Lithium Supply by Country: Where are the Opportunities? // Part 3

发布时间 2023-08-16 14:00:53    来源


If lithium forecasts are conservative and don't account for potential new supply, where are the opportunities for growing the lithium supply by country throughout the rest of the decade? This is Part 3 of the global lithium supply chain video. Use my referral link to purchase a Tesla product and get free credits you can redeem for awards like Supercharging miles, merchandise and accessories. Patreon: Paypal: Teespring: Twitter: Venmo: @thelimitingfactor *Timeline* 00:00 Introduction 01:22 Credits and Thanks 04:53 A Recent History of Lithium Supply and Demand 08:44 Australia / 2-3 Years // Brownfields Projects 09:55 Australia / 2-3 Years // Faster Extraction Rate 15:11 Australia / 2-3 Years // Two Non-Starters 16:15 Australia / 4-7 Years // Greenfields Projects 22:13 South American Lithium Brines 23:51 China // Lepidolites to the Rescue? 27:22 United States // Lithium Clays and Brines 29:26 The Potential of Direct Lithium Extraction 31:31 Africa // A Wild Card with Huge Potential 35:25 Canada // Hard Rock and Lithium Brines 36:14 Other Countries 36:48 Next Video, Shake the Money Tree, Credits Intro Music by Dyalla: Homer Said



Welcome back everyone, I'm Jordan Geisigee, and this is The Limiting Factor. This is the third section of a full 2-hour long video on the global lithium supply chain that's currently available for paid supporters on Patreon, YouTube, and Twitter.

In the last two videos I covered whether lithium mining or refining is the real bottleneck for lithium production later this decade, and the accuracy of lithium supply and demand forecasts. A quick recap of those videos is that lithium mining, rather than refining, appears to be the primary bottleneck for lithium production later this decade. And although lithium forecasts are an accurate reflection of what's currently in the pipeline for lithium supply, they don't speculate on potential future sources of lithium that haven't been announced.

So with that in mind, in this video, I'll walk you through all the potential regions and sources of mined lithium supply in the world today, and how much we might expect lithium supply to exceed the forecasts from each of those regions and sources. Then in the next video, I'll use that information to build a forecast for lithium supply and add potential battery supply from sodium ion batteries to arrive at a comprehensive forecast for global battery supply from all potential sources.

Before we begin, a raft of credits and thanks are in order. Feel free to skip this part of the video and move to the next time stamp if you watched the previous video. I'm including the thanks and credits on each video in the series for the people who haven't seen the other videos. That's because it's not just a thanks, it lets viewers know the quality of my sources and peer review.

First, Vivas Kumar reviewed the draft script. Vivas was directly involved with Tesla's battery supply chain for nearly three years, where he negotiated billions of dollars of material spend and also did strategic analysis and forecasting for battery materials. After that, he worked for benchmark mineral intelligence for nearly three years. He's now co-founder and CEO of Mitra-Kim. If you'd like to know more about that, check out my interview with Vivas and Chiro.
首先,Vivas Kumar对草稿剧本进行了回顾。Vivas在特斯拉的电池供应链中直接参与了近三年的时间,他在那里进行了价值数十亿美元的材料采购谈判,并为电池材料进行了战略分析和预测。之后,他在Benchmark Mineral Intelligence工作了近三年。他现在是Mitra-Kim的联合创始人兼首席执行官。如果你想了解更多信息,请查看我与Vivas和Chiro的专访。

