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Tesla Just Announced Major Battery Milestone + New Vehicle Options, Business Sale

发布时间 2023-10-12 01:42:12    来源


➤ Tesla announces major 4680 production milestone ➤ PPI higher than expected ➤ Tesla introduces vehicle wraps ➤ Model 3 PPF video: https://youtu.be/V_KdXVBn2O8 ➤ Survey shows low EV awareness ➤ China sales details ➤ Model 3s at port ➤ V4 Supercharger opens in Asia ➤ Tesla sells small business unit ➤ Q3 Q&A opens ➤ Idra expands customer base for gigapresses ➤ UAW suddenly extends Ford strike Shareloft: https://www.shareloft.com Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/teslapodcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tesladailypodcast Tesla Referral: https://ts.la/robert47283 #Tesla #TSLA #Investing Executive producer Jeremy Cooke Executive producer Troy Cherasaro Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent Executive producer Jessie Chimni Executive producer Michael Pastrone Executive producer Richard Del Maestro Executive producer John Beans Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives



Hey everybody Rob and we're here and today we've got a major 4680 battery production update. We've also got a new product introduced by Tesla, Raps for vehicles. Take a look at those. We've got a business unit sale and a few other items as well.

Looking at the stock, Tesla down about a quarter percent today, closing at $262.99. The NASDAQ pretty nice day, up 7.10% of a percent and that was despite the producer price index or PPI report coming in. A little bit higher than expectations this morning. So from Bloomberg we can see the recap here. The producer price index headline number was up half a percent month over month versus expectations of about three tenths of a percent and core, so excluding food and energy. That was up three tenths of a percent versus expectations of about two tenths of a percent.

So with that being a little bit higher normally you'd expect maybe a little bit of a subdued reaction with the market as that could lead to higher interest rates later on if PPI stays a little bit higher. Obviously these aren't really too far outside of the range but still would like to see them probably coming down a little bit further. Anyway if we look at the CME Group's FedWatch tool, we can see that actually over the last day and over the last week certainly expectations for a continuation of paused interest rates at the next FOMC meeting in November have actually increased. So despite the higher PPI results, still more market expectations for rates to stay the same.
所以,由于PPI可能会持续增高,一般情况下你可能会预期市场会有些冷静的反应,因为这可能导致以后的利率上升。显然,这些结果并没有超出预期范围太多,但仍希望它们能进一步下降一点。不管怎样,如果我们看看CME Group的FedWatch工具,我们可以看到过去一天和过去一周,市场对于在11月的下次FOMC会议上维持暂停利率的预期已经增加。所以尽管PPI结果较高,市场仍然更多地预期利率会保持不变。

So what seems to be going on here is just based on some recent Fed commentary as we can see from a New York Times article today. Looks like there are Fed comments that sort of indicate that maybe the Fed is still kind of thinking pause and it seems to be outweighing the results that we saw here from the producer price index. So we'll see CPI will be tomorrow. We'll see if that kind of comes in similarly but we'll keep an eye on that.

Getting into the news for Tesla, kind of an exciting update here. Tesla has shared on X that they have just built their 20th million, 20 million 4680 sell at Gigatexas. So we last heard an update from Tesla on this outside of the commentary that they shared on the Q2 call back in June six on June 16th. So a little bit less than four months ago, Tesla had produced their 10 million sell at Gigatexas.

So at the time we weren't 100% sure if that meant 10 million 4680 in total or 10 million specifically at Texas, we leaned more towards the latter just that it was Texas production, which seems to have been the case based on Tesla Q2 earnings call comments. So presumably this is still the same. This would be 20 million just at Gigatexas rather than 20 million total produced at Gigatexas. So a little bit unclear, but that is again where I lean on this update pretty strongly.

