Well, We Learned a Lot About Elon and Tesla This Weekend ⚡️
发布时间 2024-01-16 23:48:50 来源
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Welcome to Electrified. It's your host Dylan Loomis.
Quick shout out to my newest patron, David H. Thank you for choosing to support the channel.
感谢我最新的赞助者David H.对我的频道的支持,特此致意。非常感谢您选择支持我的频道。
First up today, we learned a lot more about Tesla over the weekend than you may think. Now, if you've already seen everything that Elon has said on this topic, feel free to skip ahead to the analysis section linked below.
To start, Elon didn't really bring this up. He was responding to a question someone asking if Elon already has so much Tesla, why would he need another huge compensation package? To which Elon said, I'm uncomfortable growing Tesla to be a leader in AI and robotics without having around 25% boating control, enough to be influential, but not so much I cannot be overturned. Unless that's the case, I would prefer to build products outside of Tesla. You don't seem to understand that Tesla is not one startup, but a dozen. Simply look at the delta between what Tesla does and GM.
As for stock ownership itself being enough motivation, fidelity and others own similar stakes to me, why don't they show up for work? If this is where the conversation would have stopped, there would have been some legitimate concerns about Tesla going forward. Namely, that Elon may be incentivized to build AI in robotics outside of Tesla so he can actually have more ownership of that endeavor. Luckily, that's not where it ended.
About an hour and 15 minutes later, Elon said, I would like to have a strong influence on AI and robotics, not control of it. I don't think any person should control it. Then about 2 and a half hours after the original post, which was long enough for a lot of damage in the media to already be done with people speculating, which is understandable, Elon said I should note the Tesla board is great. The reason for no new comp plan is that we're still waiting for a decision in the Delaware compensation case. Trial for that was held in 2022, but a verdict has yet to be made.
I put compensation plan in quotes because from my standpoint, this is primarily about ensuring the right amount of voting influence at Tesla. If I have 25%, it means I'm influential, but can be overridden if twice as many shareholders vote against me versus for me. At 15% or lower, the 4 against ratio to override me makes a takeover by dubious interest too easy. I would be fine with a dual class voting structure to achieve this, but I'm told it's impossible to achieve post IPO in Delaware.
Elon was asked, have you had conversations with the Tesla board about a new comp plan, or is it on hold until the case is solved? Elon said waiting for the case to be decided.
Later Monday night responding to Sawyer, Elon said, if dual class can be done, I'm all for it. It's weird that a crazy multi-class share structure like Meta has, which gives the next 20 plus generations of Zuckerberg's control is fine pre IPO, but even a reasonable dual class is not allowed post IPO.
In case you're not familiar, companies can have different share classes that hold different voting rights. For example, maybe class A shares have one share one vote, whereas class B could have one share 10 votes.
Then responding to whole Mars about the relationship between Elon and Tesla's board of directors, Elon said no feud or battle at all. The Tesla board is excellent.
This entire conversation seems to boil down to Elon having enough control, not necessarily having more money. Denial, sorry for butchering said, we've seen many attempts using different approaches from different actors to undermine Elon's control and separate him from his companies. This is not going away. The more powerful his companies become, the higher the stakes will be, to which Elon said, yeah, let's have a conversation about this because there really is a lot to unpack here.
But first and foremost, everybody and their brother yesterday were saying that Tesla stock was going to tank today, fast forward to today and Tesla is in the green, the Nasdaq's in the red. Let this be a reminder if you think you know what's moving Tesla stock price and when it's going to happen, you don't.
As James pointed out, the last stock-based compensation expense for Elon's 2018 compensation plan was at the end of 2022, so from that time, Elon has effectively been working for free. I've seen a lot of people argue Elon already has hundreds of millions of Tesla shares already, so why does he need more? To that I would say, Elon has already earned all of those shares. Let's say your compensation for 2023 was all in stock in whatever company you work for, even if it's not a public company. That would be effectively like your boss saying, well, you already got your stock for last year, so for 2024, you just work on growing that and we're not going to give you anything further. Would you be good with that? I think if we're being honest, the answer is no.