First, my sources. Rodney and Howard of ArcAequity, a Lithium Analysis and Advisory firm, spent several hours and long email threads answering detailed questions about mind development. If you're interested in their work, you can connect with them on Twitter with the details on screen or follow the Rockstock channel on YouTube. Cameron Perks of benchmark mineral intelligence walk me through how lithium supply and demand is evolving over time. I recommend following benchmark mineral intelligence and their CEO Simon Moore's on Twitter to keep up to date with the Lithium industry. Lars Lee's doll provided key data for this video around lithium refining capacity versus production. And beyond that, I've used a number of graphs from Ristad Energy over the years. You can also follow Lars on Twitter. Austin Devaney helped me put a finer point on a few topics around hard rock lithium mining. Austin was an executive at Alba-Marl and Rockwood Lithium for nearly ten years, which is one of Tesla's largest lithium suppliers and now has been at Piedmont Lithium for the past three years, which has an agreement for future supply to Tesla. Bradford Ferguson and Matt Smith of reviewed the final release candidate of the video from an investor lens. RebellionAir specializes in helping investors manage concentrated positions. They can help with covered calls, risk management and creating a financial master plan from your first principles. Bear in mind, this video is not investment advice and always do your own research. Finally, despite all the input I received from some of the leading experts and information sources in the Lithium industry, all the opinions in this video are my own. There are differing views and forecasts within the Lithium industry that I had to reconcile and combine with my own insights and expectations. With regards to the peer review, it was for factual accuracy and a sanity check, rather than for crafting the tone and conclusions of the video. Overall, my goal was to create the most comprehensive resource out there on how global lithium supply and battery supply will evolve this decade and how that relates to Tesla.
首先是我的信息来源。Rodney和Howard来自ArcAequity,一家锂分析和咨询公司,他们花了几个小时和长篇电子邮件来回答关于锂发展的详细问题。如果你对他们的工作感兴趣,你可以通过屏幕上的详细信息与他们联系,或者关注他们在YouTube上的Rockstock频道。Cameron Perks来自benchmark mineral intelligence,他向我介绍了锂的供需如何随着时间发展。我建议关注benchmark mineral intelligence和他们的首席执行官Simon Moore在Twitter上的动态,以了解锂行业的最新动态。 Lars Lee's doll为这个视频提供了关于锂精炼能力与产量的关键数据。除此之外,我多年来还使用了Ristad Energy的一些图表。你也可以在Twitter上关注Lars。Austin Devaney帮助我在硬岩锂矿开采方面提供了一些进一步的见解。Austin在阿尔巴马尔和洛克伍德锂公司担任高管近十年,这是特斯拉最大的锂供应商之一,现在已经在皮德蒙特锂公司任职三年了,该公司与特斯拉达成了未来供应协议。Bradford Ferguson和Matt Smith来自,他们从投资者的角度审查了视频的最终版本。RebellionAir专门帮助投资者管理集中持仓,他们可以提供支持买入认购期权、风险管理以及根据你的首要原则创建财务总体规划。请记住,这个视频不是投资建议,请始终进行自己的研究。最后,尽管我从一些领先的专家和信息来源获得了许多建议,但视频中的所有观点都是我自己的观点。在锂行业内存在不同的观点和预测,我必须将它们与我自己的见解和预期相结合。至于同行评审,它是为了确保事实准确性和合理性,而不是用于塑造视频的语气和结论。总体而言,我的目标是创建一个关于全球锂供应和电池供应在本十年内如何发展以及与特斯拉的关系的最全面的资源。

So if you feel like I've hit the mark and get value from the video or my content in general, toss a coin to your witcher. Making a video like this takes months and generally, analysis like this would be packaged up by an analyst house and put in a report that costs thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. Generally, I make about $200 to $600 per video in YouTube ad revenues. That is, it's the direct support that I get from less than 1% of subscribers through Patreon, YouTube and Twitter that makes the channel possible. The details for support are in the description.

Let's start by running through a recent history of Lithium supply and demand. The reason I'm covering this is because there have been a few events over the past 8 years that could be construed as proof that lithium supply can ramp rather quickly in response to demand. I have to put those examples to bed so we can start with a clean slate as to what is and isn't possible when it comes to increasing lithium supply.

There was a minor boom in lithium prices from 2015 to 2018. That's because the EV industry started to take off thanks to China and Tesla. That boom went bust from 2018 to 2020 when three things happened. First, lithium mining and refining started to catch up with demand about three years into the boom in 2018 which provided some price relief. However, most of that new supply came from existing operations in Australia, not new mining operations which would have taken longer. Second, in March 2019, China's EV subsidies were reduced. It caused EV growth to stall in 2019 which in turn pushed the lithium market into oversupply and lithium prices crashed. Third, in 2020, COVID hit. 2020 was supposed to be a year that lithium demand strengthened and prices recovered, but instead prices continued to drop.

That string of bad luck led to a lithium market in 2020 where lithium miners and refiners were operating at break even. Just despite the fact that from 2018 to 2020, large lithium producers in Australia had been throttling lithium supply by idling their mines and putting projects on hold in an attempt to increase prices. So in 2021 and 22, when demand and prices surged, there was reserve capacity in the system to satisfy the demand. However, that didn't last long. In 2022, lithium prices reached about four times the previous record high. Since then, lithium prices have moderated, but that's mainly due to a brief respite and demand from the US and Chinese auto markets that gave lithium supply a chance to catch up. Even then, prices still remain above historic highs and may already be rebounding.

With that in mind, we have two examples of how the lithium market responds to a large demand wave. In both the 2015 to 2018 bull run and the 2021 to 2022 bull run, lithium supply responded quickly. But a good portion of that was thanks to large existing mines in Australia rather than new mines. And in both bull runs, it was more a drop in demand that really ended the bull run rather than an increase in supply. The fact that Australia came to the rescue pretty quickly in both bull runs might be part of the reason why Elon pointed to Australia when downplaying concerns about mined lithium. If that is his logic, there's an issue. The Australian lithium mines that Tesla gets most of their lithium from are unique because they're large, historically they had room for expansion, and are in a region where permitting is relatively quick. However, those mines are now at their operational capacity and Australia's basically rummaging around in its pockets for 37% more lithium at a time when lithium supply should ideally quintuple in the next seven years.

