The Most Bitter Sibling Rivalries in History
发布时间 2023-03-29 14:00:15 来源
Anyone who has grown up with a sibling knows how easily rivalries can develop. The desire of brothers and sisters to outperform each other is a nearly universal emotion, one that transcends social class, culture, and time period. In other words, everyone is prone to this rivalry, even US presidents.
History is chock-full of famous siblings with particularly juicy beefs. If humans are already naturally inclined toward competing with their sibs, adding power, wealth, or fame to the equation only inflames that tendency. In societies with hereditary governments, siblings have done all kinds of terrible things to each other to seize power for themselves. In more modern times, while dynastic political families do still exist, high-stakes sibling squabbling often plays out in corporate boardrooms or lawsuits. But throughout history, one thing is clear: Family is complicated.
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Brothers and sisters fight over everything from who gets the car for the weekend to who is more deserving of mom and dad's love But these conflicts aren't confined to household squabbles Some of the most destructive family battles ever waged had billion dollar companies and even entire nations hanging in the balance Today we're duking it out over some of the most bitter sibling rivalries in history But before we get started make sure you subscribe to the Weird History channel Then let us know in the comments what other historic family feuds you would like to hear about next
兄弟姐妹为了各种事情而争吵,从谁周末得到车子到谁更值得得到父母的爱。但是这些冲突并不仅仅出现在家庭争吵中。有些最具破坏性的家庭争斗曾经威胁亿万美元的公司和甚至整个国家的利益。今天,我们将讨论一些历史上最激烈的兄弟姐妹竞争事件。在我们开始之前,请确保您订阅了Weird History频道。然后在评论中让我们知道您想听下一期讲述哪些历史上的家庭纷争。
Okay, let's take this outside German brothers Rudolph Rudy and Adolf Adi Dossler with a sibling duo who created what would eventually become the Puma and Adidas shoe companies Rudy was drafted in World War One while his brother Adi was stuck at home When that even a first-generation I found to keep him occupied This was when your options for keeping yourself entertained were limited either pushing a hoop with a stick or starting a business Adi began creating shoes in his mother's laundry room and eventually pulled his older brother in to form the Dossler Brothers Sports shoe company Adi's invention of adding spikes to the bottom of the shoes led to great initial success But when World War Two came around it triggered a separate war between the brothers
好的,让我们把它说到德国兄弟Rudolph Rudy和Adolf Adi Dossler。他们是一个兄弟组合,最终创建了Puma和Adidas鞋类公司。Rudy在一战中被征召入伍,而他的兄弟Adi则被困在家里。在那个时候,他的娱乐选择有限,要么用棍子推一个铁环,要么开始经商。Adi开始在他母亲的洗衣房里制鞋,并最终招募他的哥哥一起创立了Dossler兄弟体育鞋公司。Adi加在鞋底上的鞋钉的发明导致了巨大的初步成功。但当二战来临时,这引发了两兄弟之间的另一场战争。
Rudy refused to hire his nephews hoping to keep other family members from controlling the company as a result Those two boys were drafted and perished in the war Rudy was also drafted and blamed Adi who avoided the draft by being deemed Essential to the business. Oh, and by the way, we mentioned they were Nazis because they were After the war each brother tried to paint the other as the more despicable Nazi which resulted in Rudy being briefly imprisoned Shortly after that in 1948 the brothers split up and separated their assets Adi went on to form Adidas a mashup of his first and last name Rudy called his company Ruda which eventually and amorphed into Puma
Commodus is the Roman Emperor best known for being the bad guy and gladiator and while that movie invents a whole lot of stuff about his life And rain one thing from the movie is undeniably true Commodus and his sister Lequilla did not get along before Commodus is crowning in 177 CE Rulers of the Roman Empire were chosen by Merit or at least some kind of political advantage But Emperor Marcus Arraileus decided his son would skip the line and take over after he passed This especially angered Lequilla Commodus's sister she was married to Rukius Betis who happened to be her father's co-ruler and was the frontrunner for the throne before nepotism got in the way So Lequilla did what any scorn sibling would do she conspired with Roman senators to have her brother assassinated the attempt failed and Commodus had Lequilla and her daughter exiled to the island of Capri later on Commodus decided that an island getaway was not the proper punishment and had assisted on away with Permanently better safe than sorry
