Best of IdeaCast 2022
发布时间 2023-01-03 17:23:12 来源
From incivility for frontline workers to struggles with hybrid work to actual progress made since the murder of George Floyd, HBR IdeaCast spent 2022 sharing impactful management research and exploring the social and business trends that affect workers and leaders. Join hosts Alison Beard and Curt Nickisch as they listen in on some of their favorite interviews of the year. They share what made these conversations so memorable and insightful and why they’re still worth a listen—or a re-listen—in 2023.
Alison’s and Curt’s Picks:
The Positives—and Perils—of Storytelling
Let’s Protect Our Frontline Workers from Rude Customers
Fighting Bias and Inequality at the Team Level
Sad, Mad, Anxious? How to Work Through Your ‘Big Feelings’
NASA’s Science Head on Leading Space Missions with Risk of Spectacular Failure
Advice from the CEO of an All-Remote Company
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有一个HBR的播客你可能会喜欢。 冷调研究哈佛商学院传奇的案例研究。 你将了解一些世界上最大品牌的领导者,如AirBnB,世界一流的BMW,以及其他公司如何做出最困难的决策并应对新的挑战。 在Apple Podcasts,Spotify或你获取播客的任何其他地方收听冷调研究。
Welcome to the HBR Idea Cast from Harvard Business Review. I'm Kurt Nickish. I'm Allison Beard. You heard right. We are both here today and we're doing something a bit different. Most weeks you hear us talking to experts and practitioners about the latest thinking and business and management, everything you need to lead. But the end of one year and the start of another seemed like a good time to reflect on what we covered in 2022.
欢迎收听《哈佛商业评论》的HBR Idea Cast。我是库尔特·尼克什。我是艾莉森·比尔德。没错,今天我们俩都在这里,而我们正在做一些有些不同的事情。大多数时候,您听到我们与业内专家和从业者讨论最新的商业管理思想,所有您需要领导所需的。但一年的结束和另一年的开始似乎是回顾我们在2022年所涵盖的内容的好时机。
The conversations that stuck with us and might be most useful to you too. We've gone back and picked out some of our favorites from the year to revisit because we think they're worth listening to again.
Yeah, it was really hard to choose, but I think we ended up focusing on ones that felt timely and sort of really meaningful in the year that just passed. So I want to start by bringing back one of our early episodes from 2022. Turn out maybe to be a bit prophetic with some of the stuff in the news with some of the corporate scandals.
The Theranos trial was in the news this year. Yeah, and more recently there was the FTX, Alameda Research, Crypto, Defrotting Investors, Market manipulation. Not there was, there is, right? It's still unfolding and we're learning a lot about it. So these are happening now, but I was really interested in scandals because last year we did this deep dive reporting on Carlos Gone at Nissan Renault. And it got me thinking about the stories that companies tell to consumers and to investors, right?
今年新闻中提到了Theranos的审判。是的,最近还有FTX、Alameda Research、Crypto、Defrotting Investors、Market manipulation这些事情。不是过去了,而是目前还在发生,对此我们正在学习。所以这些现在正在发生,但我对丑闻真的很感兴趣,因为去年我们进行了深入的报道,关于Nissan Renault的Carlos Gone。这让我想到了公司向消费者和投资者讲述的故事,对吧?
And that's why I wanted to talk to Jonathan Gottschull. He's a distinguished fellow at Washington and Jefferson College and an author. And in episode 840, he talked us through the upsides and downsides of storytelling in business.
这就是为什么我想和Jonathan Gottschull交谈的原因。他是华盛顿和杰斐逊学院的杰出研究员和作家。在第840集中,他逐步讲述了商业叙事的优缺点。
Stories aren't good. Stories are just powerful. I think it's better to think of stories as mercenaries. The force of storytelling as a mercenary that sells itself just as eagerly to the bad guys. As soon as you're telling a story, you're in an ethically fraught situation. Because basically what you're doing is you're trying to use a form of messaging that's not quite explicit.
