This Is Unprecedented / Tesla Finally Adds Front Cameras / Musk Sues OpenAI ⚡️
发布时间 2024-03-02 01:08:57 来源
Get 3 months of FSD for free (my Tesla referral link): A massive thank you to my ...
Welcome to electrified it's your host Dylan Lumis quick shout out to an updated patron banjo T Thank you for choosing to support the channel We said forward having access to the supercharger network was going to bring some uncomfortable times and now in the Tesla app Ford owners can actually enter their specific vehicle and get some instructions on how to use the supercharger network You see these two images the top one is telling them what not to do that should be obvious But the image that tells them what they should do actually has their vehicle parked right on a line This is why we need more v4 stations as fast as possible in North America They have the longer cable which would eliminate this entire problem So if you see a Ford owner at a supercharger site parked like this don't give them the bird They're being instructed to do so Tesla did say they're quickly deploying their latest v4 supercharging posts Which reaches all EVs in the same supercharger stall Additionally, they encourage all vehicle manufacturers to standardize charge port locations to the rear driver side or the front passenger side
Yes, Ford owners can charge at superchargers without using the Tesla app However, at least for now if they want to pay that $13 a month to have the same supercharger pricing as Tesla owners They will have to use the Tesla app for that pretty exciting update here from Tesla scope I do have to say they haven't been a hundred percent accurate in the past But they have gotten many things right ahead of time as well They said starting in March actually today the first for the first time ever the model SNX will begin delivering with RGB ambient lighting a front bumper camera and other changes at the current time the front bumper camera is not Planned to be used for FSD. It's primarily for low speed maneuvers like auto park and obstacle awareness But that could change in the future. They are saying that the model 3 will get the front bumper camera relatively soon But no firm dates yet and they have no insight for the model y but they're assuming in the next year or so
是的,福特车主可以在超级充电站充电,而不需要使用特斯拉应用程序。然而,至少目前如果他们想要支付每月13美元,以获得与特斯拉车主相同的超级充电定价,他们将不得不使用特斯拉应用程序。这是特斯拉范围的一个令人兴奋的更新。我不得不说,他们过去并不是百分之百准确,但他们提前预测的事物也有很多是正确的。他们表示,从今年3月开始,实际上就是今天,首次,Model S和Model X将开始配备RGB氛围灯、前保险杠摄像头和其他变化。目前前保险杠摄像头并没有计划用于全自动驾驶系统。它主要用于低速操作,如自动停车和障碍识别,但未来可能会发生改变。他们表示,Model 3将很快获得前保险杠摄像头,但目前没有确切的日期,他们对Model Y也没有具体的见解,但他们假设在接下来的一年左右会有。
Ordinarily, I would agree on the surface It would be odd that Tesla refreshes the model 3 without the front bumper camera and then shortly thereafter adds it later But I'm hearing that the reason the front bumper camera has not been a thing is due to supply chain issues So if those clear maybe the model 3 plus gets a front bumper camera in the near future the biggest question right now is about retrofits Tesla scope said we've been told to not expect or anticipate a retrofit if there's any hope for it It would not be for several months Tesla scope has their own sources and they have been pretty solid in the past and no everybody that has said FSD will never work without a Front bumper camera are not quite vindicated yet because at least for now this camera will not be part of the FSD suite Obviously though for close corner parking this would be a really nice addition and it's looking like maybe sometime in 2025 all of the Tesla lineup will have a front bumper camera and Optimistically the entire lineup minus the model y might have it here in the next few months the VP of global Forecasting at auto forecast solutions has said even if the adoption slows here in the United States Tesla could still see six to twelve billion dollars a year by 2030 from its expanded charging business The problem is we don't get any sort of breakdown or analysis of where they're getting those numbers I'd also add six to twelve billion dollars is a fairly sizable gap and just for some context on the paid membership side It's a hundred and fifty six dollars a year So even if Tesla had five million customers paying that annually that's only 780 million dollars of course You'd still have the actual supercharger revenue in addition to this as well But it would have been nice to have a bit of a breakdown