So nice to see this obviously 10 million cells in last, you know, again, just a little bit over a quarter, that's a little bit less than a gigawatt hour. So that would mean a little bit less than a four gigawatt hour annual run rate over that period. However, obviously this should be something that is ramping over time. So now that we're in October, this should actually suggest a higher run rate than that. So take a look at that we've got some good forecasting or extrapolating that was done from Jordan Giesige of the limiting factor, always a fan of his work. He actually put a forecast out or next again extrapolation out of Tesla's growth rates in the second quarter if that kind of continued basically up 21% month over month.
很高兴看到显然有一千万个电池,你知道,再说就是略多于一个季度的一点点,比一千兆瓦千瓦时少一点点。所以在那段时间内,每年的运行节奏应该稍低于四千兆瓦时。然而,显然这应该是随着时间推移逐步增长的。现在既然已经是十月,这实际上应该显示出比那更高的运行节奏。所以来看一下我们已经有一些很好的预测或推断,来自Jordan Giesige的《限制因素》的工作总是让人印象深刻。他实际上根据特斯拉第二季度的增长率进行了一次预测,如果这种增长继续下去,每月将增长21%。

That would lead to the 20 million the cell being produced in pretty early October and right on schedule with that previous growth rate, that's where we've ended up. So a really great job of forecasting that out here. And with some of the other math that Jordan has done with that extrapolation, that would suggest that right now Tesla is roughly right around a five gigawatt hour annual run rate on 46 A.V. is just at Texas. And again, if that kind of continues to grow, we're almost doubling that, you know, that run rate quarter over quarter, a little bit less than that, but pretty close to it.

So very exciting growth in terms of the 46 A.D. production. Nice to see that that growth is stayed on track.

And that's kind of despite Tesla, as they talked about on the Q2 call, really starting to do the next generation, what they're calling the cyber cell with 10% greater energy density, starting to get that ramped up.

So obviously for five gigawatt hours, the big question is, you know, can that support the cyber truck ramp? Is this going to be a limiting factor for the cyber truck ramp?

Five gigawatt hours, you know, depending on the pack size of the cyber truck, whether that falls somewhere probably between 100 kilowatt hours and 200 kilowatt hours, then you're looking at, you know, 25,000 to 50,000 sort of run rate that that could support.

So it should be enough cells right now at this level of production to support the early ramp of the cyber truck. As long as Tesla is hitting their, you know, sort of energy density requirements and things like that, then we should have enough cells here for the initial part of the of the ramp, which is really good news. And hopefully this will continue to ramp at, you know, a similar pace here and be able to continue to support that as Tesla gets the rest of the cyber truck up to speed. But good to see that at least right now that doesn't appear like it would be something that would be a major constraint in terms of the ramp.
所以目前在这个生产水平上,应该有足够的电池来支持Cyber Truck的早期增长。只要特斯拉达到了他们的能量密度要求等方面,我们就应该在这里有足够的电池来支撑初期增长,这是一个好消息。希望这个增长能以相似的速度继续,并能继续支持特斯拉将Cyber Truck的其他部分加速到相应水平。但至少目前来看,这似乎不会成为增长的主要限制因素,这是个好消息。

So I'm sure we'll get a little bit more color on this on the Q three call here in a little bit less than a week or I guess a week from today. I'm sure Tesla will talk about it and hopefully share a little bit more details on that. But very exciting to see this milestone and glad to see that the progress that we saw on Q two, which was pretty substantial, has now continued and become even more substantial here in the third quarter.

All right, next kind of the interesting update that we got from Tesla last night, they've added a new product to the Tesla shop. So this is color wraps. They also have a clear wrap option that's a little bit cheaper, but color wraps for the model three and the model Y that are between $7,508,000.
好的,接下来我们从特斯拉获得了一项有趣的更新,他们在特斯拉商店中加入了一种新产品。这是彩色包裹。他们还提供了一个稍微便宜一些的透明包裹选择,但是针对Model 3和Model Y的彩色包裹价格在75080到80000之间。

So they're not actually in the design studio, not a part of the order configuration. However, this would be done after after delivery at a service center. Right now, Tesla says that this is only available at two service centers in California, so pretty limited in terms of the scope or availability at this point.

But Tesla is offering, I think, seven different colors here. You know, you can kind of go and flip through those if you want on the Tesla shop page, but an interesting new option, of course, obviously the question is, is Tesla doing this in preparation for the cyber truck, and I think there would be, you know, some pretty strong relation in that certainly timing wise, there seems to be.

