- Startups - Om Malik, Founder GigaOm-TWiST #327
发布时间 2013-02-05 21:16:10 来源
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From RocketSpace, Jason talks with Om Malik of GigaOm
Read the full transcript
0:55 Thanks to SnapTerms for sponsoring the program. Visit snapterms.com and use the code TWiST
4:00 Welcome to the show Om Malik
8:10 What was is about writing and magazines that drew you in?
11:50 Do you think there is a shift back towards people wanting to write longer pieces?
13:05 When did you come to the US?
13:15 Had you been to the US before you moved here?
14:05 What did your parents say when you said you were leaving?
15:10 When you came here, what was it like to get off the plane?
16:35 How did New York look when you when you first arrived compared to what you had imagined?
17:25 What was your first salary in New York?
18:10 What did your parents do in India?
18:40 When did you get the big break to get into journalism?
23:00 Thanks to GoToMeeting. Meeting is Believing
29:15 How do you think technology has changed society in our lifetime?
31:05 Do you think this generation takes connectivity for granted?
40:00 At what point did you work for Forbes.com?
42:40 When the internet collapsed, did you think that it was a fraud?
44:40 So at some point you decided to launch your own blog?
49:20 Who was the original managing editor at Businessweek?
50:45 So 2003 was the 1st time in your journalism career that was truly hard?
54:40 What was it about blogging that let it take off the way it did?
55:15 When did GigaOm become a company?
61:00 How many people work for you now?
64:40 Do you think respect for readers is the driving source in media right now?
68:30 Do you think Nick Denton will ever sell?
69:45 Do you think your work ethic almost pushed you over the edge?
70:55 How close do you think you were to dying?
71:50 How did your heart attack inform how you look at the world?
74:50 How do your parents look at your success?
75:50 Does the amount of love you have for what you do make it hard for you to find someone?
77:10 What is more enjoyable, the flow of writing, or the moment people respond back to you?
78:50 Do people ever tell you that your writing inspired them to do something?
81:00 What aer your plans for inside.com?
82:25 How do you balance fatherhood with entrepreneurship?
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Om: @om
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Special thanks to the members of the TWiST Backchannel Program!