Is This a "Huge Blow" to Tesla? / Stellantis Copies Wrong Company / Halving Costs ⚡️
发布时间 2023-12-07 23:41:09 来源
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Welcome to Electrified, it's your host Dylan Loomis. So first up today does turn out that 48 document from Tesla and Elon Musk to the rest of the industry was indeed real. But today Farley said great to read the document and realize our next-gen team has been on a similar path. Let's work together to help the supply base move into the 48-volt future as well. It should go without saying, but the more automakers that decide to go this route, the faster the supply chain will be built out in turn benefiting Tesla and everybody else. I know there's a lot of hyperbole in social media land, but this is yet another example of Tesla revolutionizing the entire auto industry, of course over time.
On the holiday software release, at least so far, I blame Tesla Scope for getting my and maybe our expectations a bit too high. Rob already covered what the updates were last night. The word is that more features are still coming. I did want to share this video of one of those new features in action. Yes, you see the blind spot camera here, but on the left, you'll actually see this red light that turns on when there is a vehicle actually in your blind spot. It would be cool if there was an option to turn on or off a quiet chime in addition to this light turning on, so you don't have to take your eyes off of the road.
Just a quick PSA. I'm not sure how widespread this is right now, but just so you guys know, one user is reporting that they tried to change their reservation, but Tesla said a few days ago they changed the policy. Now if you change your reservation, you will actually lose your deposit. Nothing major, just something to be aware of.
We talked about the press release yesterday, and now we have some pictures of a new service center in the south of Sweden for Tesla. This being reported by Esther, she also shared some images with the news. At least for now, it seems like Tesla does not have any intentions of leaving Sweden. That's despite the fact that right now things are still not going Tesla's way. Today, Tesla lost a legal battle with Sweden's postal service. Post Nord now for the time being does not need to deliver license plates to Tesla that are being blocked by the postal services workers.
我们昨天讨论了新闻稿,现在我们有一些关于特斯拉在瑞典南部的一个新服务中心的图片。这是Esther报道的,她还与新闻共享了一些图片。目前至少看起来,特斯拉似乎没有离开瑞典的意图。尽管目前情况对特斯拉来说仍然不太顺利。今天,特斯拉在与瑞典邮局的一场法律战中失败了。Post Nord目前不再需要向特斯拉递送被邮政工人拦截的车牌。
You may have heard a Danish pension fund was selling Tesla shares as part of the sympathy strike. That number though is only just south of $69 million. When it comes to the court ruling, the district court has decided post Nord should not be forced to make deliveries to Tesla before the case is closed. Separately when the transport agency was told they had to hand over test license plates, well, that decision has been appealed. Now we also have some Swedish pension funds that are urging Tesla to sign an agreement, but so far they haven't sold any shares. The latest number of actual Tesla employees that are involved in this strike, according to Nicolas who has been very plugged into this whole situation from day one, is 12 employees out of around 350 across Tesla's Sweden locations, some of which have decided to go back to work in the last few days. It's pretty wild to think about all of the ancillary actions that are taking place right now, the millions of dollars changing hands just because of these 12 people. But as we've said all along, it's really not about these 12 people. Ultimately, it's about EF Matal's power, their control and their future.
你可能听说过丹麦的一个养老基金正在出售特斯拉股票,作为示威罢工的一部分。但是,这个数字只是稍微低于6900万美元。至于法庭判决,地方法院已决定在案件结案前不强迫北欧公司向特斯拉交付货物。另外,交通机构被告知他们必须交出测试车牌,这个决定已经上诉。现在,我们还有一些瑞典的养老基金敦促特斯拉签署一项协议,但到目前为止,他们还没有出售任何股票。根据从第一天开始一直对整个局势非常了解的尼古拉斯的说法,参与罢工的特斯拉员工人数最新是12人,总共约有350名员工分布在特斯拉的瑞典各地。想象一下,因为这12个人,正在发生的所有附带行动,数以百万计的资金正在流动。但正如我们一直说的,这并不只是关于这12个人。最终,这关乎EF Matal的权力、控制和未来。
I thought this was a pretty interesting post on X from CJNFA, not going to read it to you pause if you want, but an interesting take on some other Swedish automakers. Something tells me the Cybertruck is going to be a magnet for celebrities with big audiences, and it'll become a staple in music videos once it's more widely available. Monroe Live put out a video of Sandy's first impressions with the Cybertruck, I just wanted to point out that this is the first time I've seen the rear view camera, which of course is instead of a traditional rear view mirror that you wouldn't be able to see through when the Tano cover is down. Sandy said he wiped the camera off, now of course it was a rainy day outside so it's going to get wet as soon as you start driving, but this view certainly not great. You can see when he switches to the side view cameras, that looks clear, it's for now just the rear view that doesn't look great, just something to keep in mind. Also in the front as we assumed this section does come off fairly easily and then right there is access to the HEPA filter, just as easy as it comes off, fairly simple to put it back on.
