Tesla Makes Product for Competitor / Unique Tesla Partnership / Major "Chinese FSD" Expansion ⚡️
发布时间 2024-03-01 01:28:13 来源
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Welcome to Electrified. It's your host Dylan Loomis. Quick shout out to my newest patron, William K. Thank you for choosing to support the channel. Jim Farley and Ford have announced eligible Machi and F-150 Lightning owners in the US or Canada can reserve a complimentary adapter for their Ford to access the Supercharger network. This more than doubles the fast chargers available to Ford customers and paired with plug-in charge, no other apps are needed to start a charge. He said, I've tested it myself and it works great. I would also like to thank Elon and the Tesla team for their close collaboration and leadership. Rohan Patel said our hardware and software pace of innovation provides a competitive advantage. See the number one vehicle in Europe and China, markets with better charging competition. We hate walled gardens and moats whether in business or policy, their unsustainable and disincentivized competition and innovation. If you own a Ford EV, you do have to go and reserve your adapter. They're not just going to send them to you automatically. Ford customers will get these adapters for free until July 1st this year. After that, they'll cost $230. Ford customers are getting access to 15,000 Tesla Superchargers in the US and Canada. That's not all of them. Of course, they won't have access to any V2. They'll have access to most V3 and V4.
Have a listen to what a Ford charging rep has said. Yes. The adapter that we will be providing to customers is rated at 500 amps continuous. So our vehicles will be able to achieve their full DC fast charging speed on version 3 Super chargers with our adapter. And the adapter is Tesla made or Ford made? It is designed and engineered by Tesla. Okay. And so is it up to 1000 volt capable? I know none of the Ford vehicles today are that high, but is it 1000 volt 500 amp? Is that the rating? That yeah, that is the rating on the adapter we'll be providing. Once that update is received, it is that easy. So all you'll need to do is you'll rock up to a Supercharger, you'll park, you'll grab the NACS cable, connect it to your adapter, connect it straight to the vehicle, and we'll handle the rest from there with the Blueville Charged Network and Plug-in Charge. We're providing tips and tricks at that Ford.com slash fast charging adapter hub to give them suggestions. In almost all instances, it's going to be possible for the Ford EV to park in the parking spot to the right of the Supercharger they intend to use. This adapter for Ford is designed and engineered by Tesla. I would love to see the details of this contract.
听听福特的充电代表说了什么。是的。我们将为客户提供的适配器额定连续电流为500安培。因此,我们的车辆将能够在版本3的超级充电器上达到其全速直流快速充电速度。这个适配器是特斯拉制造还是福特制造的?是特斯拉设计和工程师制造的。好的。那么它的最高电压是1000伏特吗?我知道目前福特的车辆都没有那么高,但是它是否支持1000伏特500安培?那是适配器的额定功率吗?是的,这是我们将提供的适配器的额定功率。一旦收到升级,就很简单了。所以您只需要走到一个超级充电器旁,停车,拿起NACS电缆,将其连接到您的适配器,直接连接到车辆,接下来的工作我们将通过Blueville充电网络和插入式充电来处理。我们正在提供在Ford.com/fast charging adapter hub 网址给予建议。在几乎所有情况下,福特的电动车都可以停在他们打算使用的超级充电器右侧的停车位上。这个适配器是由特斯拉设计和工程制造的用于福特。我希望能看到这份合同的详细信息。
Then we have the Verge reporting that the adapter, which is also manufactured by Tesla. So designed, engineered, and made by Tesla. Tesla charging on X has confirmed over the past six months. Tesla technicians have visited all 20,000 plus V3 stalls, doing a fairly complex retrofit, adding a new communications board to support NACS, CCS communication, and more accurate metering. Shout out to the unsung heroes of this story.
然后我们有The Verge报道说,这个适配器也是由特斯拉制造的。所以设计、工程和制造都是由特斯拉完成的。在过去的六个月里,特斯拉在X上的充电已经得到确认。特斯拉技术人员已经访问了所有20,000多个V3充电桩,进行了相当复杂的改造,添加了一个新的通信板来支持NACS、CCS通信以及更加准确的计量。向这个故事中的默默奉献者们致敬。
Tesla has a new website up charging for all 27,000 plus stalls for Teslas, 15,000 plus for NACS, and 500 plus stalls for other EVs. This portion for NACS would refer to the Ford deal, and then this portion for other EVs would be the magic docks with the CCS adapter. Fun fact, Tesla said approximately they're installing one new stall every hour. We're stuck in this adapter season right now, but Tesla said soon all new EVs will come with NACS charge ports built in and adapters will no longer be needed.