通常情况下,表面上我会同意。特斯拉刷新Model 3没有前保险杠摄像头,然后很快后来又加上,这确实有点奇怪。但我听说前保险杠摄像头还没加上的原因是由于供应链问题。所以如果这些问题清除了,也许Model 3 Plus会在不久的将来配备前保险杠摄像头。目前最大的问题是关于改装问题,特斯拉的消息来源表示我们被告知不要指望有改装的可能性。如果有希望的话,也不会在几个月内进行改装。特斯拉的消息来源以前一直很可靠,尚未有人完全证明称FSD在没有前保险杠摄像头的情况下永远不会起作用,因为目前至少这个摄像头不会成为FSD套件的一部分。但是显然,对于靠近角落停车,这会是一个非常好的补充。看起来也许2025年特斯拉的整个车型系列都会有前保险杠摄像头,乐观地说,除了Model Y,可能在未来几个月内其他整个车型系列也会加上这个功能。汽车预测解决方案公司的全球预测副总裁表示,即使在美国采用速度放缓,到2030年特斯拉仍可以从其扩大的充电业务中每年获得60到120亿美元的收入问题在于我们没有得到任何关于这些数字的详细分析或分解。另外,我要补充的是,60到120亿美元之间的差距相当大,仅就付费会员资格方面的一些背景情况来说,一年的费用是156美元,所以即使特斯拉有五百万客户每年支付这笔费用,那也只有7.8亿美元,当然,你还会有超级充电器的实际收入,但是把这些也作为收入之一也不错,但有一个详细的分析就更好了。
I love it. Look how cool it is driving this around is bonkers everyone looks at you like if you if you Want to be looked at the cyber truck is for you It gets more attention than any car I've ever driven ever and that's saying something like you know multi multi multi million dollar cars and then the cyber truck Like everyone just stops rolls down their windows people shatter you from their cars and like that sick Yeah, it's a pretty wild experience. It's been fun as it stands now Tesla will be facing a class action lawsuit over allegations of Racism at its Fremont factory the class size is about six thousand people some of these allegations date back to 2016 Tesla can actually contest this ruling at a hearing on Friday if they do they would be contesting the Certification of this class a class action trial is scheduled to begin October 14th of this year and the same day a separate case Against Tesla brought by the California Civil Rights Department will begin the other case from the CRD is seeking an injunction That would require Tesla to institute policies and procedures that will do a better job of preventing and redressing discrimination and harassment at Tesla
And we also have the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that has filed a similar action in the class action There have been 240 plaintiff declarations all of them said they heard the n word at Fremont 112 said they complained to a supervisor and 16 said they had written complaints Tesla submitted declarations from 228 people who quote generally stated that they did not observe discrimination or harassment at Fremont or if they did They took immediate and appropriate corrective action Tesla also said it created a centralized internal tracking system to document complaints and investigations and it will rely on the database To demonstrate that Tesla was aware of complaints about race discrimination and harassment and how it responded to the complaints Some folks that were looking to transfer their FSD during quarter one that had their delivery dates pushed back got some good news today Tesla said any customer who had a timeline shift will be able to take advantage of the FSD transfer into quarter two Mate Remont's had some comments about Elon's plans for the Roadster. He said it's possible with thrusters We did the simulation the problem is you release the air in two to three seconds Then you have a lot of dead weight that you're carrying around tanks compressor valves nozzles etc He said the car would have to be super light So thrusters are really the only way to go but they bring a lot of downsides as well I think most of the people that opt for this SpaceX package are not going to be super concerned with Practicality we may have gotten an indirect answer to whether or not Tesla is going to go after people who are selling their Cybertruck soya reported that Ford paid 250,000 for a Cybertruck and they're testing it near Detroit then down in the comments Elon did actually chime in on this saying worth it This could certainly just be a one-off where Elon is okay with it because he's kind of friends with Farley Especially the more that Tesla and Ford actually collaborate together I would not recommend proceeding as if that Cybertruck clause does not exist But there's a chance Tesla does not really enforce it what what I'm seeing in terms of AI compute Is I've never seen any technology advanced faster than this the artificial intelligence compute coming online appears to be increasing by a factor of 10 every six months Like obviously that cannot continue at such a high rate for forever or to exceed the best the universe But I've never seen anything like it and this is why you see in videos market cap being so gigantic because they currently have the best neural net chips I mean the chip rush is bigger than any gold rush that has ever Existed so over here ago the shortage was chips neural net chips Then I was very easy predict that the next shortage will be voltage step-down transformers