我觉得这是CJNFA关于X的一篇非常有趣的帖子,如果你想的话,我不会为你读出来的。这是关于一些其他瑞典汽车制造商的有趣见解。有种感觉告诉我,Cybertruck将成为引起名人关注的磁铁,并在更广泛地推出后成为音乐视频中的固定元素。Monroe Live发布了Sandy对Cybertruck的初步印象的视频,我只是想指出这是我第一次看到后视摄像头,当然,这取代了传统的后视镜,当Tano覆盖关闭时,你无法透过它看到后方。Sandy说他擦了摄像头,当然那是一个下雨的日子,一开始开车摄像头就会湿,但这个视角确实不好。你可以看到当他切换到侧面摄像头时,画面看起来很清晰,就目前来说,只有后视摄像头的画面不太好,这是需要注意的。此外,正如我们所预料的那样,前面的部分确实很容易拆下,然后就可以接触到HEPA过滤器,装回去也相当简单。
We had this interesting looking Cybertruck with no side view mirrors and this line out of nowhere in a Jeff Roberts video. However, if you read the comments, he pinned using Photoshop's new AI tools to bend reality, which is honestly too bad because the longer I look at this the more I actually like that line feature. That would of course most likely complicate manufacturing.
我们有这辆外观很有趣的Cybertruck,没有侧视镜,并且在Jeff Roberts的视频中突然出现了这个线条。然而,如果你读评论,他承认使用了Photoshop的新人工智能工具来扭曲现实,这真是太糟糕了,因为越久我看这个,我就越喜欢那个线条功能。当然,这可能会增加制造复杂性。
Tesla has now given us the gift of the Cybertruck and we can be confident Elon will be giving us another holiday software update, so don't be like legacy automakers not giving gifts. Get your friends, family, co-workers or yes, even yourself, something they or you will enjoy this holiday season. Extra, the sponsor of this video has you covered. I can already attest to the quality, durability and functionality of extra products having used them now for about 2 years.
特斯拉现在给了我们 Cybertruck 的礼物,而我们可以放心埃隆会给我们另一个假日软件更新,所以不要像传统汽车制造商一样不给礼物。在这个假日季节,给你的朋友、家人、同事甚至是你自己,买一些他们或者你会喜欢的东西吧。本视频的赞助商 Extra 会提供你需求的产品。我已经亲身证明了 Extra 产品的质量、耐久性和功能性,已经使用它们有大约两年了。
Now you can get custom engraving on extra smart wallets to add that extra personal touch. They also have RFID protection, solar-powered trackers to never lose your wallet again, others have a place for an Apple AirTag and the best thing hands down is the quick press card fan feature for easy access to all of your cards. Extra has far more than just wallets. I use the grid backpack on a recent cross country road trip and have been very pleased with it. It's water-resistant and the 180-degree opening eliminates blindly digging through a backpack forever. They also have cash clips, key holders, laptop sleeves, a pre-made Christmas bundle, and a whole lot more.
Checking out extra is a great way to support the channel but more importantly to get your Elon on and spread the holiday cheer. You can use my code electrified to get up to 55% off your order at The link will be below, wishing you all a blessed holiday season.
From Bloomberg, we learn that the head of Tesla's Dojo project Ganesh Venkha has left the company he actually departed last month. It'll be Peter Bannon, a former executive at Apple and also the director of Tesla for the last 7 years to step into this head of Dojo role. It's not clear if this will be on an interim basis or more permanent.