Storytelling is always sort of indirect and that's the power so people don't get as skeptical and they don't get as suspicious. In my years in the storytelling industrial complex, attending conferences and reading other people's books, I noted quite frequently that the power of storytelling was often likened to a Trojan horse.
And this is a pretty good analogy for how stories work. The idea is that you have this beautiful structure, this thing we all love, the Trojan horse was this beautiful work of art. But it's smuggling in something else. It's smuggling in a message. The Trojan horse, people forget, is a weapon of war. It holds inside of its belly an event, a massacre. The Trojan horse is not a metaphor for the warm and fuzzy side of storytelling. It is a metaphor for the easy weaponization of stories.
I found that really provocative and got a lot of nice comments from listeners who said the same thing. It's just a good reminder that all of the tools that we teach people, whether it's storytelling, whether it's how to motivate people, how to lead, a lot of these are tools that can be used for good and for bad.
Yeah, it sounded like Jonathan had a bit of an aha moment when he was at a corporation doing a seminar on storytelling and realized that he had just been talking to people who were selling junk food, sugar water around the world. He thought to himself, well, do I want to help these people tell this story? I guess that's what prompted him to start studying the downsides of storytelling.
What I found most interesting is this point that he made about the fact that all good stories have a problem and resolution. I was like, oh, that's interesting to think about in a marketing sense. It reminded me of Clay Christensen's job to be done. What problem are you solving? Companies need to really think honestly about how they're doing that. What is the pain point that they are fixing for customers or clients or business partners and not make it up? Make it true. Then it goes back to strategy. It's sort of like the story I'm telling needs to be true. Let's figure out a strategy that makes it so. If the enemy in your story or the antagonist is not a worthy enemy, maybe you should find a different story to tell.
Yeah, exactly. Another timely topic that we focused on was diversity, equity, and inclusion. We talked to James White, the former CEO of John Badgeuse, who's black, about what it means to lead an anti-racist company. I recently spoke to Ella Washington about the stages of corporate DEI work. We wanted to highlight an interview that you did Kurt with someone who's really in the trenches teaching people to fight bias and inequality at the team level in the course of everyday work.
是的,完全正确。我们关注的另一个及时话题是多元化、公平性和包容性。我们与曾是约翰-badgeuse公司(John Badgeuse)的首席执行官,也是一名黑人的詹姆斯·怀特(James White)谈起了如何领导一个反种族主义的公司。最近,我与埃拉·华盛顿(Ella Washington)讨论了公司 DEI 工作的阶段。我们希望突出一个你与某位真正身处战斗中的人进行的采访,这个人正在教导人们在日常工作中去对抗偏见和不平等,以团队为单位。
Here is Trier Bryant, the co-founder and CEO of JustWork, in episode 862. We have biostat's ruptures. One of the things that we talk about leaders implementing to disrupt bias is that you have to have biostat's ruptures so people know and have the tools on how to flag bias in that moment. The three things you need to create biostat's ruptures is a shared vocabulary, a shared norm, and a shared commitment.
这是Trier Bryant,JustWork的联合创始人和CEO,在第862集中。我们正在讨论生物统计的破裂点。我们谈论的是领导人所实施的打破偏见的方法,你必须拥有生物统计的破裂点,让人们知道并具备如何在那一刻发现偏见的工具。您需要创造生物统计的破裂点的三件事是共享的词汇,共享的规范和共同承诺。
The shared vocabulary is a word or phrase that whenever someone says it, everyone knows that someone has just flagged bias or noticed bias. We have teams and clients that say, bias to learn, stop sign, stop red light. On our team, we say purple flag. We throw purple flags left and right, and that's our shared vocabulary of flagging bias.
I loved how she also explained how you, if you're somebody who makes a mistake or says something insensitive and you're called out, just how to react to that in a productive way, I thought that was just super valuable. I think she came out really strong saying companies aren't doing enough. In the wake of George Floyd's murder, Black Lives Matter protests, so many companies made commitments, but have they followed through and she basically said not enough yet. Right, so she's not the false cheerleader. She speaks truth.
