How China Turned Itself Around on SARS

发布时间 2020-03-16 13:13:11    来源


In this video, we look back 17 years ago at the first SARS outbreak out of Guangdong, including the first days of the outbreak, how it blew up under people's noses, and how the government turned itself around 180 degrees to suppress it with all the energy of a people's war. Again sorry for the bad audio, I am not around my microphone right now. Subscribe to the newsletter: Video sources: Yoon, Sung‐Won. "Sovereign dignity, nationalism and the health of a nation: a study of China's response in combat of epidemics." Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 8.1 (2008): 80-100. Huang, Yanzhong. "Implications of SARS epidemic for China’s public health infrastructure and political system." Testimony before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China Roundtable on SARS (2003). DeLisle, Jacques. "Atypical pneumonia and ambivalent law and politics: SARS and the response to SARS in China." Temp. L. Rev. 77 (2004): 193. Chan, C. V. M. "Politics of compliance in global infectious disease control: cases of SARS control in China." JPAG 4.1 (2014): 114-33. CHAN, Rami Hin Yeung. "Crisis Politics of the SARS Epidemic: A Comparative Study of Mainland China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan." Cunningham, Philip J. "Constraints on China's coverage of SARS." Nieman Reports 57.2 (2003): 50. Puska, Susan M. "SARS 2002-2003: A Case Study in Crisis Management." Chinese National Security Decisionmaking under Stress (2005): 85-133.