据彭博社报道,特斯拉的Dojo项目负责人甘尼什·文卡(Ganesh Venkha)已经离开了该公司,他实际上在上个月就离职了。彭博社还透露,彼得·班农(Peter Bannon)将接替这个Dojo项目负责人的职位,他曾是苹果公司的高管,同时也担任特斯拉公司的董事长已有7年之久。目前尚不清楚他是否将暂时或永久接任该职位。
It was actually Ganesh who helped to set up Tesla's hardware in silicon teams back in 2016. Then it was Ganesh, Peter and a few other people that were responsible for designing the D1 chip that is Dojo. My name is Pete Bannon, I run the custom silicon and low voltage teams at Tesla. And my name is Ganesh Wrenke, I run the Dojo program.
实际上是 Ganesh 在2016年帮助建立了特斯拉的硅芯团队。然后是 Ganesh、Peter 和其他几个人负责设计了 Dojo 芯片,也就是 D1芯片。我叫 Pete Bannon,在特斯拉负责定制硅芯和低电压团队。而我叫 Ganesh Wrenke,负责 Dojo 项目。
I'm frequently asked why is a car company building a supercomputer for training? And this question fundamentally misunderstands the nature of Tesla. At its heart, Tesla is a hardcore technology company. All across the company people are working hard in science and engineering to advance the fundamental understanding and methods that we have available to build cars, energy solutions, robots and anything else we can do to improve the human condition around the world. It's a super exciting thing to be a part of and it's a privilege to run a very small piece of it in the semiconductor group.
The word is at least one other member of the group has also left the team and they said Tesla has installed hardware for Dojo at a centralized location in Palo Alto, California in the past few weeks. We may recall back in October we talked about that new bunker-like structure that was being built at Giga Texas that was supposed to house Dojo in the future. According to Electric and some of their sources they're saying the reason that Ganesh left was over the next generation of Dojo. The source told us rumors at Tesla around the departure is that the second-gen Dojo 2 chip is not meeting expectations. And we're hearing he's not the only head to roll. If their sources are accurate this might be a situation more of him being let go than him deciding to leave.
至少有另一名团队成员也离开了团队,并且他们说特斯拉最近几周在加利福尼亚帕罗奥图的一个集中地点安装了Dojo的硬件。也许大家还记得,去年十月我们曾经谈到在特斯拉德克萨斯超级工厂建造的类似军事掩体的建筑,未来将用于安装Dojo。根据《电动汽车》及其一些消息来源的说法,Ganesh离开的原因是与下一代Dojo有关。消息来源告诉我们,在特斯拉内部有关他离职的流言称,第二代Dojo 2芯片并未达到预期。我们听说他不是唯一的领导被解雇的。如果来源准确的话,这可能更多是他被解雇而不是主动离职的情况。
Ganesh spent almost 8 years at Tesla working on this project as the director of autopilot hardware. No word on where Ganesh may end up next and it is true from everything that I've read and listened to. He was very well respected in the semiconductor industry and he is a super talented chip engineer having spent almost 15 years at AMD previously.
Deep Bannon is no slouch himself but as we should all know by now all of these teams at Tesla are not just one person that gets most of the media attention. It's just that deep talented teams and groups of people. In the sports world this is when teams say it's next man up and it's the same thing at Tesla which is where many of the best engineers in the world want to work.
I put this list together of just some of the notable people that have left Tesla over the last 5 or 6 years and every single time it was the same thing. Media reports saying it's a huge blow to Tesla there are underlying problems at Tesla the whole shebang. I'm not at all trying to imply that Tesla losing Ganesh is insignificant or trivial by any stretch. I'm just saying it's next man up and Tesla's going to continue doing what it's always done.
Let's keep in mind that the first version of dojo is really just now being switched on and actually used in the real world and Tesla is already pretty focused and willing to make a shake-up when it comes to version 2. That is if these rumors about the reasoning for Ganesh's departure are true. For whatever it's worth I do not think that Tesla is going to slow down their plans or spending when it comes to dojo at all.
Despite this news we just heard this year Tesla is planning to spend well over $1 billion on dojo in 2024. When we got started the goal was to provide a substantial improvement to the training latency for our autopilot team. Some of the largest neural networks they train today run for over a month which inhibits their ability to rapidly explore alternatives and evaluate them. So a 30x speed up would be really nice if we could provide it at a cost competitive and energy competitive way.
