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Tesla Stock on Historic Run + Tesla Talks With Mongolia / India

发布时间 2023-06-07 23:59:28    来源


➤ Tesla stock continues historic run ➤ Canada raises interest rates ➤ Musk meets with Mongolian Prime Minister ➤ Report on Tesla and India ➤ New Tesla Energy project ➤ SolarCity lawsuit ruling ➤ Waymo accident ➤ Volvo unveils new EV Shareloft: https://www.shareloft.com Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/teslapodcast Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tesladailypodcast Tesla Referral: https://ts.la/robert47283 #Tesla #TSLA #Investing Executive producer Jeremy Cooke Executive producer Troy Cherasaro Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent Executive producer Jessie Chimni Executive producer Michael Pastrone Executive producer Richard Del Maestro Executive producer John Beans Editing assistance by Jasem Ashkanani Music by Evan Schaeffer Image(s) and/or footage used under license from Shutterstock.com Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives



Hey everybody Rob Maurer here and today should be a pretty quick one We're gonna be talking about a historic streak that Tesla is in the midst of also some conversations that Tesla is having with other countries Some news on Tesla energy a solar city lawsuit and more
大家好,我是Rob Maurer。今天的内容应该会很快,我们将会谈论到特斯拉正在创造的历史性盈利纪录,同时谈论一下特斯拉正在和其他国家进行的谈判,还有一些关于特斯拉能源和太阳城的诉讼消息等等。

Alright, so pretty volatile day in the markets overall today the NASDAQ down 1.3% by the end of the day Tesla up though one and a half percent so really strong outperformance closing at $224.57 on the day The volatility in the market seemed to be attributed a little bit at least to the widely unexpected decision to increase rates again in Canada After having been paused for quite some time now So of course that increases some nerves about what might happen next week at the Fed meeting for US interest rates But by the time we get there I think that will mostly be forgotten about because remember right before the meeting we have the US CPI and PPI reports And those will probably be much bigger influences on what the US ends up doing

So anyway despite the bad macro performance today Tesla is continuing its historic run in terms of green days positive finishes for the stock in a row May 24th was actually the last trading day that Tesla was down This was the day prior to the announcement about Ford adopting the North American charging standard since then Tesla has now had nine Positive performances in a row. This is tied for the third longest positive streak for Tesla in its history So as you can see Tesla up 23% over those days

We can see how that compares to some of the other long streaks in Tesla's history nice reminder there of how crazy 2020 was with a 10-day streak up 66% and then the longest in Tesla's history was an 11-day streak to wrap up 2020 and lead us into 2021 So we'll see if this continues if Tesla can actually set a new record here I know we're in the midst of it and you don't talk about the streak during the streak But hey, we talked about it during those as well So they worked out just fine. We'll see if this one does but if not if we're down tomorrow feel free to come back and File your complaints directly in the YouTube comments one other thing that is kind of interesting here if you look at all of these date ranges They all seem to include or shortly follow delivery reports while this one does not however Obviously we did have that forward announcement stuff like this doesn't really seem to happen in the absence of some sort of major news

So I think that forward announcement really having an impact in this run All right next up we've got a couple of reports on Tesla conversations with other countries first from the Prime Minister of Mongolia yesterday tweeting quote a productive and insightful discussion with Elon Musk today exploring opportunities for mutual collaboration We discussed potential partnerships including securing internships for talented Mongolian engineers at Tesla We discussed the possibility of welcoming Tesla to Mongolia and the potential use of copper and rare earth elements and electric vehicle and battery production For industrial scale mining we committed to further discuss cooperation on the development of green technologies Education investment in our country and the use of electric vehicles our new recovery policy sets Mongolia on a path to prosperity As we work closely with the private sector and quote Elon Musk also replying saying it was an honor to speak with you

So Mongolia not a country that comes up very often in the Tesla discussions kind of cool to see that Mongolia's biggest export is copper they do about three billion dollars annually of that So that would be my best guess as to the impetus of the conversation But obviously rare earth metals mentioned there talent in Mongolia mentioned there as well So we'll see if anything comes of it, but it sounds like it was a productive conversation We've also got more reporting on Tesla's conversations with India.

This is again coming from Financial Express We've mentioned there reporting previously they say that Tesla has in principle agreed to the suggestion put forward by India that apart from assembling its electric vehicles In the country it also sets up a vendor base there. They say that the government has said that Tesla can begin with domestic assembly of cars and fall That up later by setting up the vendor base But that quote indications are that Tesla may not delay the setting up of the domestic vendor base much as it does not believe in Decoupling manufacturing and supply chain and quote so it's not exactly clear to me What is new in this report again as we had previously talked about the report that the government would be willing to allow Tesla to have some time to set that vendor base up had already been made and they're still reporting here that the company is expected to submit That proposal in the next three to six months
这是再次来自《Financial Express》的报道。我们之前提到过,他们称特斯拉原则上同意印度的建议,除了在印度组装其电动汽车,还要在那里建立供应商基地。他们称政府已经表示,特斯拉可以开始国内汽车组装,之后再建立供应商基地。但是“迹象表明,特斯拉可能不会拖延建立国内供应商基地的时间,因为它不相信分离制造和供应链。”因此,对我来说这份报告中有什么新信息并不清楚,因为我们之前已经讨论过政府愿意给特斯拉一些时间来建立供应商基地的消息,他们在这里仍在报道该公司预计将在接下来的三到六个月内提交该提议。

So it sounds like all they're really reporting here that might be new is that Tesla's agreed that they should set up a vendor base in India. But that would be contingent of course on other plans moving forward. But as the report says itself, that's not surprising because of how Tesla approaches manufacturing. So this is getting a lot of coverage because the report says that Tesla and India agreed to something. But I don't think there's anything really all that new here or even all that meaningful in this report.