Commodus是罗马帝国的皇帝,以其成为坏蛋和角斗士而闻名。虽然该电影虚构了他的很多生活细节,但电影中有一点无可否认地是真实的:在177年,Commodus加冕之前,他和他的妹妹Lequilla的关系不好。罗马帝国的统治者通常是通过功绩或至少是某种政治优势来选出的,但马库斯·奥雷利乌斯皇帝决定让他的儿子跳过其他人,继承皇位。这特别激怒了Commodus的妹妹Lequilla。她嫁给了Rukius Betis,他恰好是她父亲的共治者,并且在裙带关系之前是皇位的领先者。因此,Lequilla做了任何一个被冷落的兄弟或姐妹会做的事情:她与罗马参议院共谋暗杀她的兄弟。尝试失败,Commodus将Lequilla和她的女儿流放到卡普里岛。之后,Commodus决定岛上度假并不是适当的惩罚,于是他坚持将她们一劳永逸地除掉。宁愿保险一点,也不要遗患于心。
Mary Tudor was the oldest daughter of Henry VIII She was a devout Catholic when she succeeded her father on the throne Which was a bit of an issue since her dad had severed ties with Rome in 1534 to establish the Church of England However, the whole reason he did that was to have his first marriage legally annulled Which meant that Henry's second daughter Elizabeth had a stronger claim to the throne Royalty is complicated Elizabeth represented a powerful and more importantly Protestant rival to marry the first's interests Even though they were buds as children Mary and Elizabeth had grown apart as competing heirs often do Mary was able to deny Elizabeth any claim to the throne by having parliament re-instate her father and mother's marriage If 1554 after dealing with just a ton of Protestant plots to take her out Mary finally accused Elizabeth of trying to overthrow the government And tossed her into the infamous power of London But instead of executing her Mary had Elizabeth imprisoned at Woodstock Palace Which actually sounds pretty groovy Mary passed without an heir four years later and Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth the first in 1558
John Wilkes Booth became famous for assassinating President Abraham Lincoln. But all he ever wanted was to be more famous than his older brother Edwin. The two came from an acting family where their father, Junius Brutus Booth, was one of the most famous Shakespearean actors of his day. They were kind of like the Baldwin's if Alec was the dad (wait, is he not?). By the time John graduated and was able to pursue acting, Edwin was already a successful actor in his own right. Edwin reserved the better cities for himself and limited his brother's opportunities. John already wasn't the best actor and was receiving skating reviews for his performances while Edwin was thriving. The two brothers disagreed on politics as well. Edwin loved Lincoln and John, uh, didn't. John's time in the South also allowed him to become more radicalized. His attack on President Lincoln was meant to be a performance as well as a political statement. John theatrically jumped from the balcony to the stage mirroring a move he had done in Macbeth while wearing his father's costume pieces. John's notoriety overtook the Booth name from that point on, which is fair. Edwin took a break from acting and refused to let John's name be spoken in his home.
Paul Leane and Esther Epi Friedman were identical twins born in Su City, Iowa on July 4th, 1918. The two were close as children and even attended Morningside College together. In 1956, Esther started writing for the Ask Anne Landers Advice Colleb which had been published since 1943, and Landers is just an identity shared by a series of people. Looking at Billy's a movie The Phantom. That same year, Pauline moved to San Francisco and called up the editor of the San Francisco Chronicle with a claim that she could write a better advice column than their current columnist. She took the pen name Abigail Van Buren and started the dear Abbey advice column. The competing columns led to much conflict, mostly due to Pauline offering her column to her and Esther's hometown with the agreement that they would not print Ask Anne Landers. It was like the parent trap if one twin was trying to destroy the other's career instead of getting the parents back together. This caused an eight-year rift with a brief reconciliation in 1964 that quickly went back downhill until Esther passed away in 2002.