我们还有美国平等就业机会委员会在集体诉讼中提起了类似诉讼。共有240位原告声明他们都在Fremont听到过n字,其中112位表示曾向主管投诉,16位表示他们有书面投诉。特斯拉提交了228份声明,大多数人表示他们没有在Fremont观察到歧视或骚扰,或者如果有,他们会立即采取适当的纠正行动。特斯拉还表示他们创建了一个集中的内部跟踪系统来记录投诉和调查,并且将依赖数据库来证明特斯拉对种族歧视和骚扰投诉的意识以及对投诉的回应。一些在第一季度寻求转移他们的智能驾驶功能的人最终新的好消息,特斯拉表示任何有时间表变动的客户都将能够在第二季度利用智能驾驶的转移。Mate Remont对埃隆关于Roadster计划的评论提出了一些看法,他表示通过推进器可能有可能,我们进行了模拟,问题是你把空气释放在两到三秒内,然后你会携带一大堆无用的重量如罐子,压缩机,阀门等等。他表示车辆必须超轻才能进行推进,所以推进器确实是唯一的方法,但它们也带来了很多不利因素。我认为大多数选择这种SpaceX套餐的人可能不会特别关心实用性。关于特斯拉是否会追究那些出售Cybertruck的人的问题,我想我们可能已经得到了间接回答,据报道Ford支付了25万美元购买了一辆Cybertruck,并在底特律附近进行了测试,然后埃隆在评论中确实发表了看法,表示值得。这可能只是一个例外情况,埃隆可能认为这样做是可以接受的,因为他与Farley算是朋友。尤其是特斯拉和福特之间的合作越来越密切,我不建议以不存在Cybertruck条款而继续进行操作,但也有可能特斯拉并没有真正执行它。在我看来,关于AI计算的发展,我从未见过任何技术比这快速发展的人工智能计算。上线的人工智能计算似乎每六个月就增长10倍。显然,这种高速增长的情况不可能永远持续下去或超过宇宙的最佳状态。但我从未见过任何事物如此快速发展,这也是为什么你会看到视频中市值如此之高,因为他们目前拥有最好的神经网络芯片。我的意思是,芯片的竞赛比过去任何一次金矿潮还要大。有一段时间,短缺是芯片的神经网络芯片,接下来我很容易预测下一个短缺将是电压降转换器。
So you've got to feed the power to these things So if you've got a hundred to three hundred kilobolts coming out of your utility and it's got to step all the way down to You know point six volts. That's a lot of stepping down So now we're in step-down and this is my not that funny joke Which is that they need transformers to run transformers because you know the AI is like there's this thing called a transformer in AI It's a it's a neural I don't know It's a combination of sort of neural nets and they're running out of transformers to run transformers Then the next shortage will be electricity
So I think next year you'll see the electricity that they just can't find that electricity to run all the chips Pretty good timing for those comments from Elon just yesterday We talked about energy demand going up that will lead to more price of volatility Which makes battery energy storage like Tesla's mega pack even more attractive
Environmental activists are staging a protest at the forest near Gigabrelin and they're bowing to stay in place for weeks There are between 80 and 100 activists that have been camping in the forest since early Thursday Their initiative is called stop Tesla trying to stop Tesla's expansion at Gigabrelin The police have decided the demonstration can continue until at least March 15th I said forest and air quotes because as you can tell this is not a natural forest The word is this was man-made to actually harvest for wood
It was also environmental activists in Germany that played a role in Germany shutting down the final three nuclear stations After that happened though They were then forced to rely on more coal the Royal Canadian Mounted police had some rave reviews of the Model Y after the first Year of it operating in its fleet the feedback has been Overwhelmingly positive noting the Model Y is always the first car signed out It's proven to be so popular officers often come in early to ensure they can secure the SUV for their shift
德国的环保活动家也在德国关闭最后三个核电站中发挥了作用。然而,在那之后,他们被迫更多地依赖煤炭。加拿大皇家骑警在Model Y运行一年后对其给予了积极评价,反馈非常正面,指出Model Y总是第一辆签出的车辆。这款SUV非常受欢迎,警官们经常提前来保证他们可以获得这辆车用于工作。
Despite many people thinking the Model Y was going to be a bad choice and that it was just going to randomly run out of battery They said the battery life has not been an issue in fact during the first year The lowest the battery has gone to is 56% And who would have thought they touted the convenience of being able to plug it in after a shift not having to go to a gas station The only drawback some of the taller officers have said there's not as much interior space in the Y as there is some of the ice SUVs they're also planning to test the Machi F-150 Lightning and the Chevy Blazer EV
尽管很多人认为Model Y是一个糟糕的选择,认为它会随机耗尽电池,但他们说电池寿命事实上并没有成为问题,在第一年里电池剩余最低值为56%。谁会想到他们大肆宣传了通过工作后就能充电的便利,而不用去加油站。唯一的缺点是一些身材较高的警官说Y车内空间不能像一些传统燃油发动机SUV那样宽敞,他们还计划测试Mach-E F-150 Lightning和雪佛兰Blazer EV。
Tesla just rolled out some new incentives in China for customers taking delivery of an inventory model 3 or Y before the end of March Customers can receive incentives up to four thousand eight hundred dollars the eight thousand yuan insurance discount is back Which is about 1.1 thousand dollars and customers can get a slightly higher discount if they choose a certain color Tesla's also offering limited time preferential financing plans that could save people around $2,400 Tesla's always the one in the media that gets blamed for all of these price cuts But BYD and other Chinese automakers are doing the same thing BYD cut prices on some models over 10% last week and then this week They just launched four new versions of vehicles that prices well below the prior versions in the US though Tesla did stay true to their word They raised the price of the rear wheel drive and a long-range Model Y by $1,000 each
特斯拉刚刚在中国推出了一些新的激励措施,供应应用库存的Model 3或Y型车的客户在三月底之前提车。客户可以获得高达四千八百美元的激励,八千元的保险折扣也回来了,大约是1.1千美元,如果客户选择某种颜色,他们可以获得稍高的折扣。