Don't forget, the last compensation package was a huge success. At the time it was debuted, nobody thought the tranches were possible, especially at the high end, and then Tesla and Elon went and achieved them all.
So this time around, if there's a new compensation package with a top level tranche that requires Tesla to get to, we'll call it 10 trillion dollars, everybody's going to think it's impossible, but then in the back of their minds, they said, hey, Tesla already did this the first time achieving the impossible, so are they going to somehow pull this off again?
And it's not like this new compensation plan for Elon is just going to pay him for showing up, it's most likely all going to be performance based as it was the first time around. Meaning if Tesla doesn't hit certain valuation and revenue and profitability metrics, then guess what, Elon doesn't get paid. And if he does get paid, it means the shareholders are winning as well.
How do you think the stock market might react if they see Tesla put a 10 trillion dollar valuation on paper in terms of an official comp plan?
On the criticism that Elon's only really in this position because he decided to sell his Tesla stock to buy Twitter, I understand the knee jerk reaction, however, the problem with that is it just quickly becomes a conversation on if you believe saving Twitter and protecting free speech was worth it in the end and that of course is going to be up for debate.
Personally, based on where mainstream media and other social media platforms are going, I absolutely think it was worth it and the right move.
That argument aside, right now Elon owns about 13% of Tesla with his basic ordinary stock, he does have some unexercised options that he has the ability to exercise sometime before the end of 2028. Right now, those options are vested and they are in the dilutive Tesla stock share count, they're not yet in the basic stock count.
That'll change whenever Elon decides to exercise them and at that time he's going to owe a hefty bill for taxes. There's no guarantee it plays out like this again, but the last time Elon was in this position with some unexercised options, he waited until basically the very end to actually exercise those options.
My point here is when you factor in for these unexercised options, Elon may only be asking for a few extra percent of Tesla. I still think there may be a way for Tesla to get creative and not be as dilutive when it comes to a new compensation plan for Elon.
That's because in 2004, Google went public in Delaware. When they started, they had two classes of stock, class A in class B, the class B with 10 times the voting rights. Then 10 years later, well after being public, again for a Delaware company, Google did a stock split that created a third class of common stock, a two for one split of its class, a stock creating a new class C stock that had no voting rights whatsoever.
And yes, maybe this was possible because the new class had no voting rights, where if you want a new class with more voting rights, maybe that's what they don't allow.
I've also seen a fair number of people argue that Elon was effectively blackmailing Tesla in the board of directors with this post. I will say, I can absolutely see how one could interpret this in that way, but having followed Elon now pretty closely for a long time, I really don't think that's ever something that he would do to a company that will always have a very special place in his life and heart not to get to in your feels.
Personally, I just see this as Elon sharing his concerns about building AI in robotics, which as we know is going to be a huge critical portion of Tesla's future, both in terms of the company and the stock valuation.
It's not apples to apples, but given everything that just happened with open AI, if you put yourself in Elon shoes, it becomes pretty apparent to see why he would ask for something like this.
Before we got this context, I thought maybe Tesla's board is actually deserving of more criticism, but turns out that's not the case. If anything, it's our legal system that's to blame. It sounds like the decision for this verdict is the only thing holding up a new compensation plan for Elon and based on everything I'm reading, it sounds like Elon should win that case.
I'd also just put it out there, most likely this new compensation plan for Elon is going to be heavily focused on AI and robotics, so what is Wall Street going to do with that?
All this to say, I don't think Elon is going anywhere, I'm pretty confident that the board and Elon will figure this all out within a few months after we get that Delaware verdict. I'm also pretty dogmatic about Elon being the right and maybe only person that can lead Tesla to this future $5-10 trillion valuation that's focused heavily on AI and robotics. Who else is going to do that job?