That is, it appears that Tesla can't rely on Australia for large increases in lithium supply later in the decade. To gain a deeper understanding of why that's the case, we need to take a closer look at how lithium mines are developed. Along the way, we'll gain insights into Australia's ability to exceed lithium forecasts over the short, medium, and long-term horizons. And of course, while we're at it, I'll walk you through every major lithium region. This is so we can find where there's wiggle room in global lithium supply for the rest of the decade to develop our own forecast.

To kick things off, I'll start with Australian hard-rock lithium on a two- to three-year time frame. Australia's the largest producer of mined lithium in the world, coming in at about 61,000 tons of lithium in 2022. And it has reserves of 6.2 million tons. Note that that's elemental lithium rather than lithium carbonate equivalent, or LCE. Supply elemental lithium by five to get a rough approximation of LCE. It takes about two to three years to get a mining permit in Australia, which basically sets the minimum time frame to get a new mining operation up and running. But there's only two situations where that can happen.

First, with a brownfields project where the lithium deposits are adjacent to existing mining infrastructure, brownfields projects are some of the fastest and cheapest to set up. So they're low-hanging fruit and at the top of the list for development by mining companies. Unfortunately, there aren't that many mining sites with untapped deposits that are close enough to use existing mining infrastructure. As benchmark minerals shows, globally, the brownfields opportunity is only about 100 kilotons or 140 gigawatt hours of lithium by 2030.
首先,对于那些锂矿床与现有采矿设施相邻的棕地项目来说,它们是一些可以最快和最便宜建设的项目。因此,它们是低风险且开发速度最快的项目,是采矿公司开发的首选。不幸的是,没有那么多位于附近、尚未开发的矿区可使用现有的采矿设施。如同Benchmark Minerals所示,全球棕地机会到2030年只有约100千吨或140吉瓦小时的锂资源。

The second way that lithium production can be expanded within two to three years is by accelerating the extraction rate of existing mines. At the annual meeting, Elon said that three-quarters of Tesla's lithium supply comes from Australia and that you could increase the rate that those mines are operating at. By operating at, I'm assuming he means extraction rate.
在两到三年内扩大锂生产的第二种方法是加快现有矿山的开采速度。在年度会议上,埃隆表示,特斯拉的四分之三锂供应来自澳大利亚,可以增加这些矿山的开采速度。 "开采速度" 这里我理解为提取速率。

The life of a lithium mine is generally about 20 years, and it is technically true that the extraction rate of lithium mines can be accelerated. That is, instead of extracting the lithium in 20 years, it could be extracted in 10 years at double the yearly production volume, or five years at quadruple the yearly production volume.

With that said, increasing the extraction rate is usually an on-starter. Why? First, whether a lithium mine is extracted in five years or 20 years, it still has the same value. But extracting it in five years means more machines and manpower are required and therefore greater cost.

For example, if the material in a mine is worth $20 billion, the mining company could spend $2.4 billion to extract it over the course of 20 years, or $4.8 billion to extract it over the course of five years. That's because you need to, for example, quadruple the grinding and crushing capacity, quadruple the filtration and flotation, and quadruple the earth-moving equipment.

Yes, capital cost is only a portion of production cost, and my figures are just guesses here, but it illustrates the point. If you're a mining company, there's no financial incentive to increase the extraction rate. It costs money to increase the extraction rate, but doesn't change the total revenue. That in turn reduces profit margins and reduces return on capital. So I don't see mines lining up to increase their extraction rate unless Tesla provides a big financial incentive.

As a side note, the reason why mining companies don't do the opposite and stretch the life of the average mine beyond 20 years is that besides looking after profit margins and return on capital, they also need to maximize annual revenue. The quicker the extraction, the greater the annual revenues. So it's a balancing act between annual revenue and profit margins. And that was decided when the mine was designed in order to hit the optimal balance of not just financial considerations, but also environmental and technical considerations.