尽管特斯拉没有降价,他们还是遵守了他们的承诺,将后驱和长续航Model Y的价格每辆提高了1,000美元。
Nick Patein shared this image I'm just gonna call it the model 3 performance until we know for sure what it actually is But of note is the extended spoiler for what it's worth the original poster on Reddit said that this was in St Louis what we have here is a Chinese CEO of Deepau who made some comments about the Cybertruck saying that it was an Unfinished product he faced a ton of media backlash and now he's doubling down He's the CEO of Deepau a company that sold 123.9 thousand full BEVs last year Here's what he said though the Cybertruck poses a significant potential threat to the environment like pedestrian safety I feel like people are really reaching with this argument at the end of the day if it's a pedestrian verse pretty much Any vehicle on the road the pedestrian is going to lose then he moved to spreading FUD saying the Cybertruck does not have crumple zones That's just not true the official Cybertruck account on X said it's not about the size of your crumple zone It's about how you use it when in a high-speed collision Cybertruck's front underbody casting is designed to break into small pieces This helps reduce occupant impact by absorbing and dispensing energy so that FUD that the Cybertruck doesn't have a crumple zone is officially debunked he went on to say things like the stainless steel is Unrefined and that just because there's high interest right now in China Japan and other markets where the Cybertruck was touring That does not necessarily translate into high sales. Finally. He said it's heavy with high energy consumption And he wouldn't dare drive it too far the excitement is likely temporary and the vehicle is probably best suited for car collections Then fancy this he took the opportunity to advertise Deep house upcoming off-road SUV as a better executed alternative to the Cybertruck in an interview with Automotive news
尼克·帕廷分享了这张图片,我打算暂且称其为3型性能车,直到我们确切知道它是什么。但值得注意的是,延长的扰流板,原始发帖者在Reddit上表示这是在圣路易斯拍摄的。我们看到的是中国Deepau公司的CEO做出了一些关于Cybertruck的评论,称其为未完成品,他面临了大量媒体抨击,现在他正在坚持。他是一家去年售出12.39万辆全电动汽车的公司Deepau的首席执行官。然而,他所说的是,Cybertruck对环境和行人安全构成了重大潜在威胁,我觉得人们真的在牵强附会,在最后一天,如果行人与路上的任何车辆相撞,行人几乎一定会失败。然后,他传播了“恐惧、不确定、怀疑”的说法,称Cybertruck没有压缩缓冲区,这是不正确的,官方Cybertruck账户在X上表示,问题不在于压缩缓冲区的大小,而在于在高速碰撞时如何使用它,Cybertruck的前部底部铸件设计成可以分解成小块,以吸收和释放能量,以减少乘员的冲击,Cybertruck没有压缩缓冲区的说法已被 official 辟谣。接着他说,不锈钢是原始的,并且仅仅是因为Cybertruck目前在中国、日本和其他市场巡回展示而吸引了很高的兴趣,并不一定会转化为高销量。最后,他表示这车重,耗能高,不敢开得太远,兴奋很可能是暂时的,这款车可能更适合车收藏。然后,他趁机宣传Deepau即将推出的越野SUV,称其为比Cybertruck更好执行的替代品,在接受《汽车新闻》采访时。
Toyota Motors North America CEO has said that he's expecting 30% of sales in the US in 2030 to be full be Evie because of that Toyota will choose to follow natural customer demand and buy credits to close any gap rather than quote waste money Investing in EVs without consumers ready to buy them it is an absurd comment But it's laughable because it really is somewhat true if Toyota's efforts for EV investment is going to result in a vehicle like the BZ4x if that's the best they can do then yeah, they are actually wasting money investing in EVs He said wasted investment is worse than the credit purchase here We are though with yet another person talking about the Chinese coming to America He called the threat of China answering the US through Mexico one of the biggest challenges Toyota and other automakers face this year citing the possibility lower price Chinese vehicles will undercut existing automakers like is happening in Mexico He said their product is so competitive including the tariffs But China also saw labor cost increasing and material costs as well He said that's why someday they'll be in the same condition as other automakers operating in North America for whatever It's worth there are not that many other people saying the same thing about China's costs increasing Ultimately though nothing really new here Toyota still not on board with the EV movement fisker is now saying there is substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern They also just announced a 15% cut in its workforce today though We learned that Nissan is an advanced talks with fisker that could provide the Japanese automaker with access to an EV pickup While giving fisker a financial lifeline the deal could close this month and the terms being discussed include Nissan investing more than four hundred million dollars into fiskers truck platform and building fiskers Alaska pickup starting in 2026 at one of its US assembly plants Nissan would build its own electric pickup on the same platform The silver lining here is that if this deal goes through production of these vehicles would remain in North America
