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Model Y E34: AutoPilot, Acceleration, and Turns on Rails in the Second Model Y

发布时间 2020-05-06 12:06:55    来源


Episode 34: With the sun shining on a beautiful Michigan day, Sandy takes the second Model Y for a spin as part of the dynamic portion of a Fit, Finish, and Quality (FFQ) audit. Sandy describes what he likes, how it compares to other vehicles, and shares a few stories along the way. If you like the content you're seeing, please consider visiting our website and clicking "Support Munro!" or subscribing to our Patreon group for exclusive content. BUY MODEL Y REPORTS: [email protected] PATREON GROUP: https://www.patreon.com/MunroLive MUNRO MERCH: https://teespring.com/stores/munro-live-store SUPPORT MUNRO: https://munrolive.com/support-%2F-shop MUNRO LIVE CONTENT: https://munrolive.com/ MUNRO MAIN WEBSITE: https://leandesign.com/ Intro/Outro: Music from YouTube Audio Library [Aka YAL] Music provided by RFM: https://youtu.be/CCPXfflu0qo