Most modern breakfast cereals can thank the Kellogg line of products for their existence. But behind the scenes, a battle over who was the true Kellogg was being waged. John Harvey Kellogg and his brother Will Keith Kellogg were raised as Seventh Day Adventists. John became a believer in what he called "biological living." He was a strict vegetarian who didn't consume alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee. Basically anything fun was out of the question. John began running a sanitarium in Battle Creek, Michigan in his mid-20s where his patients absolutely hated his health food kick. His attempts to design a plant-based breakfast eventually led to the creation of cornflakes. Despite inventing the definitive breakfast cereal, John was not interested in starting a business. He was focused on changing Americans' sinful eating habits and lifestyles. His brother Will saw an opportunity and bought the rights to manufacture the cereal from John. Will put cornflakes on the market in 1906, and it was an immediate success. However, John still wanted to charge his patients for cornflakes and began a legal battle against his brother over who should get to control the Kellogg name. Will won the fight and became one of the wealthiest people in the country by the 1930s. But the lawsuits took their toll, and the brothers reportedly rarely spoke once all the dust had settled.
Richard and John were the sons of King Henry II and were no exception to the long tradition of royal siblings being pitted against each other like Breton Owen Hart.
Richard was the oldest, born in 1157 CE, to the ruler of England and its territories in France and Ireland.
John was the fourth son, born in 1166 and passed over for a role in the family dynasty. It was his fault for showing up so late.
John's prospects for the throne were slim, and his father regarded him as a failure, nicknaming him Blackland, which was a savage burn in the 12th century.
But as fate would have it, middle brothers Jeffrey and Henry, the younger, died prematurely.
Henry used this as an opportunity to pit his sons against each other, but the brothers ended up allying against their father before his passing.
Richard became King in 1189 and went off to join the Third Crusade. He'd planned to ban his troublemaking brother from England for a few years while he was away.
Sort of the royal equivalent of "stay out of my room while I'm at camp." But Richard's mother convinced him not to.
As it turns out, he was absolutely correct to be suspicious of his brother. Once he left, John stepped into the throne and effectively ran the kingdom for three years. A period of time you may remember from all those Robinhood films that keep getting made.
John even tried conspiring with the French to fully... take the throne for himself But all his attempts failed Once Richard returned, John fled to France But Richard eventually forgave his brother and even named him his heir They were kind of a weird family Considering this is the second time Henry the Eighth has shown up It kind of seems like he was the problem rather than any sibling rivalry Nonetheless, Henry wanted a line of male heirs and could not manage to seal the deal Which led to him having relationships with a series of women Uh, some of whom he had executed Yeah, it really seems like he was the problem
In 1522, Mary Belin met Henry the Eighth when she was already married Mary became Henry's mistress and gave birth to a son one year later Many suspect this was Henry's illegitimate child But there's no way to know for sure
If that wasn't so proper enough for you Henry was also pursuing Mary's older sister And Henry even went as far as to beg the Pope for a divorce before leaving Catherine in 1531 And marrying Anne in 1533
Mary's life went downhill after that After being widowed, she married a commoner named William Stafford in secret in 1534 This was not a good look for the Bolin family Namely, Mary's sister, Queen Anne Mary and William were banished from court And even though they begged Anne for help, neither she nor Henry provided any Meanwhile, Mary's son, who was possibly Henry's, was living under the care of Antian Anne, that is cool
But Hank was nothing if not consistent in his wife-trading ways After three years and no male heirs, Anne was on the out She was accused of adultery and incest Although both charges were almost certainly false And she was imprisoned in the Tower of London Mary never visited her or even wrote her a single letter Which is harsh but Anne did take Mary's child and have her banished from court When you're ready to check that big, it eventually is going to get cached Anne was executed in 1536
So what do you think? Whose side would you take in all these family feuds? Let us know in the comments below and while you're at it Check out some of these other videos from our Weird History