我喜欢她还解释了如果你是一个犯错或言过其实而被点名的人,该如何用积极的方式去应对,我觉得这非常有价值。我认为她表现得非常强硬,说公司做得不够。在乔治·弗洛伊德被谋杀、黑人的命也很重要抗议活动中,很多公司做出了承诺,但他们是否做到了,她基本上说还不够。 所以她不是虚假的啦啦队长。她说真话。
Yeah, exactly. I really loved her personal stories and the stories that she had heard from clients and friends. She talked about being the first Black student at her private school about meeting where there was a female venture capitalist who was the men that she was meeting with, sat closer to her male colleagues and directed all their questions to them. You think to yourself, is this really happening still in 2022? Then she talked about her own decision to call out her boss on an insensitive comment. The boss's reaction was, I wish you'd said that in front of everyone because I need you to speak up. They talk about it, it sounds a little bit cheesy, but they talk about it being an upstander, not a bystander. I like that. I think we should all try to be upstanders more often.
So being an upstander was also a theme in the next episode that we're highlighting. Number 885. This is a conversation about instability with Georgetown professor Christine Porath. Here's part of what she had to say.
所以成为一个“upstander”(拥护正义的人)也是我们接下来要突出的主题。第885集是与乔治敦大学教授克里斯汀·波拉思(Christine Porath)谈论不稳定的话题。以下是她的部分观点。
In 2005, nearly half of people surveyed reported that they were treated rudely at least once a month. This past August, over 76% of people claimed that they had been treated rudely in this month time. So that's quite a rise within the last six years in particular. Sadly, it's prevalent across the globe right now. And my experience over the last couple decades has been that every industry believes that they are the worst. Unfortunately, it is bad in so many places. I would have to say the extreme as far as at least intensity. And then how often people are witnessing it though. Healthcare was a big one that popped.
And I think we're probably not surprised by that maybe, but it's hard to imagine given how much these people are serving us, particularly putting their health on the line through the pandemic for us that they would encounter this much rudeness. Those stats actually came from a research project that HBR commissioned Christine to do for its big idea series, which I'm involved in.
We wanted to know if all of those viral videos that we've seen of people behaving badly in cafes on planes and hospitals treating frontline workers just terribly was a real trend and a global one. Or were we just seeing some really egregious but not that common examples and unfortunately, Christine's findings as you heard were pretty depressing. Incivility is on the rise, not just in the US, but around the world. And this is really important right? We spend a lot of time talking about what is said and how people are treated within companies. But the way a lot of employees encounter the world is in talking to people outside the company.
Yeah, and the point we wanted to make is just that companies have a responsibility to protect their employees from this kind of abuse. You know, like it is possible to nudge customers toward kinder behavior. It is possible to refuse service to people who don't comply. And workers need to know that their bosses and their organizations have their backs and that the customer is not always right.
Yeah, it's easy to see all the news stories right about unruly passengers on flights, for example, but it just listening to her, it's a mind boggling. Just how many workers are experiencing this every day? We talk about burnout, we talk about emotional labor.. I'm sure this really contributes to that a lot for a lot of people.
Yeah, I know. I think there's this thinking like, well, everyone's really stressed right now. Everyone's really anxious. We've just been through a pandemic. There's political unrest, you know, all over the world. There's a war in Europe. You know, there's climate change. We have a lot of things to worry about. And so it's hard to behave nicely, but really it's not. You know, it's not an excuse. And Christian's research shows that like even just witnessing this type of behavior will cause you to have a worst day, be less productive, be less engaged.
You know, so I think the point that she made that stuck with me the most was not about what organization should do. It was not about managers should do, but was what about each of us should do as an individual. It's not being too busy to make eye contact or say a meaningful thank you. You know, incivility is not just outright abuse. It's also just treating someone like nothing. It's ignoring them. You know, it's just making them feel as if they're not a person or human.
Let me turn to another episode that's also slightly related. There's clearly a theme here. I almost didn't include this one because we had lots of other good ones to pick from. I mean, I got to interview the comedians here, a Cooper about humor work this year and Rolling Stone editor, Yan Wanner about managing creative talent. And most recently, I talked to director Ron Howard about collaborative leadership, but this one that you're about to hear just felt more timely and helpful and appropriate for a review of what really mattered in 2022.