And we've obviously seen Tesla do a lot of wraps with the prototype vehicles, which they seem to kind of been testing out. So I would like to see them if they kind of, you know, go further into this direction, I would like to see it be a factory option where you're not doing it necessarily at the service center. But I think Tesla probably right now is doing this on the three in the Y and sort of a sort of a test or a small scale way, just to kind of see how that'll play out with the cyber truck.
我们显然已经看到特斯拉对原型车进行了许多包装,它们似乎在测试中。所以,如果他们按照这个方向进一步发展,我希望看到它成为一种工厂选项,而不是只在服务中心提供。但我认为特斯拉现在可能在Model 3和Y上以一种试验或小规模的方式做这个,只是为了看看这对Cybertruck有何影响。

So there's been a lot of discussion on the costs here. Eight thousand dollars, obviously that's significantly more expensive than any of the paint options Tesla has. It's more expensive than wrapping a vehicle would be just aftermarket with a vinyl wrap.

But something that's important to note is that this is basically a P.P.F. or paint protective film wrap. So Tesla specifies here self self healing your thing based film protects the paint beneath from chips scratches and swirling if I could read today.

But one of the, you know, this is what I've got actually got on my car is P.P.F. not obviously not a colored version of it. So you're actually getting kind of a wrap aesthetic with the paint protective film, which is a pretty significant difference from vinyl.

So when I got my car wrapped, I did a video on this. It was a couple of years ago now, but I did link to that in the description if you just want to kind of see a little bit more behind the scenes on that.

Obviously you can see from this shot right here. I don't know specifically what film Tesla is using, but it is pretty strong and protective, obviously as the name implies of the vehicle. So a little bit more value than something like a vinyl wrap would be, which is, you know, just kind of more of a color version or, you know, color option versus this is actually very protective of the paint.

So kind of interesting to see that. And again, I think that plays into what we'll see with the cyber truck. Tesla Scope had shared on X that they have been told that Tesla will offer a cyber truck or app service. So no surprise, but it sounds like that'll happen within the first six months of customer deliveries. So we'll keep an eye out for that. And I don't imagine Tesla's probably got some kind of interesting ideas there for the cyber truck as we've seen again on those prototypes.
看到这一点真的很有趣。我认为这与我们将在Cybertruck上看到的内容相吻合。Tesla域(Tesla Scope)在X上分享了一条消息,据说特斯拉将会提供一种基于应用的Cybertruck服务。所以这不是什么意外,但听起来这可能会在客户交付的前六个月内实现。所以我们会密切关注这个消息。我想特斯拉对于Cybertruck肯定有一些有趣的想法,正如我们在那些原型上看到的一样。

All right. Next up, we've got a new EV survey. So we talked about one of these probably a few weeks ago now at this point, but kind of similar results, so this is a new poll from Ipsos and Yahoo Finance says that 57% of respondents, I think they surveyed just over 1000 people, I believe again, a representative sample, but 57% of respondents answered that they are not likely to purchase an electric vehicle as their next car with concerns about cost driving range and lack of charging stations among the top concerns. And kind of interestingly, the poll also found that of the brands they would be most likely to purchase for an EV Toyota actually stood at the top at 30% with Tesla second at 23%. So good to see Tesla up there. Maybe a little bit surprising to see Toyota at 30% above there, but this actually misreports on what the actual question was. If we look at it a little look at it in a little bit more detail. The actual question was when thinking about purchasing a fully electric or plug-in hybrid EV, which automakers are you most likely to consider. So I think when you throw a plug-in hybrid EV that completely changes things certainly for Toyota, at least in terms of perception. So maybe a little bit less surprising to see these kind of results.

