The One Mindset Shift That Will Change Your Life | Answers With Joe

发布时间 2015-09-14 13:00:31    来源


I've lived my entire life with a horrible mindset and never even knew it. So here's my advice so you don't have to learn the hard way like I did. If you want to dive deeper into the power of shifting your mindset, a great resource is the Art of Charm Podcast. Check it out here: ============= Subscribe! Follow me! Also, you can find me on Periscope and Blab at @joescottwriter ============== In the real world, no man is an island, and if you want to succeed, you need other people to help you get there. Which is not some kind of secret, we all know that. The problem is, if you go in with a zero sum game, winner take all competitive attitude, it’s pretty hard to find collaborators. I used to feel really uncomfortable in a roomful of other filmmakers because I saw them as the enemy. They were the competition, and I wanted to beat them. Either I got my film made or they did... Not to say that I disliked everybody, I just didn’t see them as a community that I wanted to be a part of. I saw them as challengers. And I held this attitude for SO LONG. Really, it’s embarrassing how long it took me to figure it out. Because it’s not a competition. It’s not a zero sum game. Everyone succeeds and fails together. A rising tide lifts all boats. Instead of hoping I get my film made and that other guy doesn’t, I should be doing everything I can to help them get their films made. And their success will breed more success. Maybe I get to make my film next. Maybe someone else does, but I help them out, and the tide rises higher, and so do I with it. And it works everywhere, in film, music, business, if you want to get ahead, help someone else.