So ultimately, we give Elon a bit more control, he now has massive incentives to keep him at Tesla and engaged for another decade plus, and if he reaches these impossible goals yet again, then everybody including the shareholders will win.
To wrap this all up, for a long time, I thought Elon was long overdue for a new compensation plan and now we know exactly what the holdup has been. And probably more importantly, now we know that Elon is actually interested in a new compensation plan which will hopefully lock him into Tesla like I said for another decade plus. Without a new incentive package, the option for Elon slowly drifting away from Tesla was simply higher, I'm not saying it was likely but it was higher than if he actually has a plan in place.
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Rohan Patel's policy advisor said he had it back and forth on Friday night with Elon about a large AI data center investment he decided to approve which he's been tracking closely for many months. Hard to imagine a CEO more involved in the most important details of their company than E. We know Tesla has a data center at Giga Nevada but right now on the Tesla careers page they are hiring for data center roles in Palo Alto and in Austin. We heard about this over the summer when Tesla said they were going to be working on a first of its kind data center specifically in the future.
Rohan Patel的政策顾问表示,他在星期五晚上与埃隆就一个大型人工智能数据中心投资问题进行了多次交流,该投资经过了他数月的密切跟踪,他决定予以批准。很难想象有比埃隆更关注公司最重要细节的CEO了。我们知道特斯拉在Giga Nevada有一个数据中心,但目前在特斯拉的招聘页面上,他们正在聘请帕洛奥图和奥斯汀的数据中心职位。我们在今年夏天听说过这个消息,当时特斯拉表示他们将着手建设一种全新的、特别用于未来的数据中心。
Before you go crazy, Elon said important note optimists cannot yet do this autonomously but certainly will be able to do this fully autonomously and in an arbitrary environment. It won't require a fixed table with a box that has only one shirt. That means this task was done via tele operations which in the most basic sense means that Tesla was controlling optimists remotely. If you look at the bottom right portion of the screen right here at the eight second mark I believe that's where the tele operator actually was. Also worth noting in the back there was an earlier version of optimist that was working with 4680s in some fashion. Even though optimist wasn't doing this autonomously I think the more important thing here is this was a hardware demonstration showing that in this current form it seems to be capable of doing a task like this.
Replying to K10 Elon said robots will build robots one day seems inevitable whether Tesla does it or not. Adrian said it took Boston Dynamics 30 years to achieve what Tesla achieved in one. I really hate this comparison but Elon responded to it saying two years to meet three years to beat. No acquisitions optimist is a startup. Honestly don't really love this I'm pretty confident optimists can't already do everything that Atlas from Boston Dynamics can do nor should it because as I just said this is not really in apples to apples comparison.
I actually just found this post from a Tesla bot engineer saying increasingly complex tasks through tele operation in order to verify our current hardware has the dexterity to do those tasks. Now mostly software and AI work collected data needed to trained end-to-end neural nets to do it autonomously just like with the colored blocks sorting and un-sorting we've shown last year and to accumulate enough data diversity to generalize faster.
Look we all love seeing the incredible progress Tesla is making with optimists but I want to make sure our expectations remain in check. Going from this to producing thousands and hundreds of thousands of these reliably at scale and having them do real work to the point where it starts to materially benefit Tesla's financials it's still going to be a journey to get there. Elon with a critical distinction saying unfortunately such miracles as finding a missing sock are impossible.
You know how there are plenty of keyboard warriors that say oh optimist special look at Boston dynamics well let's hear what the senior research scientist at NVIDIA has to say about optimist. I appreciate this so much. Optimist has the best humanoid hardware I've seen the smoothness and speed of the motions are stunning. We can both be excited about the progress the hardware and stay grounded on the challenges chat GPT moment of robot foundation model is not here thanks Elon for the honesty we're on the right track and we will get there together as the research community advances.