However, what I actually thought was most interesting with these survey results was that only 30% of people that responded were familiar with programs like the Federal EV tax credit. So again, you've got seven out of 10 potential customers that don't necessarily understand that they could be getting $7,500 off potentially. That's a huge difference and then only 20% of buyers were familiar with recent price cuts of electric vehicles, obviously significantly from Tesla. So you've got 80% of people not really understanding that they've been these significant price cuts. We're talking 20% here and then another 70% of people that don't know you can get another 15% off. So there's no surprise there that sometimes the perception is that a Model Y or a Model 3 costs $70,000 to $80,000 without this understanding. So it kind of supports the survey that we talked about again a couple of weeks ago. It's just a survey. You can't necessarily take a ton away from it, but there does seem to be a pretty strong indication that there are gaps in understanding in terms of what the actual situation is for EVs right now, even just pricing and that's sort of step one. Like if they don't even know how much the car costs, how are they supposed to understand things like the charging network and all else that comes along with actually owning an EV. So it would be nice to see some increased awareness out there and hopefully Tesla can help drive that through various ways.
然而,我觉得这份调查结果最有趣的地方实际上是,只有30%的回答者对联邦电动汽车税收抵免等项目有所了解。所以,你有70%的潜在客户并不明白他们最多可能获得7500美元的抵免。这是一个巨大的差异,而只有20%的购车者熟悉最近电动汽车的价格削减,特别是特斯拉的价格削减。所以,80%的人实际上并不了解它们已经降价了这么多。我们在这里讨论的是20%,还有70%的人不知道他们还可以再享受15%的折扣。因此,毫无疑问,有时候人们会认为Model Y或者Model 3的价钱是7万到8万美元,没有这样的了解。因此,这也支持了我们几周前提到的那项调查结果。它只是一项调查,你不一定可以从中得出很多结论,但是有很明显的迹象表明,对于电动汽车目前的实际情况,甚至只是定价方面,理解上存在着差距。如果他们甚至不知道汽车的价格,他们怎么能理解充电网络以及拥有电动汽车所带来的其他所有事情呢?所以,希望看到一些增加的认知,并希望特斯拉可以通过各种方式来推动这一点。

All right, next we've just got a quick update on China numbers. So we'd previously talked about wholesale sales for September. So those came in at about 74,000. So that's export and retail. We now have the breakdown of that. Previously it had been indicated that there was a little over 30,000 exported. We now have that final number 30,000, 566, which leaves 43,000, 507 retail or domestic sales for China for September. So obviously a little bit of a dip from what we had seen in August, which was relatively high number, but still a pretty strong result there for that of the month, especially when we consider the lack of availability on the Model 3. We don't need to spend much time on this because again, the most interesting number for us for September is going to be that model three production number, which we still don't have. So hopefully we'll get that in the next couple of days. And as soon as we do, we'll keep an eye out for it or I'll pass along.
好的,现在我们来快速更新中国的数据。前面我们已经谈到了9月的批发销售额。总销售额约为74,000。这包括出口和零售。现在我们有了具体的分解数据。之前曾表示出口量超过30,000。现在我们得到了最终数字30,566,剩下的43,507是中国9月的零售或国内销售额。所以显然与8月相比有些下降,8月销售量相对较高,但对于这个月来说,仍然是一个非常不错的结果,特别是考虑到Model 3的供应不足。我们不需要花太多时间在这上面,因为对于我们来说,9月最有意思的数据是Model 3的生产数量,而这个我们仍然没有获得。希望在接下来的几天里我们能获取到,一旦有了我们会密切留意并传达给大家。

Speaking of model three highland, we've got an update from WUWA again at the port in Shanghai. Continue to see just rows and rows and rows and rows of model three highland, which is exciting and hopefully shows that Tesla is proceeding through this ramp pretty quickly. So again, we'll look at for that production number, which will give us our first real clue at some of those numbers. And obviously the photos here.
说到Model 3高地车型,我们再次从上海港收到了WUWA的更新。继续看到一排排、一行行的Model 3高地车型,这令人兴奋,希望这显示特斯拉正以相当快的速度进行扩产。所以,我们将继续寻找生产数字,这将为我们提供一些真正的线索。还有这里的照片,显然也非常重要。

All right. Next, we've got an update from Tesla Hong Kong on X that the first V4 supercharger has now opened in Asia. So we've been talking about this over the last few days for US V4 superchargers. Obviously, originally these were being installed on the in Europe pretty slowly. Now we've seen a handful in the US. Now we're seeing one in Asia. So it really does look like the V4 supercharger ramp is happening in pretty full force. So good to see that, I'm sure we'll continue to see that expand.