Ford is the first non-Tesla company to be supported, then coming spring 2024, Rivian, GM, Volvo, and Polestar. And Tesla confirmed the membership option will be a thing in North America as well. Remember that promo shooting Tesla was doing? Well, here's one of the results. Tesla's Find Us Supercharger map has been updated. You can filter out everything except Superchargers open to NACS to see how many Superchargers are currently available to Ford members. Those magic dock locations definitely growing, but not a ton of coverage. To show you for comparison, these are all of the sites currently open to Ford. Then if you add on all of the Superchargers, you can see there's still a decent amount that Ford does not have access to, mostly version two and some version three. There's really no way around it. It's going to be a somewhat uncomfortable transition as we're in this adapter phase, but also as we mostly have V3s with shorter cables. So we'll see how these Ford customers decide and learn how to park.
福特是第一家得到支持的非特斯拉公司,然后到2024年春天,Rivian、通用、沃尔沃和Polestar也将获得支持。特斯拉证实会在北美推出会员选项。还记得特斯拉之前拍的促销照片吗?结果之一就是更新了特斯拉的Find Us Supercharger地图。你可以筛选出除NACS以外的所有设备,看看目前有多少个Supercharger对福特会员开放。这些神奇的充电站位置正在不断增加,但覆盖面还不是很广。作为对比,这是目前对福特开放的所有站点。如果再加上所有的Supercharger,你可以看到福特仍然无法访问相当数量的站点,主要是二代和一些三代。真的无法避免,这将是一个有点不舒服的过渡阶段,因为我们现在处于适配器阶段,大部分是线缆较短的V3。看我们如何解决这些福特客户决定和学会停车的问题。
The easiest way to do this, tell your friends, all Ford customers, fill in from the right, looking at the Supercharger stalls, take access to this one, and then fill in from there. The time has come to figure out how congestion is going to go. I still think Tesla is not opening up its busiest V3 sites. Try to put yourself in Ford owner's shoes. This is huge news for them. Many of them will have a lot to learn about this process, so if you're out and about, try to be as helpful as you can. It's a pretty simple equation. More public charging means more EV sales means more individuals, co-workers, friends, family, talking about their EV ownership, and thus more friends, family, co-workers of that person, considering buying an EV. It won't be a ton of money at first, but Tesla will be making some incremental profits with non-Tesla owners using the Supercharger network that'll help roll out more Superchargers faster.
We also have to keep in mind that cumulatively, Ford has only sold barely over 100,000 Mach-E's and under 60,000 F-150 lightnings. If you're a fan of electric vehicles in general, this is a pretty big day, especially when you think that just 12 years ago, Tesla started this Supercharger project. Now it has most of the EV industry on its back in North America. Esther also shared some pictures from a V4 site in Germany. There are some signs from Tesla explaining the type of charging, the cost, and the speed. That's the first time I've ever seen this implementation in, looks pretty slick.
我们还要记住,总体来说,福特公司仅售出了超过10万辆Mach-E和不到6万辆F-150闪电版。 如果你是电动汽车的粉丝,这是一个相当重要的时刻,尤其是当你想到仅仅12年前,特斯拉启动了这个超级充电站项目时。 现在,它在北美掌握了大部分电动汽车行业。埃斯特还分享了一些德国V4场地的图片。 有一些来自特斯拉的标识,解释了充电类型、成本和速度。 这是我第一次看到这种实施方式,看起来非常不错。
This is probably nothing, and no, not the sarcastic, probably nothing, but the kilowatts showed a picture of a quick silver Model Y in three months outbound logistics lot. I'll be that guy, do not get your hopes up. We're all familiar with Tesla's recent Pi debacle, but what I thought was interesting, there were 25 different sources picking up on this story, nine of which leaned left politically, and only four of which leaned right. The ability to do all of this is thanks to today's sponsor, Ground News, one that many of you guys have really been enjoying. As I scroll down, I can see every article about this topic, and I can compare headlines. Beside every headline, there's a tag showing me the political bias, the reliability, and the ownership of each source.
