEO。我认为这不是一个问题,反而是个耻辱,就连讨论这件事情也是一种荒谬。欢迎收听《电气化》。我是主持人Dylan Ummis。今天是一个简短的节目,因为今天是我的生日。虽然我个人并不太重视过生日,但我是一个家庭观念很强的人,所以我想花些时间陪家人。今天其实有一些有意义的新闻值得分享。麦肯锡发布了一项新调查显示,在美国,超过四成的电动车车主可能会在下次购车时选择一辆燃油车。
And this one was not a trivial study like some of the others that we'll see online. In this case, they asked around 200 questions to more than 30,000 consumers in 15 countries, which collectively comprise more than 80% of global sales volume. 29% of EV owners around the world said they're likely to reverse course and that number hit 46% in the United States. Globally, the top concern was the inadequacy of the public charging infrastructure. On that note, one of the more frustrating news stories that keeps popping up are these thieves who are now stealing the cables across different fast charging sites across the country. Main reason, the price of copper. Not only are non-supercharger locations already not that reliable, but to now have customers showing up where maybe a reliable site where the cables are now cut off is just not a great situation. Back to the McKinsey survey, 21% of global respondents do not want to ever switch to an EV. That number may seem daunting at first, but just keep in mind that this part of the transition, especially in a place like the United States, we really only need one third of the population to be considering an EV, as we're still only between 7% and 10% adoption.
Finally, 38% of non-EV owners say they anticipate a hybrid or a full EV will be their next vehicle that's up from 37% in 2022. I'll be honest though, this 40% number is a lot higher than I would have guessed for this number. I would have said maybe 10 to 15% of people don't like the EV experience yet. Too soon, public infrastructure, all of that, but 40% is certainly up there. Again, no need to panic, the infrastructure will get better over time, and hopefully these companies like Iona can actually come through and improve the infrastructure, it's just going to take time. In the newsletter, we said these EU tariffs are coming in, now they're here, they can be up to 38% on EVs imported from China starting in July. The EU said this higher end, 38% will be on automakers who do not cooperate with the investigation that started last year, and it'll be 21% on Chinese EV makers which have not been sampled. In short, different automakers are going to be slapped with different levels of this tariff. BYDs will be 17.4% and Gilly, Gilly, however you prefer, and SAIC will see there's increased to 20% and 38% respectively.
The Swedish Prime Minister actually came out against these tariffs saying as far as tariffs are concerned, we are in agreement, it's a bad idea to dismantle global trade. So now we watch all of the workarounds come to fruition, but they are saying at tariff levels lower than around 50% exporting products to the EU would still be commercially appealing for many automakers. This burden is barely more than the EU's pre-existing 10% duty. What we'll see now is the larger automakers with money will actually set up manufacturing operations within the EU. And of course most places across the EU actually want that so they can set up local supply chains and have jobs for their people. And whether it's full-on manufacturing or something they call a halfway house, kind of like what Lucid is doing in Saudi Arabia where they ship parts there and then just do the final assembly at that location. Paul Starce CEO Thomas Ingenloth already said that they could export cars into the EU from their site in South Carolina in the US. And as it stands now, hybrids nor ice vehicles will actually fall under these new tariffs, they're for full BEVs only.
瑞典首相实际上反对这些关税,他表示,就关税而言,我们达成了一致:拆除全球贸易是个坏主意。因此,我们现在看到各种应对措施开始产生效果,但他们说,如果出口到欧盟的产品关税低于50%左右,许多汽车制造商仍然具有商业吸引力。这种负担仅比欧盟现有的10%关税高一些。我们现在将看到,大型汽车制造商有资金的将实际在欧盟内部设立制造工厂。当然,欧盟大部分地区实际上也希望这样做,这样他们可以建立本地供应链,并为他们的人民提供就业机会。不管是全面的制造还是一种称为“中途之家”的方案,都类似于Lucid在沙特阿拉伯所做的那样,他们将零部件运到那里,然后只在当地进行最终组装。Polestar首席执行官Thomas Ingenloth已经表示,他们可以从美国南卡罗来纳州的工厂向欧盟出口汽车。目前,混合动力和内燃机车辆实际上不会受到这些新关税的影响,这些关税仅适用于全电动汽车。
Bear in mind Tesla exported over 344,000 vehicles from Shanghai in 2023. All they're saying about how these new tariffs may impact Tesla right now is that at this stage Tesla may receive an individually calculated duty rate. Zooming out, these new tariffs are still only provisional duties that will come into effect July 4th if the EU does not reach a solution with Chinese authorities. And then four months after this, so-called definitive measures take place. Tesla's EU sales are already the weakest when it comes to their Shanghai in the United States, so not a great development, but we still have to see what the rate will be, and will this turn out to be a case of Gigabrelin? We're going to start relying on you a lot more. All I know for now, certainly something to watch.