Finally Mazda has announced a partnership with Tesla adopting the NACs from 2025 onward. While many of the other announcements said 12,000 Tesla superchargers Mazda saying 15,000. That's all they said but it's to be expected because right now Mazda doesn't have any full BEVs in the United States. They had the MX 30 but they discontinued that after just two years at the end of last year. Mazda CEO has said publicly they're going to intentionally be a follower for full electric vehicles because of demand uncertainty. Mazda has a few plug-in hybrids but full BEVs they've really dragged their feet.
最后,马自达宣布从2025年开始与特斯拉合作,并采用NACs。尽管其他宣布中提到了12,000个特斯拉超级充电桩,但马自达表示他们将提供15,000个。这是他们唯一说的,但这也可以预料,因为马自达目前在美国没有任何完全电动汽车。他们曾推出了MX 30,但在去年年底仅仅两年后就停产了。马自达首席执行官公开表示,由于需求不确定性,他们故意成为完全电动汽车的追随者。马自达有一些插电式混合动力车,但在完全电动汽车方面进展非常缓慢。
That now leaves us with stellantis as one of the only major automakers to yet adopt the NACs. Panasonic plans to roll out its newest iteration of EV battery cells with improved capacity as early as this year. Their new 2170 cells will begin production at Giga Nevada with Tesla this year or in 2025. Their plan is to quadruple production capacity by 2030 but remember they also have factories in Kansas and they're announcing a third one. They are saying these new cells could help reduce the overall cost of an EV. As we've known they're still developing 4680 cells and they said rising manufacturing capacity 10% by 2025 doesn't necessarily require the addition of new production lines or further investment. Panasonic will reveal the location for a third factory by the end of its fiscal year that ends in March and they're looking from 50gWh of capacity now up to 200gWh again by 2030. It may be another year before these hit the market but it's either going to be a margin tailwind for Tesla or a price cut for consumers.
Responding to Ray for Tesla Elon said getting Cybertruck road legal in China would be very difficult but we could ship some prototypes over for display. I've said it before but the truth is Tesla really doesn't need any international markets for the Cybertruck. In the United States alone we consume millions of pickup trucks so for the Cybertruck to sell $500, $750,000 a year just in the United States should not be a problem when it comes to the total addressable market. Speaking of Cybertruck responding to Sawyer, Elon said we have further improvements in the works to tighten the turning circle significantly. Right now I believe the rear wheel steer is up to 3 degrees and I'm hearing that the capacity right now from a hardware perspective would be 10 degrees.
回复雷恩的时候,特斯拉的埃隆表示将Cybertruck 在中国合法上路会很困难,但我们可以将一些样车运过去展示。我之前说过,但事实是,特斯拉对于Cybertruck 并不需要任何国际市场。仅在美国,我们每年消耗数百万辆皮卡,所以Cybertruck 在美国销售每年50万至75万辆应该不是一个问题,从总体市场规模来看。说到Cybertruck,回应索耶尔的问题,埃隆表示我们正在努力改进,以显著减小转向半径。目前,我相信后轮转向角度为3度,从硬件角度来看,我听说容量现在可以达到10度。
Per the usual we'll skim quickly over anything from JD Power but now they have this new website ranking study. Based on over 12,000 respondents who consider things like information, content, visual appeal, navigation and speed, the best automaker website for this winter variation of the study is Mercedes Benz scoring 751 points followed closely by Tesla in second place with 749. We have a report Tesla is contemplating sourcing batteries from Samsung for their energy storage systems. They're also saying Tesla clarified it intends to use Panasonic as the sole supplier for the Model 3. It could be totally unrelated but spring of last year we heard that Samsung was working on LFP battery development. I'm not sure they'd have it ready now but maybe toward the end of this year and if Tesla decides to go through with this, something to watch.