The second reason why increasing the extraction rate isn't pragmatic is because in a best case scenario, it takes 4 to 7 years to set up a mine. If a mining company extracts a mine in 5 to 10 years, and it takes roughly the same amount of time to set up the next mine, they'd basically be eating hand to mouth, which wouldn't be sustainable. To put that in perspective, if you're a long term Tesla investor, imagine if Tesla said that each Gigafactory they build would only be in production for about 5 years. That would mean Gigashang High, which entered production in 2019, would shut down next year in 2024. Such a short factory life would create persistent anxiety amongst investors. But even a 10 year factory life would feel like being on a durable wheel. It's no different for a lithium mine except lithium projects have a lead time 2 to 3 times longer than vehicle factories.
为什么增加开采率不现实的第二个原因是,即使情况最理想,建立一座矿场也需要4到7年的时间。如果一个矿业公司在5到10年内开采一座矿山,然后建立下一座矿山也需要大致相同的时间,那么他们基本上就是东挪西借,这是不可持续的。换个角度说,如果你是特斯拉的长期投资者,想象一下特斯拉表示每座他们建造的超级工厂只能生产大约5年时间。这意味着2019年开始投产的Gigashang High工厂将在明年的2024年停产。这样短暂的工厂寿命会给投资者带来持久的焦虑。但即使是10年的工厂寿命也会感觉像是一个持续运作的车轮。对于锂矿场来说,情况也是一样,只不过锂项目的前期时间比汽车工厂长2到3倍。

The third reason why increasing the extraction rate isn't pragmatic is because although it increases production volume, it doesn't increase the total amount of lithium reserves or extend the production runway deeper into the future. It's much better for a lithium company to spend an extra 2 years to explore new lithium reserves and start a new mining project than to tap out their existing reserves more quickly.

Yes, a lithium mining company could extract their existing mines more quickly and explore for new resources at the same time, but that's easier said than done. Mining companies don't have unlimited financial resources and have to make prudent financial decisions about where to explore and invest. It's the age old constraint of unlimited once and limited resources. That is, again, Tesla has deep pockets and could help out here.

Fourth, there are technical reasons why increasing the extraction rate at a mine tends to be avoided. But I would consider those difficulties rather than showstoppers. For example, managing traffic at the mine where space is tight and the roads are dug or blasted out of bare rock. Or the fact that as the extraction rate of a mine increases, quality tends to suffer because precision mining goes by the wayside when there's pressure to move more rock more quickly. And of course, there are other factors like dust, water usage, and waste management. Again, not showstoppers, but increasing the extraction rate isn't as simple as just flipping a switch.

That is, if Tesla wants to see the production rate from Australian mines increase, it's likely those mines aren't going to play ball unless Tesla kicks them several hundred million dollars in cash to make it worth their time. Alternatively, Tesla could buy a lithium mining company and crank the production dial up to eleven. More on that later in the video.

What all that means is, although Australia could technically bring more supply online in a two to three year time frame than what's forecast, it's unlikely. Mining companies are already working on tapping into brownfield's resources, and there's no incentive to increase extraction rates at existing mines.

There are two other ways that I can see Australian mining companies increasing production on a two to three year time frame, but they're even less likely. The first is to increase the efficiency and productivity of the mines, but the mining industry is conservative and tends not to change unless it has to. For example, it might take a company like Tesla entering the industry and forcing change, but even if that did happen, it would of course take years, and there's no indication that Tesla will get into lithium mining anytime soon. So it's not even on the horizon this side of 2026 or 2027. The second, low likely possibility for increasing lithium production on a two to three year time frame would be if governments took wartime measures to accelerate mining. That would mean throwing mining regulations out the door, steamrolling environmentalists and political resistance and dumping billions of dollars into the mining industry. I can only see that happening in the event of some kind of immediate and pressing global emergency, like a war between China and the West, but I wouldn't exactly call that a win for a sustainable future.

What about beyond two to three years? The next substantial time frame for Australia is four to seven years. That's the quickest that a greenfield's mining project can be brought online. By so long, let's again use Tesla Gigafactories as an example and go from there. Three years ago in 2020, Tesla broke ground on Giga Austin. By 2021, most of the main structures were built, and then one year ago in 2022, the production ramp had begun, but it wasn't yet at a thousand vehicles per week. This year, it's finally hit volume production. That is, it took two years to go from groundbreaking to production and another year to hit production in earnest. That two to three year time frame is roughly the same time that it takes a lithium mine to go from groundbreaking to initial production and volume production.

However, the reason why a greenfield's lithium project takes four to seven years rather than two to three years is because of what needs to happen before groundbreaking occurs. Let's take a closer look. Bear in mind, the timeline I'll be providing here is a grossly oversimplified view, and reality is more complex. Before a lithium mine can break ground, the mining company needs a detailed understanding of the shape of the lithium deposit along with the lithium concentration throughout the deposit. How is that done? The first step of mapping the lithium deposit is exploration drilling to gather core samples, which takes about three to six months. Drilling sounds straightforward, but lithium mines are usually in the middle of nowhere and in rough terrain, so getting the equipment on and off site to the right locations takes time. On that, it involves drilling not just one hole, but dozens. Those holes are sometimes hundreds of meters deep and often through solid rock, which is slow going. Then, the resulting drill core samples have to be logged and then promising sections are sent off to a lab for analysis. That means thousands of measurements and tests along the length of the hundreds of meters of core samples. A lot of the core samples will contain no lithium.