Moving on from that. We've got another update on Tesla energy today. This is coming from a neko. They have announced that they will be building a 200 megawatt hour project energy storage project in Belgium. They say the permit has been obtained the battery ordered and the preparatory study works are underway to have the project operational by the end of 2024. They say this 200 megawatt project will be using 53 megapacks from Tesla.

So what would have once been a huge huge announcement for Tesla energy these days is becoming commonplace. This is a relatively small order now for Tesla at the skies that they are producing at just a handful of days of production for this entire Project and that is at today's production rates, which are growing very quickly. So very exciting to see this but more importantly exciting to reflect on the fact that this really isn't all that meaningful anymore. The scale that Tesla energy is approaching and that is very exciting.

All right, next we've got an updated ruling on a lawsuit against Elon Musk regarding the acquisition of Solar City many years ago. The Delaware Supreme Court has upheld a previous ruling that found that Elon Musk did not push Tesla to overpay in the Solar City acquisition. They say quote the trial court's opinion is replete with factual findings and credibility determinations. And those determinations have not been challenged and decidedly way in favor of Musk and quote. So as with any company of Tesla size kind of hard to keep track of all the lawsuits out there. But I think that'll wrap this one up the court's opinion in this ruling was unanimous.

All right last couple of things here. We've got a news story on Waymo. That's kind of going around. Unfortunately a report that a Waymo vehicle struck and killed a dog that ran out into traffic. Obviously never want to hear stories like that. This occurred in San Francisco back on May 21st. Waymo confirmed this to local news in San Francisco. The vehicle did have a safety driver in the front seat at the time and according to Waymo.
好的,这里还有最后几件事情。我们有一条有关 Waymo 的新闻故事。很不幸的是,有报道称一辆 Waymo 的车辆撞死了一只冲出马路的狗。显然我们绝不希望听到这样的故事。这件事发生在今年5月21日的旧金山。Waymo 已向旧金山当地媒体证实了这个事件。据 Waymo 表示,事故发生时车上有一名安全驾驶员坐在前排座位上。

It did actually identify the dog, but that was the result nonetheless. So with the vehicle identifying it with also having a safety driver. Although that doesn't necessarily mean a whole lot all the time may not have been much that could have been done to avoid this and. It brings to light just a reality of autonomous vehicles. Sometimes things like this are going to happen.

This and probably much worse will happen with the Tesla too. But hopefully the overall safety is much higher. So unless there are a lot more contextual details out there that I'm not aware of. Hopefully no throwing stones at Waymo on this one.
特斯拉可能会发生类似的事情,甚至更糟。但是希望总体安全性能更高。因此,除非有更多我不知道的相关细节,否则希望不要对 Waymo 扔骨头。

All right last item for today then Vovo has unveiled their next EV effort. It is going to be called the EX 30 and this is Vovo's smallest SUV ever at about a hundred and sixty-seven inches long. This is more than 20 inches or 50 centimeter shorter than the Model Y. So Vovo says that this is going to start at just under $35,000 which would be a pretty nice price for a vehicle which it says will have a range of up to 275 miles we don't know exactly what that would be if that's the base configuration.
好的,今天的最后一条新闻是,沃尔沃已经推出了他们下一款电动车,它将被称为EX 30,是沃尔沃有史以来最小的SUV,只有大约167英寸长。相比特斯拉Model Y,它要短20英寸或50厘米以上。沃尔沃表示,这款车的起价将在35,000美元以下,这是一个非常不错的价格,因为据说这款车的续航里程将达到275英里,不过我们不确定这是否是基础配置的里程。

More often than not that doesn't end up being the case. But it does only list one battery capacity of 69 kilowatt hours for acceleration. This one undoubtedly wouldn't be the base vehicle. But they say that it will be as fast as 3.4 seconds 0 to 60. It is still a ways out from production apparently that's gonna happen sometime later in 2024 and production will at least Start in China. So not sure what prices in China will be like But at that price it might be a little bit tougher to compete especially, you know We'll see what Tesla does by that point in time, but probably not something that's gonna be super high volume.

All right, that is where we'll wrap it up for today. So as always thank you for listening make sure you're subscribed and signed up for notifications. Also find me on Twitter at Tesla podcast and we'll see tomorrow for the Thursday June 8th episode of Tesla daily. Thank you.
好的,今天的节目就到这里结束了。一如既往地感谢你们的收听,确保你已经订阅并开启了通知。同时,你也可以在推特上找到我,账号是Tesla podcast。我们明天再见,到时候我们将会播出6月8日周四的特斯拉日报节目。谢谢。