这可能不是什么大事,不,不是那种讽刺的“可能不是什么”,而是千瓦在三个月内的出口物流区显示了一辆闪电快银的Model Y的图片。我可能会成为那个人,不要抱太大希望。我们都熟悉特斯拉最近的Pi惨败,但我觉得有趣的是,有25个不同的消息源报道了这个故事,其中有9个政治倾向左派,只有4个倾向右派。能够做到这一切,多亏了今日赞助商Ground News,很多人都在喜欢这个平台。当我往下滚动时,我可以看到有关这个话题的每篇文章,还可以比较标题。在每个标题旁边,都有一个标签告诉我每个消息源的政治倾向、可靠性和所有权。
I can see these headlines on the left, where they say Elon promises to make things good, whereas one on the right has Tesla slammed for disregarding the livelihoods of small business owners. You know how, if you were to form your opinion about Tesla and Elon from the legacy media alone, you would probably not be a fan of either. So what if that bias is being fed to you on topics that you may not follow as closely? That right there is part of why I linked up with Ground News, the sponsor of this episode. We all know this is going to be critical during an election year, so if you hear somebody mention the poll that one third of adults think Biden's election was illegitimate, you can use ground news to actually find the facts of that poll like who conducted it and how many people were surveyed. Having context like who actually owns the sources reporting on each story is a great way to actually bridge the gap with the other side, something our country desperately needs. What's cool about Ground News is they're supported by their subscribers and you can do so for as little as $1 per month, meaning that subscription directly supports the platform where they're continually adding new features. Plus, if you use my link below ground.news slash electrified, you can get 40% off their unlimited access advantage plan for less than $5 per month. I think it's a mission worth supporting.
我可以看到左边的头条新闻,上面说埃隆承诺要做好事情,而右边的一则报道则抨击特斯拉无视小企业主的生计。你知道吗,如果你仅仅从传统媒体上获取有关特斯拉和埃隆的信息,你可能不会成为任何一方的粉丝。那么,如果那种偏见被灌输给你在你可能不那么密切关注的话题上,会怎样呢?这正是我与本集赞助商Ground News合作的原因之一。我们都知道在竞选年份这将至关重要,所以如果你听到有人提到有三分之一的成年人认为拜登的当选是非法的民调结果,你可以使用Ground News来查找该民调的事实,比如是谁进行的调查以及有多少人接受了调查。了解谁拥有报道每个新闻故事的来源是一个很好的方式来弥合与另一方之间的差距,这正是我们国家迫切需要的。Ground News的独特之处在于他们得到了订阅者的支持,你可以以每月1美元的价格订阅,这意味着你的订阅费用直接支持这个平台,他们不断添加新功能。此外,如果你使用我下面的链接ground.news/electrified,你可以以每月不到5美元的价格获得他们无限访问优势计划的40%折扣。我认为这是一个值得支持的使命。
Wes, a cyber truck engineer said the inverter is already on the cyber truck. You just need a switch to be able to disconnect your home from back feeding to the grid. If you already have a powerball and a Tesla wall charger, it'll just work out of the box as an additional around nine powerballs that you can also drive to work. Rather than having an inverter installed, he'll most likely be getting the Tesla 3 volt gateway for power share, which allows you to power your home during a power outage using the cyber truck without letting any of that electricity flow back to the grid, which can be dangerous if people are working on it. Important to note for this to work out of the box, you do need the universal Tesla wall charger. Anybody in New Jersey that waving of the roughly 6% sales tax when buying a full BEV is now going to be phased out over the next three years, so you're on the clock.