The Tesla Megapack has been chosen for a new battery energy storage project in the UK, and it'll be paired with an offshore wind farm. It's a 600 megawatt-hour system that's expected to be operational by the end of 2026. When complete, the battery storage will be one of the largest in Europe. This portion of this project should require around 150 Tesla Megapacks at $2 million a pop, that's a $300 million order. Adam Jonas and Morgan Stanley put out a new note talking about why they think that Tesla will probably actually make a phone, to which Elon responded, we could, but hopefully it is not needed. Tesla is one of the few companies that has its own tech stack, not iOS, Android, or forked Android. At this point, I still think XAI would be the most likely candidate for an Elon company to make a phone.
It could still integrate very well with Tesla. And look, I would certainly buy a Tesla phone, but for this one, I think you can at least make the argument this would feel like a distraction. Tesla has released a new air mattress for the Model Y, it's $225, but at the moment, it appears to be sold out. I'm sure many of you have seen ARK Invest's new Tesla stock price target for 2029, before we even touch on it. Tasha said, we conservatively assumed Tesla does not sell Optimus externally in our Model. And that Optimus manufacturing savings modestly impact Tesla's costs in single digit percentages over the next five years.
这仍然可以很好地与特斯拉整合。看,我肯定会买一部特斯拉手机,但对于这款产品,我认为你至少可以说这会让人觉得有些分心。特斯拉为Model Y推出了一款新的空气床垫,价格是225美元,但目前似乎已经售罄。相信很多人已经看过ARK投资公司对2029年的特斯拉股票价格目标,在我们开始讨论之前,Tasha说,我们在模型中保守地假设特斯拉不会对外销售Optimus。同时,Optimus在制造上的节省将会在未来五年内对特斯拉的成本产生个位数百分比的影响。
We've talked about some of the limitations of what ARK uses, it's called a Monte Carlo simulation, it really just helps to account for uncertainty by trying to determine the probability of different outcomes. And on the other hand, a traditional DCF or discounted cash flow model is what you'll see from Wall Street more often, but that doesn't really do well of accounting for uncertainty. So we're not going to dive deeper into that today, it's not that important, just know that ARK's expected value for Tesla by 2029 is $2,600 per share. That would be roughly a 14x from where Tesla is today. Their bear case is $2,000 a share and their bull case is $3,100 per share, which means their bear case is an 11x from today's levels, and their bull case would be a 17x.
But first, let's go back to ARK's 2020 Tesla stock price targets for 2024. In 2020, ARK was expecting Tesla to be valued at $7,000 in 2024. Remember though, Tesla has split its stock 15 times since then. $7,000 divided by 15 is about $466. I'd remind everybody that in 2021, three years before ARK's projection, Tesla stock did actually hit around $415. But here's the problem with a lot of these models. The conversation really should be what analysis did ARK get right, versus did they just get lucky with what happened with the market and the macro. Back to ARK's 2020 Tesla stock price for 2024, their bear case was $1,500 divided by 15, $100 per share, and their bull case divided by 15 would have been $1,000 per share for Tesla stock this year.
So at least where Tesla stock is today, we're a lot closer to their bear case. Now, here's where I would give ARK a lot of credit. For their 2020 predictions, they had this section of probabilities where they had no autonomy solved for Tesla. If you take their highest 2024 price target for that group, that was actually $3,400 divided by 15, which is about $226 per share. Thus, another way to think of this would have been Tesla's bull case in the event that they have not yet solved for autonomy. I've seen plenty of people online blasting ARK saying that they thought Tesla was going to solve autonomy by 2024, but if you look at their simulations from 2020, that's really not the case. Sure, they said it was possible, but they only assigned a 30% probability to that outcome.
