How Jewish People Make Each other Wealthy. - YouTube

发布时间 2022-10-26 16:00:00    来源


I don't think it's anti-Semitism when the world says that Jews are good at business or that we. I don't think it's anti-Semitism when people say that Jewish people are good at business or that we control certain industries. To be honest with you, I kind of take it as a compliment. And if the whole world is saying it, then it must be true. So instead of screaming from the rooftops anti-Semitism, what I would like to do with you right here and right now, I would like to teach you one major Jewish business secret, a principle that will not only change your life, but will change the lives of everybody around you and of your entire community, whichever community that you come from. So buckle up, watch the rest of this video, it's going to bring a lot of success, God willing to you and your community and everybody around you. So let's hop in.
我不认为当世界说犹太人善于做生意或控制某些产业时,这就是反犹太主义。说实话,我有点当作是一种赞扬。而且如果全世界都这么说,那就一定是真的。所以,与其大喊反犹太主义,我现在想跟你一起分享一个犹太商业的秘诀,一个原则,它不仅会改变你的生活,也会改变你周围所有人的生活,以及你所在的整个社区,不管你来自哪个社区。所以,摆好心态,看完这个视频,祝福上天,这将带给您和您的社区以及周围的人许多成功。 (请注意,与原文稍有不同)

So one incredible Jewish business secret is the idea of community itself. Okay, so here's how the world usually works. So you have people that are alone, right? You graduate from school and you try to go into the workforce, you open up a business, and you don't have anybody that's really vouching for you. So you're like a single individual trying to provide products and services to this world that in itself is distrustful. And that's on the good end. On the bad end, you grew up in a community that when you are trying to do things and trying to be successful, the community is actually working against you. They don't want to see you succeed, they don't want to see you do better than them, and they don't want to see you move forward. And that's the way that most people in the world, friends have told me that that's how they've grown up and that's been their experience in business. So the Jewish community is very different.

The Jewish community helps each other in business. And for many reasons, and I want to explain to you exactly what those are, and then I'm going to explain to you how you could apply these concepts and principles in your community and start changing everything around you. So here are some reasons why we support each other in business. So number one is, there's a commandment. Love your neighbor like you love yourself. In other words, just like you want to be successful in your heart, you should want to wish that on other people. Because at the end of the day, we all come from one source. When you do well, the other person should also do well. And when somebody else does well, it does not take away from you. You should want, you should love the person so much that you want other people in your community to do well. So that's number one.

Number two, the people in your community, you see them every single day. You see them as you're dropping your kids off at school. You're praying next to them in your house of worship, or you're in line with them at the grocery store. And you want to see the people around you succeed. Number three, when the people in your community are doing well, and they are able to give charity, they're able to give back to the community. We want people in our synagogues and in our schools, we want them to do well because when people are making money, that means that they could give money back to our community. So we want to help the people in our community because it just becomes a whole snowball effect. And number four, one of the main reasons why we do business with each other is because there's a trust factor. We know that when we do business with each other, if we have a problem, we could go to our rabbi and he's going to help us solve it. Or if we don't have a rabbi involved, we could go to a friend that we know knows the both of us.
第二点,你的社区的人,你每天都能看到他们。你把孩子送到学校的时候会遇到他们。在家里礼拜时,你会和他们一起祈祷,或者在杂货店排队时会遇到他们。你希望身边的人都能成功。 第三点,当社区里的人做得好时,他们能够进行慈善,回馈社区。我们希望我们的犹太教堂和学校的人都做得好,因为当人们赚钱时,他们可以回馈我们的社区。因此,我们希望帮助社区里的人,这将带来整个社区的良性循环。 第四点,我们互相做生意的主要原因之一是信任因素。我们知道,当我们进行生意时,如果出现问题,我们可以去找我们的拉比,他会帮我们解决。或者如果没有牧师介入,我们可以找一个我们都认识的朋友帮忙。

And there's a certain element of trust when you're dealing with people in your community that allows you to build business and to build trust a lot faster than if you're just coming as a stranger. So the advantage to working with your own community is you could break into markets much faster than if you are trying to convince strangers to work with you because there's all that good will that exists between you guys. So now you might be asking, practically speaking, how can you implement this in your neighborhood, in your faith, in your religion, in your culture, in your color, in your creed, how could you start to be start to do this in your communities?

And I'm going to tell you exactly how.

Number one is, you know the expression by local, right? You see this in supermarkets, you see this in towns all the time, by locally from the people that are living in your community.

That means if you are a Hindu and you need to paint your house and there is a Hindu company down the street, use them, work with your own kind by local. Fubu was really good at this, by the way, for us, by us, he created something that was brilliant.

Number two, let's say one of your cousins needs a loan for a business to start it, give him the loan, help the people around you, don't watch them fall. But you want to help the people around you stand up.

Number three, be happy for each other when each other succeeds. And yet, the word is fargin. When you see your neighbor, your cousin, your uncle, your brother, when you see your friend, your schoolmate, when you see them doing well, enjoy that success, be happy for them.

Because if you hate them, if you hate their success, you will never be successful on your own, because whatever it is that you hate, you're going to stay away from. Be happy for the people in your community when they start succeeding.

Number four, ask the people in your community for opportunities. And don't be proud, don't be too afraid. You guys have to start to use each other as building blocks, use each other to climb up like a wall, like a climbing wall, use the people around you, you know successful business people that are from your community.

Go to those people and ask for opportunity, don't be too proud, don't be too proud. If they're not going to give you the business, who will go to the people around you and ask for opportunity.

Number five, maybe even most important, make sure to give charity locally. Because when you give charity locally, people are going to want to see you succeed. If they know that you're giving back to their schools, their mosques, their churches, their whatever it is, and they see that you're giving back, they're going to want to give you business because giving you business is good for them indirectly.

And the most important is encourage, encourage others in your community to also give charity so that you guys all have a common goal and you guys move together as one.
最重要的是鼓励, 鼓励你社区里的其他人也慷慨捐赠,这样你们所有人都有一个共同的目标,可以一起前行。

So I hope you enjoyed this. I'm going to keep on doing this. Please, if this is the first time you're following on my channel, you enjoy this, please hit the subscribe button, please hit the like button, please leave a comment.

I'm going to be dropping these type of videos, dropping Jewish business secrets on you guys over the next few weeks. And I'm excited to keep on doing it.

Thank you for being here. God bless. And I'm excited to see you and your community succeed beyond your wildest dreams.