Honestly though we have to tip our caps to Ganesh for his contributions to Tesla setting up this team and really being a big part of getting dojo from just a conception to something operating in the real world. Tesla owners Oregon shared this image of a Tesla taking some serious damage it's not exactly clear what happened in this accident but I just wanted to pass along they said no injuries were reported and somehow from this mess the driver was able to self extricate. Maybe another example of a Tesla saving a life. I'm pretty sure this is one Tesla crash that we won't hear one word about from the mainstream media.
不过,我们必须向 Ganesh 致敬,因为他对于 Tesla 建立这个团队做出了贡献,对于将 dojo 从概念变成在现实世界运作的东西起到了重要作用。Oregon 的特斯拉车主分享了一张特斯拉遭受严重损坏的照片,事故发生的具体情况不太清楚,但我想转发一下他们说没有报告任何伤情,并且奇迹般地从这个混乱中救出了驾驶员。也许这是特斯拉拯救生命的又一个例子。我敢肯定,这是一个我们不会从主流媒体那里听到一言半语的特斯拉事故。
Tesla and Elon are still being wooed by the prime minister of Thailand who showed Tesla executives around industrial estates in the country last week for potential investment. He said I went out of my way to entertain them so they would fall in love with Thailand. They're looking for around 320 hectares of land. That's about 790 acres. He's also confident that Tesla will eventually invest in Thailand.
Right now there is a government subsidy in Thailand for electric vehicle sales that's about 4200 US dollars. Both BYD and Great Wall Motor have already combined to set up manufacturing facilities in Thailand totaling about 1.4 billion dollars. The prime minister did say however they're going to continue promoting the production of combustion engine vehicles saying that EVs are not going to take over the world. Not soon but I think one day they most certainly will.
It's good to see Model 3 Plus deliveries commencing in different countries around the world. This time around we have them in Singapore and we can add Japan to the list as well. On X Brian G shared a screenshot of a Tesla energy ad on YouTube while he was watching a Joe Tettmeyer video. It looks like interacting with this ad would take the customer to Tesla's Y solar blog post. This image of a Tesla power wall from the ad as well.
很高兴看到Model 3 Plus开始在世界各国交付。这次我们在新加坡看到了交付,还可以把日本也加入到这个列表中。在X上,Brian G分享了一张他在观看Joe Tettmeyer视频时看到的YouTube上的特斯拉能源广告截图。看起来与这个广告互动将把客户带到特斯拉的Y太阳能博客文章。这个广告中还出现了特斯拉Powerwall的图片。
This is pure speculation on my part but I'm wondering if the reason we haven't seen a new state added to Tesla insurance in over a year now is because they have known there were some legal actions coming against Tesla insurance. This time it's for those false forward collision warning alerts that were causing customers to pay higher rates than they should have. Just a timeline to keep in the back of your mind the first hearing for this lawsuit is scheduled for January 2024.
Here we have a finished telecom company saying that they can have their network electricity costs by using battery energy storage specifically in the form of a virtual power plant. Doing so can have operators electricity costs while helping the integration of renewable energy into the wider market. A spokesperson added that this solution could be made suitable for any market at present the way the northern European markets are operated and regulated Nordex Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, France, UK. They're all suitable with EU harmonization of electricity markets proceeding. The EU 27 nations should all be good ground for distributed energy storage in the next years. Additionally, they're confident the DESVPP can be set up to run on any distributed energy storage network including industrial or residential sites. It really becomes more of a no-brainer with each passing month.
The ability to drastically reduce costs for all of these companies to get good press for going green and the ability to get a bunch of free money from government subsidies for this technology.
I've been reading up on this Hyundai and Amazon new pilot program for them to sell cars on Amazon. It sounds like both of the companies still don't really know how this is actually going to work. Despite that, the plan is still for these companies to start that six month pilot program next month. There's something to keep an eye on as I'll be pretty interested to go click around and see what the experience is like.