This Bouldercomb battery project in Australia was only operating at full tilt for the last 19 days of last year. During that time alone, the best earned roughly $1.1 million in revenue and had a net margin of $341 per megawatt hour. That's all thanks to energy arbitrage, buying when prices are low and selling when they're high. So in an energy market that has extra volatile prices, a battery storage project becomes even more valuable. The owner of this project, Gen X Power has a unique deal with Tesla, who's supplying the megapacks. It's a revenue sharing agreement and allows Tesla to operate the batteries and trade the output in multiple different markets. In this auto bidder off take agreement, Tesla will provide a revenue floor, then any revenue and profits earned above a certain threshold will be split by Tesla and the owner of the project. I wanted to share this because there's a narrative out there now that the battery storage market is just going to be erased to the bottom and to some degree that's certainly true, especially when you factor in the Chinese competition, their vertical integration and low cost structure. The problem with that argument, a product like the megapack is not just a hardware product, there's some fairly sophisticated software that runs on the hardware. Given that energy demand is continuing to increase and the volatility of energy prices is probably not going away, which means whatever company can develop the most advanced AI software algorithms to capture this arbitrage and these other services for battery storage should be able to maintain fairly healthy margins. In my eyes, that would be at least for the next few years given how much demand there is relative to the actual supply. Sometime after 2030, we'll reassess the situation.
这个在澳大利亚的Bouldercomb电池项目去年仅在最后19天全力运营。仅在那段时间里,该项目赚取了大约110万美元的收入,每兆瓦时净利润为341美元。这要归功于能源套利,低价买入高价卖出。因此,在能源价格极度波动的市场上,电池储存项目变得更有价值。该项目的所有者Gen X Power与提供超级电池的特斯拉达成了独特的协议。这是一项分成协议,允许特斯拉操作电池并在多个市场交易产出。在这项自动竞标采购协议中,特斯拉将提供一个收入底线,然后在一定门槛之上赚取的任何收入和利润将由特斯拉和项目所有者分享。我想分享这个信息是因为现在有一个说法,即电池储存市场将完全被淘汰,在某种程度上这当然是真的,尤其是考虑到中国的竞争、他们的垂直整合和低成本结构。但是这种观点的问题在于,像超级电池这样的产品不仅仅是一个硬件产品,还有一些相当复杂的软件运行在硬件上。鉴于能源需求不断增加,能源价格的波动可能不会消失,这意味着无论哪家公司能够开发出最先进的人工智能软件算法来捕捉这种套利和电池储存的其他服务,都应该能够维持相当健康的利润率。在我看来,至少在未来几年内,这将是如此,鉴于需求量相对于实际供应量有多大。在2030年之后的某个时候,我们将重新评估情况。
Well, like I said, this is not perfect. We have works that were back at the delivery center and drop it off. It's probably going to be an overnight thing, but basically everything I pointed out, all those little minor imperfections for some reason, the windshield wipers protruding super far off from the side of the truck. So we're going to check that out. Like I said, there's the door, it's just sticking way far out. So they're going to check that out and just because that's not perfectly flush, coming to the front. Like I said, there's these rubber seals here are kind of poking out. So they're going to check on that too. And I said, the hood's not exactly 100% flush with the side of the truck. Like I said, just minor things, of course, you know, for a truck that costs this match. I was hoping for a battery and that too, that's that's super brutal. But yeah, they're going to check all this out. Still loving the truck though.
A good reminder for all of us to stay grounded when it comes to the cyber truck. And there's a reason that personally, I will not be an early adopter of any Tesla variant. I would prefer to let them work through all of these production challenges. But the world needs people who will be early adopters. So salute. It's somewhat comical to see people making a big deal out of this, something Elon said a years ago, and something that Tesla community has now been parroting for years. But now after a laythrough up factory tour analysts at RBC believe Tesla's mega pack business could be worth substantially more than its standalone car business.
Their groundbreaking math said the battery storage market could yield $600 billion in annual industry revenue. So a 15% market share for Tesla would mean $90 billion in Tesla specific best revenue discounting Tesla earnings from 2040 back to today, they came up with a $120 billion valuation for Tesla's mega pack business alone. RBC believes their assumptions are conservative, but then they said they think Tesla has a 30% cost advantage over its peers. The problem is they don't define peers. I say that because everything I read tells me that the Chinese actually have the cost advantage for battery storage. But RBC, welcome to the party.
The New York Times put out a piece with some more information about Apple's car project that was called Titan. Apparently Apple employees referred to it as Project Titanic disaster. They said Apple burned more than $10 billion on the project during the lifetime, and it was ended in part because developing the software and algorithms for a car with autonomous driving features proved too difficult. Translation, what Tesla is doing is too hard for Apple. We also have the Times reporting some conflicting information with what Elon said the Times said Apple held some discussions with Elon about buying Tesla according to two people familiar, but ultimately Apple decided building its own car made more sense than buying and integrating another business.