Here we have it the legal team that was responsible for avoiding Elon's pay package has just asked the judge for 29 million Tesla shares for compensation, which would be equivalent to about six billion dollars This is actually insane considering their entire premise was to quote protect shareholders Yet now they're asking for Tesla to pay six billion dollars, which would of course directly and materially hurt Shareholders, I'm just speculating here But I feel like there's no chance Elon or Tesla give in and just pay this fine if anything this may make the appeal even more likely This is certainly not the end of the story Pretty ironic that this entire case was based on the premise that Elon's getting paid too much and now those very same people are saying They deserve six billion dollars in the filing for the fee
They said we recognize that the requested fee is unprecedented in terms of absolute size The fee works out to an hourly rate of 288.8 thousand dollars If this fee somehow holds up it would be paid a buy Tesla to the attorneys who represented Richard Torneta simply put Tesla's being asked to pay this fee because they're saying Tesla will benefit from the return of Elon's pay package Meaning Tesla would get back 266 million shares. However, Elon's options were never exercised So that's not technically accurate keep in mind though This fee request still has to be approved by the judge Kathleen McCormick, which will be interesting Considering she's the same one who called Elon's pay unfathomable Tesla will have the option to object to this fee
They also said this fee would be tax deductible to Tesla to date the biggest lawyer fee That's ever been paid as far as I can tell was six hundred and eighty eight million dollars Which was in the securities fraud case dealing with Enron the easiest way to think about this fee as it stands now Would be the plaintiffs lawyers end up with 29 million shares of Tesla without any restrictions on the ability to sell it
So instead of Elon exercising those options and getting paid himself The lawyers rather end up with the stock Elon would have had so it would not be Tesla taking six billion dollars in cash Off its balance sheet to pay this but it would still be harmful to shareholders in that the stock would go to those lawyers and Not to Elon but as I said this certainly is not the last we will hear of this This will be a very interesting one especially now that Elon has X AI Which is a direct competitor with open AI?
所以,特斯拉不会用60亿美元现金来支付激励计划,而是将股票分配给律师。这对股东来说仍然是有害的,因为股票会流向律师,而不是埃隆。但我说过,这绝对不是我们将听到的最后消息。这将是一个非常有趣的案例,特别是现在埃隆拥有X AI,这是与Open AI直接竞争的。
Elon has decided to sue open AI and Sam Altman the claim open AI's pursuit of profit has led the company to abandon Its founding mission to develop AI tech that will benefit humanity Elon is alleging that open AI's partnership with Microsoft has transformed the organization into a closed source de facto subsidiary of Microsoft that's focused on maximizing profits according to the lawsuit such actions would constitute a breach of the founding agreement between Elon and Sam Altman the lawsuit seeks to force open AI to adhere to its founding agreement and return to its mission to develop AGI for the benefit of humanity the lawsuit claims GPT-4 isn't just capable of reasoning but is also actually better at reasoning than average humans They said it scored in the 90th percentile of the bar exam This move is undoubtedly going to separate people one camp will be people saying Elon's just doing this to slow down a competitor The other camp will say that Elon does genuinely care about the long-term impact on humanity of AI and keeping us all safe Or as with many things in life, maybe the answer is somewhere in the middle
There's one more thing today after this but Tesla stock closed the day at 202.64 up 0.38% while the NASDAQ was up 1.14% It was another low volume day for Tesla trading about 24 million shares below the average 30-day volume for the week Tesla was up 3.75% and year to date it's down 18.97% as a fan of Cinematography and having been someone who has flown a drone in the past and understands how difficult it is This might be the best video Tesla has ever created So I'll send you off into the weekend enjoying this one if you haven't already seen it Hope you guys have a wonderful and a safe weekend Please like the video if you did you can find me on X linked below and a huge Thank you to all of my patreon supporters You You You You You You You You