Exploration drilling is hit and miss, like playing a game of battleship. It involves taking a guess as to where the ore body is based on things like observations of geologic formations. However, even if the drilling misses the ore body, it provides a data point for where the lithium deposit isn't, which is still helpful.

When the exploration drilling and testing is complete, the lithium company should now have a low resolution view of the shape, size, and concentration of the lithium deposit. That low resolution view is used to plan the second step of mapping the lithium deposit, which is called step-out drilling.

Step-out drilling is more intensive than exploration drilling, and it has two goals. First, to more clearly define the shape and composition of the lithium deposit. Second, to gather more material from the deposit for processing studies. Processing studies are a lab-scale test to work out how to economically separate the lithium from other materials like rock, clay, and brine. Although there are tried and trusted methods for different resources, the specific chemical makeup of a resource can have big impacts on the extraction process and the economics of the mine.

The step-out drilling and processing studies take about 12 months and provide the mining company with a basic understanding of whether the lithium mine would be commercially viable. If the mine does look viable and with a detailed understanding of the lithium deposit in hand, there's still at least one more year of work required for detailed engineering. Detailed engineering includes designing all the infrastructure for the mining site, researching environmental concerns, calculating the ideal extraction rate, creating remediation plans, and more. That is, on a greenfield's mine with an aggressive timeline at least two and a half years of work needs to be done before breaking ground.

Three to six months for exploration drilling, a year for step-out drilling and processing studies, and another year for detailed engineering. Usually all of that takes six to seven years, but that's because mines are trying to be capital efficient and they have to build the case for further investment each step of the way. If Tesla got involved, they could compress the schedule by running all the development activities concurrently rather than sequentially.

So if we combine the roughly two and a half years of exploration and planning with the two years it takes to build the mine and get it into production, that's over four years to go from the first drill core to production for a greenfield's mining project. Bear in mind, that's just on the technical side and a best-case scenario, and it didn't take into account factors like the process for obtaining a mining permit, which varies by mining jurisdiction and can take years to work through.

That is, taking into account regulatory, technical and financial realities in a western country four to seven years is closer to reality for the quickest that a mine can be brought online, which is still faster than what we've seen historically. We'll talk about regions like China and Africa in a moment.

One of the implications of the long development timelines for lithium mines is that investing early is key. Unfortunately, there's been a drastic underinvestment in mining in general for the last decade, and as I covered briefly earlier, lithium is no different, and in Australia there's a shortage of greenfield sites being developed. Australia currently only has about a dozen JORC compliant mines.

JORC is the Joint or Reserves Committee, which sets standards for reporting mineral exploration results. The top three largest mining projects in Australia are already in production, and the next two largest are under construction and coming online in the next couple of years. Those five mines make up 89% of Australia's JORC compliant reserves. Then on a timeline beyond three years, there's only three small mines that are planned. So in the next four to seven years, for Australia, we shouldn't expect large increases in lithium production beyond what's been forecast.

With Australia out of the way, let's move on to the next region and resource type, South American lithium brides. Chile produced 39,000 tons of lithium in 2022, and Argentina 6,200 tons. Between them, they have by far the largest reserves in the world at about 12 million tons, or 48% of global reserves. That's as compared to Australia, which has 24% of global reserves, but manages to produce about 36% more lithium.

So if South America has such large reserves, why doesn't it produce more lithium? It's because South American lithium brides involve flooding large areas of desert ecosystem, which means water usage issues, environmental issues, and running up against the rights of indigenous communities. That means they're fraught with social and political pushback, so it generally takes about five to ten years to bring new lithium capacity online.

That's in contrast to the two years that it takes to fully evaporate a lithium brine for processing. With that said, Chile is working on the political and environmental issues. They're developing a national lithium strategy and suggesting that new projects will reduce water usage by using only direct lithium extraction technologies. But it's too early to predict how that's going to affect their lithium production and when. In fact, government involvement may mean that the growth of South American lithium production actually slows down rather than accelerates. So just like Australia, in the next four to seven years, we shouldn't expect large increases in lithium production from South American lithium brines beyond what's been forecast.

The next largest lithium-producing region is China at 19,000 tons per year. China produces lithium from both brines and hard rock sources, which include spodumene and lapitolite. Lapitolite is a type of lithium-containing mica, and most of the future growth in China is expected to be from lapitolites in Jiangxi province. Lapitolites are a dark horse when it comes to lithium supply. Let's look at why.

In response to the demand wave of the past couple of years, China now intends to roughly triple their 2022 production of lithium by 2025 by tapping into the lapitolites. That is, their goal is to significantly increase global lithium supply within the space of about three to four years. So unlike Australia and South America, Chinese lapitolite appears to offer the promise of rapid growth on relatively short notice. That means China has a good chance of surprising to the upside for mined lithium supply later in the decade.

However, there are two fish hooks that come with lapitolite mining. First, it's fraught with environmental concerns. Every ton of lithium carbonate produced through lapitolites produces 200 tons of waste that can end up in large tangling spawns which can leach into the surrounding environment. Furthermore, lithium produced from lapitolites has a large CO2 footprint due to the energy required for processing, which is exacerbated by China's tendency to use coal power. The environmental drawbacks mean that many EV companies will try to avoid the use of lapitolite-sourced lithium.

Second, lapitolite production is so inefficient that it's generally only profitable when lithium prices are above $20,000 to $30,000 per ton, with more mines becoming more viable at higher prices. That means when lithium prices drop, miners shut down production. And in China, recently, some have. In the lapitolite fish hooks, it's difficult to get a solid bead on how much China can increase the global supply of mined lithium beyond what's already been forecast. But here's my speculation. If China succeeds in tripling lithium production by 2025 and builds on the large amount of lithium already forecasted from Australian sources, we could see a supply glut and price crash for lithium in the middle of the decade.

On a short-term basis, that would be great for the EV industry. However, a price crash in the mid-2020s could reduce investment in lapitolites because they're only viable at higher lithium prices, and miners use profit to drive investment. If that happened, it would mean that despite the ability of lapitolites to scale within a three to four year lead time, they fail to meaningfully increase actual lithium supply against the forecast later in the decade. But what if I'm wrong, which there's a very good chance of? By 2025, even after China triples their production of mined lithium within the next few years, China will only make up 13% of global lithium supply. In absolute terms, that's 0.3 terawatts, which is in contrast to the potential 4.2 terawatt-hour demand gap later in the decade. So although some people are viewing lapitolites as some kind of Deus Ex machina for lithium supply later in the decade, it's unlikely that they can completely fill the potential supply gap. It's possible, but unlikely.

That means for the forecast, we'll build later in the video, I'm going to assume that China can contribute an additional one terawatt-hour of lithium supply by 2030 by continuing to grow their mined lithium production at about 40% per year.

The next region to cover is the United States, with only 900 tons of lithium production in 2022 and lithium reserves of 1 million tons. Most of the proposed lithium extraction in the US is in the form of direct lithium extraction from brines or from lithium clays, which are relatively unconventional ways of producing lithium. As for permitting, the timeline for a mining permit in the US is typically 7 to 10 years, but it can happen more quickly. Lithium Americas is making great progress in Nevada and after 3 to 4 years they have permission to start construction. They don't yet have the mining permit in hand, but presumably they will by the time they start production in 2026. Overall, lithium Americas is expected to take about 9 years to get from exploration to production, which is actually a good pace for a new mine in the US. That is, it's not realistic to expect movement in lithium supply forecasts out of the US before the end of the decade. However, what if the US changed its laws to allow for permitting to occur in 2 years? Then we might see some movement in US lithium supply forecasts by the end of the decade, but it would be late in the decade.
下一个需要覆盖的地区是美国,在2022年仅生产了900吨锂,储量为100万吨。美国提出的大部分锂提取方法是通过从卤水或锂黏土中直接提取锂,这是比较非常规的生产方式。至于许可方面,在美国申请采矿许可的时间通常是7到10年,但也有可能更快。Lithium Americas在内华达州取得了很大的进展,在经过3到4年后,他们获得了开始建设的许可。他们还没有获得采矿许可,但可以预期在2026年开始生产时会获得。总体而言,Lithium Americas预计需要大约9年的时间从勘探到生产,对于美国的一座新矿来说,这是一个相当良好的速度。换句话说,不太现实地预计在本十年结束之前美国的锂供应前景会有所变化。然而,如果美国改变法律以允许在2年内取得许可,那么我们可能会在本十年结束时看到一些美国锂供应前景的变化,但这将是十分晚期的。

What about Tesla's Lithium Clay Extraction technology, or if they developed an extraction technology for lithium brines? That's a big wildcard because there's no public confirmation that Tesla actually bought a lithium clay mine. But even if they have, and even with an update to the permitting process, any permitting would take at least 2 and a half years, and construction to commissioning would be another two and a half years, and that doesn't include the production ramp. That is, based on what we know currently, in a best case scenario, a Tesla Lithium extraction operation in the US would happen in 2027 to 2028 at the earliest. If they wait another year or two to pull the trigger, then they'll be lucky to get an operation off the ground this decade. So once again, in the next 4 to 7 years, we shouldn't expect large increases in lithium production from the US beyond what's been forecast.