All right. Next, we've got kind of an interesting update here. We've talked about Tesla's acquisition of Wifurian a couple of times now. So this was a relatively small acquisition for Tesla, but it looks like they had something in mind here pretty specifically because they have now already sold this off to Pulse, which has announced that they have acquired Wifurian. So Tesla acquiring this company and then just a few months later selling it to Pulse. It looks like Tesla has done this just to maintain the engineers from Wifurian. So the robot report noting that according to a source with knowledge of both of these acquisitions, the engineers will remain at Tesla not included with the deal. So pretty much an aqua hire from Tesla that they took took what they needed. And now we're flipping out the rest of the company to someone that wants the other parts. So interesting to see that, but I guess always nice to see some talented engineers joining Tesla. However, it is accomplished.

Alright, next we do have an update on the earnings call. So say technologies is now published in the Q&A for the earnings call for next week. So shareholders can go ask and vote on questions to be asked at that meeting. Right now it looks like V12, Cybertruck 4680 ramp are kind of in the top slots, which I think all those topics are very interesting to get more details on. I'm sure with Cybertruck Tesla's going to have a lot to talk about. And you know, hopefully we'll hear some pretty major updates even before we get to the Q&A. But if you do want to go participate in that, that is at again, say technologies.com.
好的,接下来我们有一份关于收益电话的更新。现在,Say Technologies已经在下周的收益电话的问答环节中公布出来了。股东们可以去提问和投票,在会议上提出他们想要的问题。目前看来,V12引擎和Cybertruck 4680电池的推出似乎是目前最热门的话题,我认为所有这些话题都非常值得进一步了解。我相信,对于Cybertruck,特斯拉肯定有很多值得讨论的。而且你知道的,希望在问答环节之前我们就能听到一些重要的更新。但是如果你想要参与其中,可以去say technologies.com网站。

And then we've got an interesting update here from automotive news on gigapresses. So obviously we've seen what Tesla has done with gigapress over the years. Looks like now other automakers are kind of getting on board. So the report is that there's been a gigapress 6100 spotted with Ford branding on it. So maybe not too surprising to see Ford kind of stepping in that way. They seem to be one of the least the faster followers in terms of their intent or their efforts at least in terms of Tesla. So it looks like they're at least testing out a 6,000 ton press. And then Idra also reporting that 9,000 ton press has been spotted as well, not without branding printed on it. But apparently a source is indicating that that is actually going to Hyundai. So a 6,000 ton over to Ford 9,000 ton over to Hyundai. And it sounds like there's two other 9,000 ton presses that are going to a quote unquote premium automaker in Europe. And sources also indicated that Volvo had previously purchased two gigapresses from Idra. We don't know the size on those ones, at least from this report. But interesting to see kind of all of a sudden a lot of these different automakers lining up and becoming purchasers of gigapresses at similar scales. Maybe not in terms of the unit counts, but in terms of the capability of the gigapress that, you know, what to what Tesla is doing. So we'll keep an eye on that, but it seems like they're at least investing in it for R&D and maybe beyond a little bit later.

And then finally for today, a really interesting update from the UAW. Kind of out of nowhere tonight, they've announced that they have increased or expanded the strike at Ford. So 8,700 workers, pretty significant increase here have now, um, striked.

I don't know what the correct verfage here would be, but the Kentucky truck plant. So this is significant. This is, um, you know, these more significant plants had been sort of excluded from previous strikes, but this has very profitable lineup for, uh, for Ford, including full size SUVs, heavy duty F series pickup trucks.

So I guess what happened here is that Ford and the UAW were having a negotiating, a negotiation session tonight. Sounds like Ford came to the negotiation session with pretty much the exact same offer that they had previously presented. And after a brief discussion that lasted only a few minutes, according to this report, John Fane, president of UAW stood up and said something along the lines of if that's all you've got, you just lost KTP or the Kentucky truck plant.

So a pretty major escalation here in terms of the UAW. They will have another update on, on Friday as they usually do. But this is again, a major plant for, for Ford.

Apparently, this produces about 25 million or sorry, $25 billion of annual revenue for Ford, which would be about one sixth of its overall global revenue. So again, so far, we've kind of seen these, these little strikes trying to not necessarily maximize impact. And now the UAW getting much more aggressive with those, with those strikes at this plan, at least for Ford. So we'll keep an eye on that. And again, we should hear another update on that on Friday.

Alright, that'll wrap it up for today then. So as always, thank you for listening. Make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. You can also find me on X at Tesla podcast. And we'll see you tomorrow for the Thursday, October 12th episode of Tesla daily. Thank you.