让我转到另一个略微相关的插曲。很明显这里有一个主题。我本来差点没包括这个,因为我们有很多其他好的可以选择的。我的意思是,我采访了这里的喜剧演员,与 Cooper 谈论了今年的幽默工作,Rolling Stone 的编辑 Yan Wanner 谈论了管理创意人才。最近,我还与导演罗恩·霍华德谈论了合作领导力,但是你即将听到的这个对于2022年真正重要的事情的回顾来说,感觉更加及时、有帮助和适合。
It's episode 865 with authors and advisors Liz Foslin and Molly West Duffy. We called it sad, mad, anxious, how to work through your big feelings. And here's some practical advice from Molly.
这是第865集,作者和顾问Liz Foslin和Molly West Duffy在节目中。我们称之为“悲伤、生气、焦虑——如何处理你的强烈情绪”。下面是Molly提供的一些实用建议。
Beyond just stopping and sitting with it, one of the mantras that we love is, is I am a person who is learning blank. And that just reminds us, I don't have to have all the answers right now. Like, we're all working through unprecedented times. And so let's stop eating ourselves up for feeling anxious or not knowing what's going to come next instead of saying, I don't know how to manage people. I can't do this. You might say, I'm learning how to be a great manager in a hybrid work environment. Or you might say, I'm such a bad parent during COVID. And you might say, I'm learning how to care for an infant and transition into taking care of an infant during COVID. And that helps us adopt, you know, growth mindset.
除了停下来、跟它坐下来以外,我们很喜欢的其中一个口号是,“我是一个正在学习空白的人。”这提醒我们,现在我不必要掌握所有答案。我们都在适应前所未有的时代。因此,让我们停止为自己感到焦虑或不知道接下来会发生什么而自责,而不是说,“我不知道如何管理人。我做不到这个。”你可以说,“我正在学习如何在混合工作环境下成为一名优秀的管理者。”或者你可以说,“在 COVID 期间,我是一个如此糟糕的家长。”你可以说,“我正在学习如何照顾婴儿并过渡到在 COVID 期间照管婴儿。”这有助于我们采用成长的心态。
So Kurt, as you know, because we are friends as well as colleagues, I had a lot of big feelings this past year, or climate change, the erosion of civil rights and democracy. My kids, my marriage, my job. Love. Yeah. So I feel like I asked our producer, Mary, to book this just because I selfishly wanted to hear how I could stay productive.
那么 Kurt,你知道的,因为我们既是朋友又是同事,我在过去的一年里有许多大的情感,例如气候变化、民权和民主的侵蚀。还有我的孩子,我的婚姻,我的工作。爱。是啊。所以我感觉我要求我们的制作人玛丽安排这个节目只是因为我自私地想知道如何保持高效。
Yeah, I don't think you're alone. What I liked about her framing is just that ability to, you know, it's obviously a good thing to acknowledge you don't have all the answers. But to change it into like, I don't have all the answers. I'm learning this is a process. And it's moving in the right direction. That's how things change. I think that's, that's really, really helpful.
We all have kind of empowering through. We can't just ignore our emotions, but I think we all know we really can't anymore. Good managers need strategies for helping with emotions, whether that's coming from themselves or in their teams.
Yeah, or customers as we just talked about. Yeah.
One thing is though that might be a little bit harder in knowledge work organizations because so many of us have not returned to the office full time. Remote work is a huge theme, particularly this year as companies are really trying to figure out their strategies. Are we hybrid? Are we all remote? Are we making everyone come back to the office?
We are both in the studio together now. I am usually in my closet taping these episodes. And that's because I just find it easier to work from home, especially when I'm editing, which is the other half of my job. I like hanging out with my kittens. I enjoy not having a commute. It's nice to not always have to get dressed up.