You know how I said Apple's hubris was wild thinking they were going to compete with Tesla when it comes to data acquisition. Well, Adam Jonas said it in a few more words to which Martin Vieja said a good summary and then Elon chimed in saying yeah, I won't read it to you but pause the screen if you're interested. The Daily Mail which has the worst webpage layout in the history of the internet is reporting that Justin Bieber now owns a Cybertruck. Who is Justice Beaver? It's a crime-fighting beaver. Add Justice, Justin, and his wife Haley to the list of Cybertruck celebrity owners. Speaking of that list, here it is on the screen and seemingly growing every week.
How about this one? At a used car auction, a Cybertruck was up for grabs with 69 miles. It was ultimately bought by a Porsche dealer for $244,000. Nobody knows what this Porsche dealer is doing. Maybe they're going to just have it at their dealership for more foot traffic. Maybe they'll try to resell it to a high profile customer. Somebody that doesn't want to wait in line. Do not forget, technically as far as we know, you are not allowed to resell your Cybertruck in the first year of ownership. Now it's going to be interesting to see if Tesla throws its lawyers at this situation and comes after that person for that $50,000 fine.
A Porsche dealer paying over double for the sticker price of a Cybertruck. What a time to be alive. At this point, it's somewhat exhausting, but we have more and more politicians joining the ranks of people urging Biden to end the EV transition goals. In a letter to the president, this congressman said the same thing everybody else has been saying. The administration's radical EV policies are driving up consumer costs, hurting American jobs, and emboldening China.
I'm not so sure about that, Mikey. Those radical EV policies actually just drove my costs as a consumer significantly down. The city of Anaheim just authorized the purchase of six Tesla Model Wies. Add one more police department to the EV owner list. Sam Pretty bought a charia, the CEO and founder of Navier Boat posted a picture of Elon checking out the product. I'll just say it, I'm hopeful that the decade of the 2030s will be the decade of the Tesla boat. From the CN EV post, X-Pang just announced its XNGP, their navigation guided pilot feature becomes available on all roads in China. Unlimited XNGP available all over the country on any road, the feature will be pushed out to more users. Similar to Tesla, this feature started on the highway and has gradually been rolling out to more urban roads. Their CEO said sometime this year they're going to release point-to-point capabilities, which will cover internal roads and parking lot scenarios in addition to highways and city roads. There aren't many recent XNGP videos, but I did find one from two months ago. So it's gonna drive on the right lane over there. Well, you better be a. that's the proof that you better be making sure you look outside. You'd never pick that car. I saw the car I was just waiting for it. I'm like, it's gonna slow down a bit, but I saw the car I was just waiting and then I'm like, okay, now I need to do something. So in 150 meters it's gonna disconnect NGP.
我对此并不十分确定,米奇。那些激进的电动汽车政策实际上明显降低了我作为消费者的成本。安纳海姆市刚刚批准购买六辆特斯拉Model Wies。EV车主名单又增加了一个警察局。萨姆·普雷迪购买了一辆charia,Navier Boat的CEO兼创始人发布了埃隆查看产品的照片。我只能说,我对2030年代是特斯拉船只的十年怀有希望。从CN EV的帖子中,小鹏刚刚宣布他们的XNGP导航引导驾驶功能在中国所有道路上都可用。全国范围内任何道路上都可以使用无限XNGP,这一功能将推广到更多用户手中。类似于特斯拉,这一功能最初在高速公路上开始,逐渐推广到更多城市道路。他们的CEO表示,今年会发布点对点功能,涵盖内部道路和停车场场景,除了高速公路和市区道路。目前没有太多最新的XNGP视频,但我找到了一个两个月前的视频。车子要开到右边道路了。嗯,你最好要留神。这是证明你要留意外界的证据。你永远不会选那辆车。我看到车子只是在等待。我知道它会放慢速度,但是我就在那等着,然后我就说,好了,现在我需要采取行动了。所以在150米处它会断开NGP。
Oh, okay, very nicely done here. I don't know. Oh, man. So what the heck? Not too sure what happened here because he was telling me that it would disconnect in 150 meters. Not right now. That was two hot moments. The driver said in the comments the technology was not very convincing and he also said during the video that it was not recognizing speed limit signs on the highway. Just a few anecdotes, but I wouldn't be too concerned. Amazon has a new fund starting with $1 billion to invest in smaller startups that are working on AI with robots. Amazon is mostly focused on improving the efficiency in their warehouses. The headline, automakers and suppliers are scrambling for silicon carbide chips for EVs. Bosch estimates the new technology could extend battery range by as much as 6% while cutting charging times, but these new ER chips are more expensive than the standard silicon. For automotive, these silicon carbide chips are primarily used in EV powertrains, inverters, DC to DC converters, and onboard chargers. The gains from using these carbide chips are more pronounced in higher voltage EVs like 800 volt architectures. McKinsey and Co are estimating this industry goes from $2 billion today to between $11 and $14 billion by 2030. But I'm guessing most people have forgotten what Tesla said at investor day. In our next powertrain, the silicon carbide transistors that I mentioned that are key component but expensive, we figured out a way to use 75% less without compromising the performance or the efficiency of the car. And of course, we know that battery cell supplies one of the constraints on the scalability of EVs right now. Our new powertrain is compatible with any battery chemistry. That will give us great flexibility in battery sourcing.