The UAW is giving it their best shot as they said they would. Right now they've signed up more than a thousand employees at the W shop in Tennessee. This non-union shop now has gained the support of more than 30% of workers at the site. Since they crossed that 30% threshold, it sounds like those workers are now going to go public with their efforts as they look for more support. The next milestone they would need to hit is over 70% which is certainly a big jump. If they can pull that off and the company's management declines to voluntarily recognize the union, then they can actually hold any election. But for now, just one third of workers at the site in Tennessee have signed UAW cards.
We have Bosch, the world's largest supplier of auto parts looking to establish a chain of franchised independent repair shops. Bosch is targeting these independent shops that would come under the Bosch brand but they would still be independently owned and operated. The reason I'm sharing this though is because they said this, absolutely we are targeting to help workshops transition from all of the technology we know today, what's already here, to what is coming, that includes electric vehicles. As we just talked about, the more body shops we have that are trained on electric vehicles that can supply EV parts, the sooner these EV repair costs can begin, coming down. And the entire repair experience for EV owners will get that much better.
This one was kind of funny, in an interview Bosch was asked about the software packages that these franchisees will get to use, that's because the last independent shop that person went to used a chalkboard to track customers' cars. It sounds like Bosch will at least be trying to bring some of these independent shops into the Tesla model of using a mobile app, online scheduling and taking advantage of the software we now have. This is definitely something that will most likely move pretty slow and take time to actually implement but hopefully at some point it does catch on.
Stellantis, who's CEO just got done bragging about being profitable with their electrified vehicles, just signed a partnership with Ample. This battery swapping partnership is going to start with Fiat 500 EVs in Madrid in 2024 but this system could later be used in other Stellantis vehicles or fleets. And just like Neo, they're touting just 5 minutes for a battery pack swap, but they're saying theirs is a little different. Their CEO said what sets us apart is the modularization of the battery, it can be adapted to other platforms and simplifies the robotics at the swapping station. We can make our battery work in any vehicle exactly as is. What we really have here is Stellantis throwing something at the wall to see what sticks. They said this partnership with Ample is part of their strategy to explore all avenues of electric mobility. We see battery swaps as helping to fill the pie. Ample themselves have 12 stations installed in San Francisco and 4 in Madrid with an additional 9 expected. We have Stellantis looking to copy Neo who is still struggling to turn a profit. You know, you would think these legacy companies would just laser focus on Tesla because they have a proven successful EV business model from top to bottom. And guess what, around a decade ago Tesla actually tried the battery swap system and came to the conclusion it's just not the most optimal way to do it. But apparently Stellantis wants to try it themselves.
Just so you know, the house did vote on that legislation that would bar the EPA from pursuing any rules that result in limited availability of gas powered cars. Now it'll move to the Democrat controlled Senate where it's not expected to get much traction. Even though some Democrats did actually vote for this bill in the house, the White House is already threatening to veto this saying it would catastrophically impair the EPA's ability to issue auto regulations. The legislation being attacked here is where those emission limitations are actually looking to be ratcheted up. For which the final rules are expected early next year.
For those interested grok, which may one day be integrated in your Tesla is rolling out to ex premium plus subscribers with the latest app release.
Here we have Elon still fighting this time asking the Supreme Court to invalidate his agreement with the SEC. Yes, the one where he has to get his posts on ex about Tesla approved before posting saying they violate his first amendment rights.
A federal appeals court rejected Elon's pleas over the summer. We'll see what happens this time around.
You may recall over the summer we talked about Tesla partnering up with emohegan sun in Connecticut to actually have a sales and delivery center getting around the direct sales ban for Tesla's in Connecticut. It was set to open this fall and here we are on Mohigans website saying the location is now open meaning Tesla customers can take delivery directly from Tesla in Connecticut.
This is definitely a satisfying victory and another reminder that whatever challenge or problem is put in Tesla's way, historically they've always found a way around it. Whether it's sympathy strikes or losing top talent being opposed by dealer lobbies or our very own government, you just can't stop this movement that is Tesla.
Don't forget check out extra links below take advantage of that over 50% holiday discount maybe grab a gift for somebody else. A video from me tomorrow on Friday at this point is 5050 so in the event I do not upload I most likely have not been taken just FYI.
Hope you guys have a wonderful day please like the video if you did you can find me on X linked below and a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters.