Giga Berlin Expansion Plans, New Cybertruck Wrap, Extended Financing
发布时间 2023-07-21 22:59:48 来源
➤ Giga Berlin expansion plans:
➤ Expansion details:
➤ New Cybertruck wrap spotted
➤ Tesla begins rolling out software update
➤ Tesla extends financing options in the US
➤ SpaceX gets closer to another test flight
➤ Calendar
Tesla Referral:
#Tesla #TSLA #Investing
Executive producer Jeremy Cooke
Executive producer Troy Cherasaro
Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent
Executive producer Jessie Chimni
Executive producer Michael Pastrone
Executive producer Richard Del Maestro
Executive producer John Beans
Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives
Hey everybody Rob Man, we're here. Happy Friday. Today we're going to catch up on some news from earlier this week and that would be the Giga Berlin expansion plan to which we're published on Wednesday. Then we do also have a couple new Cybertruck photos, a software update from Tesla, a couple of other items as well.
大家好,我是Rob Man,我们在这里。祝大家周五快乐。今天我们要补一下本周早些时候的一些新闻,即周三发布的Giga Berlin扩建计划。然后我们还有一些全新的Cybertruck照片,还有来自特斯拉的软件更新,以及其他一些项目。
Alright, so looking at the stock, another little underperformance for Tesla today, finishing down 1.1% to close at $260.02, the Nasdaq up 2.10% on the day today. But we are still facing, or we were still facing, the rebalancing of the Nasdaq 100. So if we look at this, of course that is going to be effective on Monday, which really means today's closing cross trade, like we talked about way back to the S&P 500 inclusion, would be when traders want to make the trade to minimize their tracking error, if they are, you know, benchmarked against the Nasdaq 100, which doesn't necessarily, isn't necessarily as big as the S&P 500 by any means, not even close. But still probably has been having an impact today. And if we look at the top 100 Nasdaq stocks here, well, not surprisingly, we have declines for most of the top seven Google outperforming, but otherwise, you know, red performance across the board from those top six stocks, and then a lot of green for some of the smaller stocks. So the Nasdaq rebalancing definitely having a role, but as I said, this should now be completed as we head into trading on Monday. So hopefully no more dealing with that.
Alright, let's get into the Gigabrelan expansion. So Tobias Lind did a great job of summarizing the application documents. So I've linked to his thread on Twitter in the comments today. I would just recommend going to going to Twitter and reading that thread because Tobias obviously has a very good understanding of the factory progress can speak German unlike me and read it. So has a good has done a good job of recapping it. We'll hit a couple of highlights here though, just to kind of level set everyone on where things are at right now.
好的,让我们来谈谈Gigabrelan扩张计划。Tobias Lind在总结申请文件方面做得很出色,所以我在评论中提供了他在Twitter上的帖子链接。我建议你们去Twitter上阅读那个帖子,因为Tobias显然对工厂的进展有很好的了解,他可以说德语,而我不能。所以他在总结方面做得很好。不过,我们在这里会简要介绍一些要点,以让大家对目前的情况有个基本了解。
So as was discussed prior to this actually happening, the proposal here is for Gigabrelan to expand from an annual production capacity of 500,000 vehicles per year up to a million. And then of course, we've heard many rumors over the years that hopefully there will continue to be expansions beyond that production level as well. And then also for battery cell production to increase to 100 gigawatt hours per year.
Now obviously Tesla's battery cell production plans at Gigabrelan have been a little bit on hold. It seems like some of that equipment or resources have been rerouted domestically here in the United States due to the inflation reduction act. But there are still plans for Gigabrelan to do cell production of the 4680s. So nothing new on that. We kind of knew that information ahead of time. And then it does mention here that the commissioning of the modified plan in accordance with the requested first partial permit is planned for the first half of 2024 when we think about timeline. So you know, six months to a year from now.
But this does say the first partial permit, which if we look closely at the expansion plans, the green is the first partial permit, the yellow is the second partial permit, the red is the third partial permit. So there is a sequence here and this seems to be talking about just the first, which if we look at green, this is predominantly Tesla's current factory. So it's not clear to me exactly what the timeline might be for some of the some of the yellow and red second and third stage expansion plans. Maybe Tobias Len can help us out sometimes he provides some additional context in the comments. And if he does, I'll pin that comment, but we'll have to wait and see a little bit more on the timing.
That being said, as we talked about, this will be a new building to the north of the factory. It looks like this new building will be divided half and half into production processes in the north half. And then it looks like this is going to be logistics and warehousing in the lower half, which probably will then coordinate with the current factory as well. You've got logistics and warehousing stuff in between sort of two production, you know, parts of the factory. So interesting to see that.
And then of course, you know, over here, some more of the battery cells cell manufacturing type of stuff. So that's kind of what we know right now. Again, I would check out the thread from Tobias. He goes through a lot of details on exactly, you know, how things are shaping up. They're going to put in some other things for solar power, for energy storage, like we've seen them installing now at Giga, Texas, there's going to be additional parking added. So a lot of new things within this permit that Tobias has recapped on Twitter.
And one that will be kind of interesting just for people that like Tesla, there is going to be a portion that will be open to the public here, the lobby, which I think Elon has always had aspirations of having more public interactivity at these factories. And we haven't seen a ton of that yet, but it looks like there is still plans with this second stage of the Giga factory in Berlin to do this. There's going to be a vet room with a bar on top of the lobby, which again will be public access. There were a couple other public access things in these permits as well.
So obviously right now this is still in the public review stage. This is a huge, huge group of files. Let's go look at this. It's I believe 1.9 gigabits of data from these files. So I think Tesla, when they were originally doing these permitting things, had shared a photo or someone had shared a photo of just reams and reams and reams of paper for these permits. So again, we're seeing a lot of documentation here that I'm sure is going to take people time to work through. And it looks like the public discussion period. Well, I guess that's goes through October 23rd. If we switch over to international dating from my US dating system. So it looks like we'll have about three months for the public to comment on these permits.
所以显然现在这还处于公众评审阶段。这是一个庞大、巨大的文件组。让我们来看看。我相信这些文件的数据量为1.9 GB。所以我认为当特斯拉最初进行这些许可事务时,曾分享过一张照片,或者有人分享了一张关于这些许可证的纸张堆叠如山的照片。所以我们在这里看到了很多文档,我相信人们需要一些时间来处理。而且看起来公众讨论期限将持续到10月23日。以国际日期格式来看,这大约有三个月供公众对这些许可文件进行评论的时间。
All right. So moving on from that, we do have some new. Wraps on the cyber truck that have been spotted. Mehesh Kumar on Twitter sharing a couple of videos and photos of a new rap traveling down the freeway, I believe in California. So kind of cool to see that. If we go down here, some photos, the new digital camouflage, wrap from Tesla. And of course, we have seen the previous camouflage wrap right here. There's also a new post on Reddit with these vehicles showing two of them at the same time. So there's got to be at least three of them because these are coming out on the same day of the cyber truck. And it's pretty exciting to see it in a new wrap and give us just a little bit of a teaser on when we start to see many of these cyber trucks running around with a lot of different customizations like we're seeing here. So always fun to see that. Thank you to those that have been sharing those photos.
好的。所以继续讲,我们有一些新情况。发现了一些关于Cybertruck的新贴纸。Mehesh Kumar在推特上分享了几段视频和照片,展示了一辆新的贴纸在高速公路上行驶,我相信是在加利福尼亚。很酷能看到这个。如果我们往下看,有一些照片,是特斯拉的新的数字迷彩贴纸。当然,我们之前也看到过这个迷彩贴纸。Reddit上也有一篇新帖子展示了这两辆车同时出现的情况。所以至少会有三辆车,因为它们是在Cybertruck发布的同一天亮相的。看到它以新的贴纸出现并给我们一点眼前一亮的感觉,当我们开始看到很多这样的Cybertruck带有各种不同的定制时,这就让人非常兴奋。总之,总是很有趣能看到这些。感谢那些分享这些照片的人们。
And then we do also have a software update from Tesla that we got some information on a little bit earlier, but is now starting to roll out. So we've talked before about the option for charge on solar. This will be included in the software update. So if you have Tesla solar and if you have a power wall, you can set your vehicle to charge only when you have excess energy from solar, which is a nice change. There are additional camera views available within the live camera, century mode feature within the app. So that'll be nice. You don't have to kind of click around and wait for them to load Spotify updates. I know a lot of people, including myself, will be happy to see that. It's I think supposed to look a little bit more like the Spotify desktop app. So looking forward to that. Warmer colors on display. Optionally, you can reduce blue lights, customize scroll wheel on SNX, blind spot, camera positioning on SNX, and then a new game, vampire, vampire survivors available in the arcade. And then Bluetooth game controller compatibility, which I kind of thought was already a thing, that must be new for three and what.
然后我们还有一项特斯拉的软件更新早些时候我们已经得到了一些信息,但现在开始推出。前面我们已经谈到过太阳能充电的选项。这将包含在软件更新中。因此,如果您有特斯拉的太阳能板和储能墙,您可以设置您的车辆在太阳能有多余能量时才充电,这是一个很好的改变。应用程序中的实时监控摄像头功能还提供了更多的视角选择,这将非常方便。您无需点击和等待加载Spotify更新。我知道很多人,包括我自己,都会很高兴看到这一点。我认为它的界面会更像Spotify的台式应用程序。所以对此很期待。显示器上使用更暖的颜色。选择性地可以减少蓝光,个性化Model SNX的滚轮,以及Model SNX的盲点摄像头位置设置。此外,还有一个新游戏《吸血鬼幸存者》可以在街机游戏中玩。另外,还新增了与蓝牙游戏手柄兼容性,我原以为这已经有了,这一定是针对Model 3和Model Y 新增的功能。
And then last few items for today, Tesla has offered extended financing previously. We've talked about this in other countries before, but in the United States now offering expanded financing, potentially up to 84 months. So you can see an example here of model three that's available in inventory right now for a 72 month, 5, 72 months, 5.9% APR loan, you'd be looking to payment for this vehicle of $577. If you switch that 84 months, your interest rate does increase to about 6.4%, at least in the configuration studio right here, dropping the payment down to $517 per month, but obviously extending that another year. So maybe saves 10% or so on the loan to add that additional year, but with interest rates this high, obviously that's a pretty long time.