So 70% of their expected outcomes were actually that Tesla would not solve autonomy by 2024. So there's me giving credit to ARK, but here you're going to see me point out where ARK got it wrong. They said for that 2020 projection, their bear case implied Tesla will sell 3.2 million cars in 2024. And as we all know, the way things are trending this year, I think Tesla would be very lucky to do anything over 2 million. They also had their bull case at the time, Tesla doing 7.1 million sales this year. Thus, when it comes to auto delivery analysis, they were pretty significantly far off. With all of that context out there, Kathy Wood did say in January 2020, Tesla was going over $6,000 per share. And her timeline for that was in the next five years. Adjusting for the stock split, this would be $400 per share. And as we highlighted earlier, Tesla actually exceeded that number back in 2021. Now looking at their latest price targets again for 2029, their bear outcome for cars sold is 5.8 million. And their bull case would be 14.4 million. Also of note, the percent of simulations indicating Tesla's first year with Robotaxi commercialization, 58% were 2025 and 38% were 2026. Translation, ARK is pretty confident Tesla will launch its Robotaxi service by 2026. Honestly though here we have more limitations with this type of model.
他们预计结果中有70%实际上是认为特斯拉在2024年之前无法解决自动驾驶问题。所以我在这点上给了ARK一些认同,但接下来我会指出ARK错在哪里。他们在2020年的预测中表示,他们悲观的情况下,特斯拉将在2024年售出320万辆汽车。而如我们今年的趋势所见,我认为特斯拉能卖过200万辆就已经是运气好了。他们当时的乐观情况是特斯拉今年能销售710万辆汽车。因此,在汽车交付分析方面,他们的预测是相当偏离实际的。有了这些背景信息,Kathy Wood在2020年1月确实说过特斯拉的股价会超过每股6000美元,她的时间表是在接下来的五年内。经过拆股调整后,这相当于每股400美元。正如我们之前提到的,特斯拉在2021年实际就超过了这个数字。现在再看他们最新的2029年目标,他们预测在悲观情况下特斯拉将售出580万辆汽车,而乐观情况下是1440万辆。值得注意的是,模拟中表明特斯拉首次商业化自动驾驶出租车的年份,58%是2025年,38%是2026年。换句话说,ARK相当有信心特斯拉将在2026年之前推出其自动驾驶出租车服务。不过坦率地说,这种模型也有不少局限性。
They're also not really including anything for the Tesla Semi, the Supercharging Network, FSD licensing, or AI as a service. In fairness, we know any licensing deal for Tesla's FSD is going to take at least 3-5 years for any legacy OEM to actually implement, so I understand that. AI as a service, Dojo is still a long shot, I understand that. About the Supercharger network, ARK said, we believe Tesla is likely to reorient its funding toward charging infrastructure optimized for Robotaxis. While essential for EVs, according to ARK's research, Superchargers are unlikely to generate significant revenue for Tesla. That's certainly up for debate and on the Tesla Semi, they said, we don't believe the Semi will contribute significantly to Tesla's value within our 5-year investment time horizon. And you can certainly argue relative to Robotaxis, the Semi won't move the needle much, but that doesn't mean it won't move the needle at all. About ARK's model, Elon did say, I'm curious to read this, the more I think about Robotaxis and humanoid robots, the more absurd the valuation becomes. He also quote posted Tasha saying, interesting, spreading their research. I wanted to highlight there are plenty of limitations with ARK's model and they got some things right and wrong the last time around, but zooming out and relative to the rest of Wall Street and where their price targets were over the last 5 years, ARK has really been in a league of its own. Again, not that they get everything right or they should be treated as gospel, but at least directionally speaking, when it comes to the stock price, they have really been the most right.
The truth is, nobody has any idea how a generalized autonomous solution will be rolled out in the United States, let alone globally, so it's going to be fun to watch, I'll have the full report linked below. Now to bring everybody back down to Earth after thinking about a 17X for Tesla stock over the next 5 years, JP Morgan just met with Tesla's new head of IR and they're not that impressed. And their takeaway? Investors expecting Tesla to build a business around Robotaxis in short order are likely to be disappointed. JP said, we expect Tesla to show a Robotaxi concept on August 8th and perhaps an accompanying app and to reveal more about its expected business model. But we do not expect material revenue generation likely for years to come. And look, many of you know ordinarily I would not pay any attention to JP Morgan, their Tesla stock targets have typically been way off their budding heads with Tesla in the whole 9. But in this case they're saying their expectation is based in part on their analyst recent meeting with Tesla's director of IR. They said the IR exec suggested Tesla will build Robotaxis off the next generation vehicle platform that will not launch until the company is much closer to fully utilizing its existing production capacity which may take several years. They also said Tesla has yet to stand up much of the infrastructure it would need for such a service nor has it secured regulatory approval to test driverless vehicles on public roads.
