If these pumps ever stop, part of Germany floods.

发布时间 2020-11-02 16:00:04    来源


The Ruhr Valley, in north-west Germany, is an industrial coal-mining area. And because of that kilometre-deep mining, parts of it have sunk, the drainage patterns have changed: and now, if the pumps of Emschergenossenschaft ever stop, quite a few towns and cities will end up flooded. Filmed safely in September 2020: https://www.tomscott.com/safe/ REFERENCES: https://www.derwesten.de/region/rhein-und-ruhr/wenn-die-pumpen-stillstaenden-id12358775.html https://fxreflects.blogspot.com/2008/12/ruhr-valley-secrets-richard-serras.html -- and of course, my interview with the team from Emschergenossenschaft Edited by Michelle Martin https://twitter.com/mrsmmartin Thanks to Bela Lempp and Daniel Fischer for the suggestion. (Alternate title: "Iffen Pumperschtoppen, Der Deutschehabitaten Unterwasser". Alternate video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LvY6vQQET8 ) I'm at https://tomscott.com on Twitter at https://twitter.com/tomscott on Facebook at https://facebook.com/tomscott and on Instagram as tomscottgo