然后,今天的最后几个项目中,特斯拉之前提供过延长融资。我们之前在其他国家已经谈论过这个问题,但现在在美国提供了更广泛的融资,潜在的融资期长达84个月。因此,您可以在这里看到一个目前库存中可用的Model 3的例子,为72个月、5.9%的年利率贷款,您需要支付此车辆的577美元。如果将期限延长至84个月,利率会增加至大约6.4%,至少在这个配置工作室中是如此,将每月支付额降至517美元,但同时延长了一年。所以,通过增加一年的期限,可以节省大约10%的贷款金额,但由于利率如此之高,显然时间会很长。
You're going to be paying a lot in the life of the loan in interest. But if you think you can beat that return in the markets or something like that, then maybe it does make sense and obviously does result in potentially a quote unquote more affordable vehicle in terms of at least the monthly payments. So interesting to see that from Tesla, not something that I would necessarily recommend, but again, it's always nice to have some additional flexibility.
And then quick update on SpaceX. So Super Heavy Booster 9 is making its way to the launch pad. So you know, we had the last test flight here, or the, I guess the first stacked orbital test flight back in April, and now we're getting to a point where it looks like things are maybe not close to ready, but getting close to ready for SpaceX to do another test flight, at least looking like it's probably on track for sometime this year, which was pretty much in doubt after some of the damage, you know, sustained to sustain to the launch pad after that first test flight. So good to see really rapid progress on that. And hopefully it means we're not too far away from another test flight, although obviously it's still some things to do, and it will of course be pending FAA approval. So time to continue to keep an eye on, you know, SpaceX's progress on that.
然后是关于SpaceX的最新消息。Super Heavy Booster 9正在朝着发射台前进。在四月份进行了上次的测试飞行,或者说是首次堆叠轨道测试飞行,现在我们正逐渐接近准备就绪的状态,看起来可能不久就会进行另一次测试飞行,至少从目前来看,这似乎是在今年内完成的计划,而在那次首次测试飞行后,发射台遭受了一些损坏,对于能否如期进行测试飞行曾一度存在怀疑。看到事情取得了如此迅速的进展感到很高兴,希望这意味着我们离另一次测试飞行并不太远,尽管还有一些事情需要处理,并且还需要获得FAA的批准。我们会继续密切关注SpaceX在这方面的进展。
And then quick calendar update as we head into next week, another big one with the FOMC meeting on Wednesday. So of course, we'll get an interest rate decision on that. And we'll also have PC personal consumption expenditures on Friday, though, because of the recency of the FOMC meeting, probably a little bit less focus on that than there might normally be.
So as we head into that fed meeting, the current expectations, according to the CME Group FedWatch tool are almost 100% expecting that there will be a 25 basis point increase. Of course, the last meeting, there was a temporary pause. So it seems like the expectation is now for 25 basis point increases off and on in between meetings. If we go to September, the expectation is for the rates to stay 25 basis points higher than they are today, you know, put it in whatever combination across those two meetings with a little bit of an expectation for maybe two 25 basis point increases. And then you can kind of see how that tracks in November, maybe a little bit more expectation of another increase, but not too much. So that's kind of where things are at right now. But obviously we'll see how things shake out next week.
随着我们即将迎来联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)会议,根据芝商所集团(CME Group)的FedWatch工具,当前几乎100%的预期是有一个25个基点的加息。当然,上次会议出现了一个暂时的停滞。所以现在的预期是在会议之间会有25个基点的增加。如果我们来看九月份,预期是利率会比今天高25个基点,可以在这两次会议中以各种组合方式增加,估计可能会有两次25个基点的增加。然后你可以大致看到这个趋势在11月份,可能有更多预期的加息,但不是太多。所以目前情况就是这样。但显然,我们将看到下周的情况会如何发展。
But that'll wrap it up for today. So as always, thank you for listening. Make sure you subscribe and sign up for notifications. You can also find me on Twitter at Tesla podcast and we'll see on Monday for the July 24th episode of Tesla Daily. Thank you.
今天就到这里吧。再次感谢您的收听。请确保您订阅并开启通知。您也可以在Twitter上找到我的账号:Tesla podcast。我们下周一见,届时会有7月24日的《特斯拉日报》。谢谢。