How often are you coming in? It varies kind of depending on the work that I'm doing. I've started coming in more.. Even when there aren't a lot of other people at the office. I like the distinction between home and work and almost sometimes think of the offices, my co-working space, I come in, there's coffee, a couple of other people around. But I don't get distracted by stuff at home and I can really get a lot of work done. But I also enjoy the flexibility of working from home to, so even for me personally, I'm kind of still figuring it out.
Well, so as individuals and bosses and corporate leaders are deciding what they want to do for the future. I did want to go to a source who has been doing remote since he started his company. This was before the pandemic and has developed pretty elaborate strategies around how to make it work. 2015, we came to the US and he said, look, working remote, we've seen it before, works for engineers, but you can't do it for finance or for sales. So you should get an office and we got an office. But the same thing ended up happening.
They showed up for one or two days and then they just started working from home or a different location. I thought, hey, is there something wrong? I made sure that I really showered those days. And I thought, okay, what's important for me? Well, it's important that we make progress that we get results to this day. That's one of our values. It's not about the inputs. It's not about the number of hours that you put in. It's about the results you achieve.
And as a manager, you shouldn't push people to kind of work longer hours. You should push people to achieve more results and enable them to do so. And at a certain point we said, look, we're just going to make this official. We're going to make this our policy because it's so much better to have everyone remote and to have a hybrid company where some people are always at the office and some people are always remote. That was the voice of GitLab CEO and co-founder Sid Cibrandi in episode 877, advice from the CEO of an all remote company. It's not just an all remote company. It is apparently the largest in the world. We're actually about to publish an article with Sid that goes into even more detail about how he did it.
作为一个经理,你不应该逼迫员工加班。你应该推动他们获得更多的成果,并让他们能够做到。我们最终决定将这项政策正式发布,因为每个人都远程工作并让公司形成混合模式,一部分人总是在办公室,一部分人总是远程工作,这样更好。这是GitLab的CEO和共同创始人Sid Cibrandi在第877期“来自全远程公司CEO的建议”中的声音。不仅仅是全远程公司,这家公司似乎是世界上最大的公司。我们即将发表一篇文章,详细介绍Sid是如何做到的。
So I think the point is it creates a lot of deliberate effort to sustain community and culture. But it actually can be done. And it often leaves employees more productive and happier, especially in industries like tech where everyone can work that way. What I liked about hearing from him is just the experience they had to really think through the situation and make strategic choices. Not just default.
We're going to do the same things we were doing in the office and we're going to do things like that remotely. It's like they really had to think about how are we going to do things differently as a remote company and be really deliberate about that. Yeah, they do some really what we might think of as odd stuff. He has a very long online description of how to work with him. Everything from his weaknesses to how to ask him for a meeting to his hobbies. It's just it's so transparent. Everything is documented. Even self-awareness is documented.
Yeah. So if you have a question and you work for GitLab, you can actually just Google it. You can say GitLab, manual, and then put in your question. And you'll get this open source document that everyone in the world can see that should answer your question. And that replaces the sort of person in the cubicle next to you. One of my favorite comments that he made was talking about meetings and how no meeting should ever be a presentation. Because no one should ever have to sit and listen to something that they could watch asynchronously.
And also there are lots of portions of meetings that aren't relevant to all the people attending. So if a portion of a meeting isn't relevant to you, you don't have to pay attention to it. It's like, whoa! He's like endorsing multi-tasking, but he's not. He's saying, if this isn't relevant to you, we're trusting you to make your decision about what you should be paying attention to at this moment. You own your feet. You can pick up and leave. Yeah. Yeah, he's a pretty cool leader.
Well, we're going to end with one of my very favorites from the year. I this year was just enthralled by a bunch of the NASA missions. They went up and diverted and asteroid. We started seeing these incredible, incredible images coming from the James Webb Space Telescope project. It's so nice. And so it's wild to think of those projects and those missions and how they're actually done.
好的,我们要以我最喜欢的一件事来结束今天。今年我非常着迷于NASA的一些任务,他们上天并改变了一颗小行星的轨道。我们开始看到从James Webb太空望远镜项目中传来的惊人图像。这太棒了。想想这些项目和任务是如何实现的,真是太不可思议了。
They're obviously difficult, complex.. They're done by really smart people all around the world. We've got an interview with Thomas Sirbuken, the head of science at NASA to talk about this. I don't think you know this, but he was my advisor at the University of Michigan.