Now on that latter point we've heard Tesla exec say they're not really worried about getting approval across the United States. It's also true that Tesla doesn't really have dedicated infrastructure like a hub in different cities for these Robotaxis to charge and be cleaned. But Tesla is scrappy, it does well with what it has and there's no reason it couldn't start something like that at its existing service centers or wherever and then ultimately branch out from there. But I think you would agree the line from Tesla's head of IR that the next gen vehicle platform won't launch until Tesla is much closer to fully utilizing its existing production capacity which may take several years was a bit of a surprise given that some are expecting them to launch this Robotaxi as soon as quarter one twenty twenty five. But we'll test the launch a more affordable traditional vehicle before the Robotaxi all questions hopefully we have answered in a few short weeks.
This was a really good comparison video showing the adaptive headlights for this new feature when you actually go around a corner. They will shift so you can see around the corner a lot better. Ford's low cost EV Skunkworks team has now grown to 300 employees over the past year. That includes 50 coming from Rivian more than 20 from Tesla and a dozen from canoe. It also hired around 10 employees from Lucid and a handful from Apple. Ford also hired two senior aerodynamicists away from Formula One. So far it's a pretty lean team with potentially a lot of talent and some great experience so I really like what I'm hearing about this project. For the said all of our EV teams are ruthlessly focused on cost and efficiency in our EV products because the ultimate competition is going to be the affordable Tesla and the Chinese OEMs.
这是一部很好的对比视频,展示了新功能——自适应前大灯。当你转弯时,它们会随之转动,让你更好地看清前方。福特的低成本电动车创新团队在过去一年里已经增长到300名员工,其中包括50名来自Rivian,超过20名来自特斯拉,还有十几名来自Canoo。此外,还从Lucid招聘了大约10名员工,以及从苹果公司招聘了一些人。福特还从一级方程式赛车(Formula One)挖来了两名高级空气动力学专家。到目前为止,这个团队规模较小,但潜力巨大,人才济济,经验丰富,所以我对这个项目充满了期待。福特表示,我们所有的电动车团队都无情地专注于成本和效率,因为最终的竞争对手将是价格实惠的特斯拉和中国的原始设备制造商(OEMs)。
I think Ford has the right strategy get its Gen 1 EVs out into the market do as best you can with them but then for generation two really go back to first principles start over and figure it out from the ground up. The UAW has reached its first agreement with an EV battery plant here in the US. If this deal is ratified by the members it'll double the pay of workers at the Altium plant in Lordstown, Ohio. This is the one that's a joint venture between GM and LG. If it's ratified this agreement will raise the top production wage from $20 after 7 years on the job to $35 after 1 year on the job by the end of the deal. The starting wage will increase from $16.50 per hour to $26.91. Most members will see a $3.59 an hour raise immediately. They said workers will have better health and safety language at Altium than anywhere in the industry.
This is certainly great for all of the workers but when it comes to GM's competitiveness with its Altium vehicles and the margins certainly not as great. If you need one last dose of encouragement before the vote tomorrow, Florida's pension board voted in support of Elon's comp plan. They own 2.89 million shares and their Tesla's 80th biggest investor. We have Waymo issuing a software and a mapping recall after one of their robot axes crashed into a phone pole. The accident happened last month and they said the vehicle was damaged but no passengers or bystanders were hurt in the incident. The test highlights some of the challenges of relying on updated HD maps to such a large degree. Waymo said they would update their maps to account for the hard road edge in the alleyway that was not previously included.
Tesla's thought closed the day at $177.29 up 3.88% while the NASDAQ was up 1.53%. It was a higher volume day for Tesla trading about 18 million shares above the average volume the past 30 days. My plan for the next 2 days on the channel will be to upload a video tomorrow, later Thursday night sometime after the annual meeting and then to take the day off on Friday. Depending on what Ashley and I choose to do for my birthday weekend and depending on the news flow I may send out a newsletter edition on Friday. But either way, don't expect a video from electrified on Friday. Hopefully tomorrow you all can enjoy the meeting. Just remember no matter what happens with all of this voting, it's just the next step. It's by no means the end of the story either way. It's really just the next milestone and no matter how it goes, I would expect Tesla to play the hand it's dealt very well.
And as most of us know, sometimes that's really all you can do. Although I will say I'm feeling a lot more optimistic about Elon's comp plan vote now than I was a few weeks back. The moving to Texas vote feels like a flip of the coin if anything may be leaning doubtful. But we'll find out soon enough. I hope you guys have a wonderful day. Please like the video if you did. You can find me on X-linked below and a huge thank you to all of my Patreon supporters.