As a side note, many people point to direct lithium extraction, or DLE, as one potential avenue for massively increasing lithium supply by 2030. The basic process of DLE is pumping lithium brine through a filter that pulls out the lithium and returns the spent brine back to the source. That is, it doesn't involve moving huge amounts of raw material around and sorting through that material, but rather simply pumping a fluid through an extraction process and returning it to the reservoir. That should mean a lot less work, a smaller environmental impact, and therefore fewer issues getting a permit. However, the conceptual simplicity of the process is deceiving. Every DLE process is different, and has strengths and weaknesses, and every lithium resource is different. That means just like a lithium mine, there's a number of technical challenges to work through, and it takes years to get a DLE project off the ground. Some brines contain few contaminants, and DLE is easier to set up at those sites, while other brines do contain contaminants like heavy metals and ore can reach temperatures of 600 degrees Fahrenheit or 300 degrees Celsius. Those harsh conditions can make the DLE process uneconomical or even destroy the equipment. Because of last year, DLE represented about 7% of global lithium production, so DLE isn't new. It's a proven technology that continues to develop and expand into new resources as technology improves. And looking to the future, Benchmark Minerals forecast is for DLE-sourced lithium to increase from about 55,000 tons LCE last year to about 650,000 tons by 2032. That'll increase the market share of DLE from about 7% last year to 15% by early next decade. That means the Benchmark Minerals forecast includes the growth of DLE, so it hasn't been forgotten or neglected. It's just not going to change the game in the timeframes that some people assume it will.
值得一提的是,许多人提到直接提取锂(DLE)作为到2030年大规模增加锂供应的一种潜在途径。DLE的基本工艺是将锂卤水泵送经过过滤器,将其中的锂提取出来,然后将废弃的卤水返回源头。也就是说,它不涉及大量原材料的运输和筛选,只需通过一个提取工艺泵送液体,并将其返回储集层。这应该意味着工作量减少,环境影响较小,因此申请许可的问题也会变少。然而,这个过程的概念上的简单是具有欺骗性的。每个DLE工艺都是不同的,都有其优势和劣势,并且每个锂资源也是不同的。这意味着就像一个锂矿一样,需要克服许多技术挑战,并且需要数年时间来启动一个DLE项目。一些卤水含有较少的污染物,而在这些地点上建立DLE工艺会更加容易,而其他卤水则含有重金属等污染物,并且温度可以达到华氏600度或摄氏300度。这样恶劣的条件可能使DLE工艺不经济,甚至破坏设备。由于去年,DLE占全球锂产量的大约7%,所以DLE并不是什么新技术。它是一种经过验证的技术,在技术进步的推动下不断发展和扩展到新的资源中。展望未来,Benchmark Minerals预测,由DLE提供的锂从去年的约55,000吨LCE增加到2032年的约650,000吨。这将使DLE的市场份额从去年的约7%增加到下一个十年初的15%。这意味着Benchmark Minerals的预测包括了DLE的增长,因此并没有被遗忘或忽视。只是在一些人所认为的时间范围内,它不会改变游戏规则。

The next lithium producing region to cover is Africa. Rather than using USGS data, which has very little information on Africa, I'll use this image from Ristad Energy. This year, Ristad expects that Africa as a whole will produce about 50,000 tons LCE. Again, like China, Africa is a black box, except for different reasons. In China, most of the question marks are around how pricing will affect long-term supply growth.
下一个要涵盖的锂生产地是非洲。因为美国地质调查局的数据在非洲方面信息很少,所以我将使用Ristad Energy的这张图片。根据Ristad的预测,今年整个非洲预计将生产约5万吨锂碳酸酯(LCE)。同样,像中国一样,非洲也是一个黑盒子,只是原因不同。在中国,大部分问题围绕着价格将如何影响长期供应增长。

For Africa, for me, the question centers around the reliability of the estimates in unstable countries. That's because 80% of the lithium in Africa is expected to come from four countries that are in the top 30 most unstable countries in the world. Beyond the political stability issues, there's also a potential for human rights issues. By that, I mean digging lithium out of the ground in hazardous working conditions like we've seen with cobalt in the Congo, sometimes with child labor. So EV companies will have to monitor their African lithium supply closely.

If the instability and human rights risks can be managed, lithium mining in Africa is likely to play a big role in the transition to sustainable energy. By Ristad's estimate, lithium production from Africa will grow by about six times 2023 production in the next three years, and then reach 400,000 tons of LCE by 2030. Benchmark Minerals forecast for Africa by 2030 is roughly 200,000 tons LCE, which means their estimate is half that of Ristad's. Why the discrepancy? Although Ristad and Benchmark are using similar base data, Ristad is building an additional growth that hasn't been announced yet, whereas Benchmark is providing a forecast grounded in what's actually been announced. In my view, that provides us with a base case and a bull case for lithium production in Africa.
如果可以管理不稳定性和人权风险,非洲的锂矿开采有望在可持续能源转型中发挥重要作用。根据Ristad的估计,未来三年非洲的锂产量将增长约六倍于2023年的产量,到2030年将达到40万吨锂碳酸酯(LCE)。Benchmark Minerals对非洲的预测到2030年大约为20万吨LCE,这意味着他们的估计只有Ristad的一半。为什么有这种差异?虽然Ristad和Benchmark在使用类似的基础数据,但Ristad正在构建一个尚未公布的额外增长,而Benchmark提供的预测是基于实际已公布的信息。在我看来,这为非洲的锂产量提供了一个基础情况和一个乐观情况。