和往常一样,我们将快速浏览来自JD Power的任何内容,但现在他们有了这项新的网站排名研究。 根据超过12,000名受访者的评价,考虑到信息、内容、视觉吸引力、导航和速度等因素,本次冬季研究中得分最高的汽车制造商网站是梅赛德斯-奔驰,得分为751分,特斯拉紧随其后,以749分获得第二名。 我们有一份报告称特斯拉正在考虑从三星采购电池用于其能源储存系统。 他们还表示,特斯拉澄清了其打算将松下作为Model 3的唯一供应商。 这可能完全与此无关,但去年春季我们听说三星正在进行LFP电池开发。 我不确定他们现在是否准备好了,但可能在今年年底左右,如果特斯拉决定继续进行,这将是一个值得关注的事情。
Unfortunately this news clip of a Tesla supercharger location in Chicago in below zero temperatures has been going viral. A scene mirrored in other supercharging stations around the Chicago area. And this is crazy. It's a disaster. Seriously. With temperatures falling into the negative double digits, these charging ports have stopped charging, leaving many Tesla owners stranded here in long lines since Sunday.
Nothing. No juice. It's below zero percent and this is like three hours this morning being out here. It's frustrating because it's so disingenuous people take things like this that are just one-offs in an otherwise super reliable network and they'll use it to say that nobody ever should buy an EV. I find it more and more important we remind ourselves of what the general public is being fed about Tesla.
I also just wanted to add after digging around the internet, I was able to find some people saying that it may have been snow getting packed inside the actual plug and that once some of the people that were at this site started drying out the plugs that that was the issue but I'm not sure that really checks out.
We and Canadians know that Tesla superchargers can operate in freezing cold temperatures like this, albeit a bit slower. So if any of you hear what actually happened with this site, please shoot me an email or let me know below. So far I can't find anything.
We got the weekly Tesla China data. It came in at 7,400. Plugging that data in, comparing it to week two of quarter four, that number was 7,500. So through the first two weeks of quarter one, we're now about 2,100 units ahead of that record pace.
Mercedes just came out and said solid state batteries may not be required for future electric cars because current lithium ion batteries are good enough. I could have said just look at Tesla and there's your answer.
There was a long article from CNBC talking about GM and Mary Barra, but all I really want to share two sources told CNBC GM is ending the ultra cruise program. One source said GM has decided to instead focus on the current super cruise system and expanding its capabilities rather than having two different similarly named systems.
CNBC发表了一篇关于通用汽车和Mary Barra的长篇文章,但我只想分享两个消息源告诉CNBC通用汽车将终止超级巡航项目。其中一位消息源表示,通用汽车已决定将重点放在当前的超级巡航系统上,并扩展其功能,而不是使用两个名字相似的系统。
There was another lengthy article from the Wall Street Journal talking about all of the early problems with the Chevy Blazer EV, all I want to highlight, if all of these new EVs continue trying to be just like Tesla and have all the latest high-end tech, they're going to be problematic. That according to a spokesman from Genesis. Translation, these legacy companies cannot yet do what Tesla can do.
《华尔街日报》上又有一篇长篇文章,讲述了雪佛兰Blazer EV的早期问题。我想强调的是,如果所有这些新的电动汽车都试图成为像特斯拉那样,具备最新的高端技术,它们将会带来问题。这是Genesis公司的一位发言人的说法。简而言之,这些传统汽车公司还不能做到特斯拉所能做到的。
For the Cybertruck exterior, Tesla has said to prevent damage, immediately remove corrosive substances like grease, oil, bird droppings, tree resin, dead insects, tar spots, road salt, industrial fallout, etc. Do not wait until Cybertruck is due for a complete wash. They said if necessary use denatured alcohol to remove tar spots and stubborn grease stains, then immediately wash the area with water and a mild non-detergent soap to remove the alcohol.
There's that and then we have this from out of spec detailing. And this is the Bar Keepers Friend.
LG just opened its first EV charger facility outside of South Korea in Fort Worth, Texas, where they plan to produce more than 10,000 chargers per year. To start, they'll be 175 kilowatts in the first half of the year, then 350 kilowatts later this year.
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