Bible Hidden Texts | Newly Discovered Passages Removed By The Church

发布时间 2018-11-29 20:58:21    来源


What are the Bible secret texts? What texts were cut out of the Bible? Over the course of the last 2 millennia, the church has systematically edited out of the Bible what historians refer to as the Gnostic Gospels, which contain some extremely explosive ideas—and were a part of the texts that originally comprised the Bible. For one, the Gnostic Gospels tells of two gods: the vengeful and scornful one of the Old Testament, and the benevolent father of Jesus Christ of the New Testament. Several traditional Bible stories are contradicted by the Gnostic Gospels: the serpent in the story of Adam and Eve is the hero in the Gnostic Bible; the Holy Spirit was a flesh and blood woman who lived and breathed on Earth; a baby Jesus struck people blind and killed them in wrathful vengeance. -- In 1945, a farmer named Muhammad ‘Ali Al-Sammán made the archeological discovery of a lifetime. While digging in Nag Hammadi, Egypt he hit a red clay jar that was nearly a meter tall. Muhammad ‘Ali was initially hesitant to open it, thinking it might contain a genie. What it held was equally as rare as it was powerful: thirteen leather-bound papyrus books comprised of the fifty to sixty ancient texts now referred to as the Gnostic Gospels. Muhammad ‘Ali had no idea the value of what he found. His mother had even less of an understanding, or she never would’ve used what many say are the lost pages of “The Bible” for kindling. The books contained works that were originally written around the same time as the passages that did make their way into the finished version of “The Bible,” with a few notable additions. So, the real question is: why didn’t the gospels of Thomas, Judas, or Mary Magdalene make the cut?