With that said, I'm going to push Ristad's bull case of 400,000 tons LCE for 2030 up to 500,000 tons LCE in 2030. Why? Because Africa seems to be the only lithium producing region in the world where we could see relatively unconstrained growth. Could is the key word here, because in unstable countries a lot can go wrong. However, on the upside, if things go well, they could go very well. Africa has less regulation, high quality lithium deposits, plenty of Chinese investment, and potentially low production costs. That is, unlike China, the lithium from Africa won't just be something that can be tapped into in response to extreme market demands, but could sustain continuous growth on a long-term basis.

For those wondering how I arrived at the 500,000 tons LCE figure for 2030, I applied an average annual growth rate of 40% per year from this year's expected production base of around 50,000 tons LCE. I chose a 40% growth rate based on two precedents. The 40% growth rate global lithium supply sustained in the last six years, and China's expected burst growth rate of 44% in the next few years. It also makes for an even tenfold increase in lithium production in seven years, which on the face of it is clearly aggressive, and where I can I'm trying to be reasonably bullish. I'll explain why later in the video. For now, the takeaway is that we're going to add 420 gigawatt hours of lithium supply from Africa to the lithium supply forecast that we'll be collating in a moment.

As a side note, some people might have noticed that Ristad is forecasting 3.4 megatons LCE by 2031, which is quite a bit more than benchmark minerals forecast of 2.6 megatons. That's because Ristad's supply forecast is based on UN climate goals rather than actual scouted supply. In other words, Ristad's working back from climate goals, and benchmark is once again providing actual market data from all sources.
值得一提的是,有些人可能注意到Ristad预测2031年锂碳酸锂(LCE)的产量为3.4百万吨,比Benchmark Minerals预测的2.6百万吨要多得多。这是因为Ristad的供应预测是基于联合国的气候目标,而不是实际考察到的供应情况。换句话说,Ristad是从气候目标出发进行预测,而Benchmark则再次提供了来自各个来源的实际市场数据。

The next lithium-producing region to cover is Canada, with only 500 tons of lithium production in 2022, but lithium reserves of 930,000 tons. Canada's lithium resources are a mix of lithium-bearing rocks and lithium brines. Like Australia and Canada, it only takes about two years to permit a lithium mine. However, like the United States, Canada's working off a low base with little mining capacity. That means unlike Australia, there aren't opportunities to quickly expand production at or near existing mines. So all new production will have to come from new mining projects that have long lead times. That is, once again, in the next 4-7 years, we shouldn't expect large increases in lithium production from Canada beyond what's been forecast.

Finally, as for Brazil, Portugal, and other countries, I'm not going to do deep dives on each one. That's for several reasons. First, because on an individual basis, these countries have relatively small lithium reserves. Second, they're all already accounted for in Benchmark's forecast, and I don't expect significant revisions. Third, much of the reserves listed under other countries are in Africa, which we've already fully covered. And fourth, because they don't give us additional insights that haven't been covered in working through all the other regions.

In the next video of the series, I'll walk you through my global lithium supply forecast, and combine that with a forecast for sodium ion battery supply to arrive at a comprehensive supply and demand forecast for batteries to 2030. Then, in the final video, I'll walk you through what that could mean for Tesla's battery supply specifically.

That's all for today, but before I close out the video, as I said at the beginning of the video, if you can, toss a coin to your witcher. The information I've provided today is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive video on lithium supply out there. Other reports that are available on the market can cost thousands of dollars, and by comparison, if this video does well, I expect it to make less than $1,000 from YouTube ad revenues.

It's the supporters who contribute directly that make the channel possible. On that note, a special thanks to David Lang, Christoph Van Hurl, Create Good Sinks, and Paul and Patricia for your generous support of the channel, my YouTube members, Twitter subscribers, and all the patrons listed in the credits. I appreciate all your support, and thanks for tuning in.
正是直接贡献的支持者使这个频道得以存在。在此,特别感谢大卫·朗、克里斯托夫·范·赫尔、Create Good Sinks以及Paul和Patricia对该频道的慷慨支持,还有我的YouTube成员、推特订阅者以及所有列在片尾字幕中的赞助者们。感谢大家的支持,并感谢你们一直关注着。