Tesla's Holiday Update / Prepare for Industry Shakeup / Is Toyota Serious? ⚡️
发布时间 2021-12-07 21:16:41 来源
- Elon's interview quick recap
- Tesla's rumored holiday update
- Industry shakeup signs
- Jim Farley comments
- Toyota can't be serious with this
- More
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Agile at Tesla 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6edPaRGyHIQ
Agile at Tesla 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwtRJDRcXsY&t=3134s
Tesla holiday update article: https://www.notateslaapp.com/software-updates/upcoming-features/id/651/tesla-holiday-update-coming-soon-here-s-what-may-be-included
Woman gives birth in Tesla: https://nypost.com/2021/12/06/woman-gives-birth-in-tesla-while-stuck-in-nyc-traffic/
Full Elon interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSD_vpfikbE
No time stamps for today's episode
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*Disclaimer: I was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for a number of years. That said, I am not your financial advisor so please always do your own research and do not base your investment decisions on my videos alone.
#TeslaHolidayUpdate #TeslaUpdate #Toyota