Oh, wow. I didn't. I was there for a year as a fellow in journalism. And I was working on a research project that had nothing to do with aerospace engineering, which was his field. But he took the time to show me around the university, introduce me to faculty that he thought would be valuable for my research. And it just struck me that somebody who had deep, deep knowledge and expertise and something was so willing to engage with somebody who wasn't directly in his field. He was definitely a very multidisciplinary person.
He's always trying to think about how to do things differently, how to be innovative. So it didn't surprise me at all that he went under become the head of science at NASA. And here's what he told us. Every mission, when I came in as a leader in my position, I basically asked that every mission has at least one technology that is new. So the missions that come behind it can take advantage of it. And so we've done that consistently, have changed our launch paradigm to enable that as well.
And so basically when you do that, though, what you cannot do at the same time is kind of tell people you can never fail. So I do, I spend a lot of time accepting failure. So basically telling people, look, we make mistakes around here. And I want you to be comfortable doing that. And I want to give you the space. Now, I am not accepting stupid mistakes, right? You come drunk to work and you got into an accident. That is not the type of mistakes we're talking about. I am talking about things that where we do the best job as best as we know and they still don't work. Somebody needs to say that's okay. And it's the person who, if you want, I will testify to Congress. And that's me.
And so for me, it's really important that the team has the freedom of thought, the liberty to take those risks and move forward. And so it's very easy to turn off innovation in your organization. And that is the first person who's innovating. And this trying really, really hard to do something new and it doesn't quite work. If you go after that person, so the person is disperited as basically is punished for that. The good news is you'll never get a person like that again who tells you that they have not quite been successful. But you also have turned off the innovative capability of your entire organization.
So it was a great time to talk to him because he was winding down his time at NASA. We also talked about why he decided to leave when he did. If you want to hear that whole conversation, it's episode 880 titled NASA Science Head Unleading Space Missions with Risk of Spectacular Failure.
I really love that episode too. What NASA does really blows my mind in part because I'm a words person, not a math and science person. I love his personal story about growing up in a religious household but falling in love with science. I also love how seriously he takes the job of leadership and management. He is this brilliant scientist clearly. But he also really knows how to get the best out of people. And he navigated different agencies, lots of bureaucracy, three very different presidents. So Poma, Trump, Biden, which much has been like Whiplash.
But I think because he is so singularly focused on what is the goal? How do we as a team accomplish this goal? How do I get the best out of everyone on this team? How do I get them to admit when they're struggling? How do I kill projects that aren't working? He just has a great management mind in addition to a great scientific mind. So it was really inspiring.
Yeah, it's just super useful for us to hear lessons from totally different industries because there is in the end just so much in common to being a great leader and a great manager. My very favorite comment that you made to him was, yeah, I was really happy to get this interview because you sent me an email saying, well, we're hitting an asteroid on Monday. We're launching a rocket on Tuesday, but Wednesday might work. Yeah, later in a week. Those are very different things that I have on my agenda. I know.
So fun episode. It's fun to go back and listen to some of our favorites from the year. It'll also give us more ideas how to kind of expand our universe of episodes in the coming year.
Exactly. I knew there would be one cheesy joke. So it was a terrific, fun year. I learned a lot. I hope our listeners did too.. I can't wait for more in 2023.
Yeah, thanks to everybody out there for listening. A reminder that you can hear all of these episodes we mentioned and more podcasts to help you manage your team, manage organizations and manage your career. Find them at slash podcasts or search hbr in Apple podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.
This episode was produced by Mary Doe, special thanks to audio production assistant Anna Bates. We get technical help from Rob Eckhart and our audio product manager is Ian Fox.
Thanks for listening to the hbr.idea cast. We'll be back with a new episode on Tuesday. I'm Alison Beard. And I'm Kurt Nickish.
感谢收听hbr.idea cast节目,我们将于周二回归全新的一集。我是Alison Beard,我是Kurt Nickish。
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