If we want to make EVs more accessible to people that have to be cheaper, we've reduced the driving it cost to about $1,000. And we don't think any other automaker is even close to that number. Inside the charger of your Tesla are transistor packages, and that's at the top of your screen here. And every electron that moves you down the road flows through one of these packages. We designed our own custom package, which is what you're seeing here. And we can extract twice as much heat out of that package as what we could buy off the shelf. And so what does that mean? It means that the silicon carbide wafer that's inside those packages can be much smaller. And silicon carbide is an amazing semiconductor, but it's also expensive and it's really hard to scale. So using less of it is a big one for us. Well, we have here is most of the industry rushing toward silicon carbide as a newer technology where most likely costs will continue to go up because it's difficult to scale and the costs are already high, not Tesla though. They've already realized the benefits of carbide and spoken of them, but now they're focused on reducing that and finding other better ways. Just one more small example of Tesla being significantly ahead of the curve. It's thousands of examples like this that allows Tesla to have the margins they have.
Here we have a majority of dealers whining about new competition. More than half of the auto retailers who express their opinions viewed this Hyundai and Amazon online car buying deal as negative. Other respondents said the program will not be good for long term customer service and will likely put pressure on dealer profit margins. Some dealers said the online process will cut into store income from finance and insurance business and customer trade-ins. Other dealers said customer loyalty will not exist without the conversations that occur during a sale. Other retailers said online trade ins will cut into dealership profit opportunities.
Two dealers dismissed the Hyundai Amazon partnership as a gimmick or a PR stunt. Another one said it's going to fail and one dealer wondered whether the auto maker retailer partnership violates antitrust or monopoly laws. That is incredibly ironic given that it's actually the dealers who are the ones focused on trying to keep their monopoly. Hyundai has assured it's 841 US dealers they would remain involved in this process and Hyundai and Amazon did make their first sale a Hyundai Santa Fe.
两家经销商将现代汽车和亚马逊的合作伙伴关系视为噱头或公关噱头。另一家经销商表示这将会失败,还有一家经销商怀疑汽车制造商与零售商合作是否违反了反垄断或垄断法。这非常讽刺,因为实际上是经销商们正在努力保持他们的垄断地位。现代汽车已经向其在美国的841家经销商保证他们将继续参与这个过程,现代汽车和亚马逊确实完成了他们的首次销售,销售了一辆现代Santa Fe。
The Biden administration said today it'll investigate the national security risks posed by connected vehicles using technology from China and other foreign adversaries. Our economic advisor said many of these vehicles can be enabled and disabled remotely. Connected vehicles that have tech source from China could be exploited in ways that threaten US national security. This is really the beginning of an inquiry and we're collecting information. We are in no way committed to a ban on the import of Chinese EVs that really remains to be seen.
Rivian just said its customers will have access to supercharger sites in North America beginning in March. Same number 15,000 as Ford Tesla stock closed the day at 201.88 down 0.08% while the Nasdaq was up 0.9%. Polestar had another double digit green day up 13.6% on that fundraising news. It was a low volume day for Tesla trading about 22 million shares below the average 30 day volume.
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