Episode 1 - An Introduction
发布时间 2012-05-01 16:00:00 来源
I explain the idea behind the podcast and how I intend to proceed. I also talk about how often I will be able to create episodes. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hello everyone, welcome to the history of Byzantium. My name is Robin Pearson and I'm recording this introduction in early 2015. The first introduction I recorded was back in May 2012 and if you want to enjoy my rather stiff and formal sounding original effort then I will leave it at the end of this episode.
The reason I'm updating the introduction is to offer you some advice so that you can get the most from the podcast. This series is designed to be a continuation of Mike Duncan's podcast, The History of Rome. So if you're a big fan of that series and know it well you could pretty much just skip to episode 2 now where I pick up the story in Constantinople in the 450s AD. Please give me a few episodes grace to find my feet. Long time fans of the podcast will tell you I get better as it goes on.
If you've listened to the history of Rome though but it's been a while or you feel you need a little refresher in all things Constantinople before you dive back into the narrative then can I suggest you skip ahead to episode 10 and listen to that first. In episode 10 I take a tour of Constantinople and describe what life was like there. It might be a nice bit of orientation before you start getting into all the politics.
And I should say if you have your doubts about the podcast then why not skip ahead to episode 27 The Walking Dead. It's a connect as a standalone episode about an outbreak of bubonic plague in the empire and hopefully will encourage you to give the whole series a try.
Okay so if you've not listened to the history of Rome podcast and just want to hear about Byzantine history then I have recorded a special podcast for you. I've called it episode 1a so it should be on the feed straight after this one. It's a kind of catch-up session aimed at someone who knows only the outline of Rome and history.
Because this podcast was designed to continue the work of the history of Rome I don't want to leave anyone behind who doesn't want to listen to all 179 episodes of that podcast. Obviously I recommend that you do because it's so good but in case you want to just get straight into the Byzantine stuff then give episode 1a a try. I hope it will be helpful and will make episode 2 easier to get into.
I should also say that if you go to the history of Byzantium.com and look in the top right can corner there is a maps page so anytime I mention a map that's on the blog it will accompany that episode but it might be quicker to just go straight to the maps page and all the maps are there and you can just scroll to the bottom for the oldest with the newest at the top.
Okay that's it from me. Things will go silent for a few seconds and then you can enjoy my original introduction from 2012 where I give a little more information about me and my aims for the show and I also speak very slowly and correctly because I was very concerned not to make a mistake. Anyway thanks for listening. I really hope you enjoy the fascinating story of the later Roman Empire.
Hello everyone and welcome to the history of Byzantium, episode 1 and introduction. My name is Robin Pearson, I live in London in the UK and I currently have two jobs. I work full time for my father who's an actor and for the past four years I've been working part time as a TV critic.
I set up my own website thetvcritic.org so I could share my passion for American TV shows. I grew up with very strong opinions about what makes good or bad television and began writing an episode guide for the show Friends in the mid 2000s. It was the sheer number of podcasts dedicated to the show Lost, though which convinced me in 2007 to write about TV full time and begin to record my own podcasts.
Since then I've produced a number of podcasts both alone and with cohosts and you can find those at thetvcritic.org including shows dedicated to Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Spartacus and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I've also become a huge fan of podcasts themselves and regularly listened to over a dozen a week.
One of my favorites as you've probably guessed is Mike Duncan's The History of Rome, though I also thoroughly recommend Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. I've always had an interest in ancient history and studied classics at school. I've read Roman history books on and off since university but my passion for the subject was only really ignited in the last few years partly through a trip to Italy and partly through The History of Rome podcast.
I liked pretty much everything about The History of Rome. I liked the simplification and explanation of the Roman story. I liked the half hour length. I liked Mike's sense of humour and timing. I liked his neutral tone which never felt like it was providing an overbearing opinion on the narrative.
When Mike announced he would be stopping with the fall of the west in 476 I considered whether I could possibly take on the task of continuing the story.
I really want to learn more about what happened to the Romans next and as I have the podcasting equipment and experience at my fingertips I've decided I will.
My aim is to continue in the same vein as The History of Rome.
I want to present the narrative story of what happened to the Roman Empire from 476 onwards in half hourly installments.
I'm no expert on the subject but I have studied it before and aim to communicate in as clear and entertaining a fashion as possible.
Initially at least I hope to emulate Mike's style.
I want to keep the rough structure and neutral tone established on The History of Rome because I think so highly of it.
I hope you won't see it as simply an imitation and doubtless over time my own style will emerge.
There are a couple of things I should add before our story can resume.
The first is that my podcast will be called The History of Byzantium.
I feel this is the right name for the podcast because The History of Rome rather follow the city of Rome through its rise and fall whereas my story will follow Constantin Opal from its position of dominance to its fall a millennium later.
Why not call the podcast The History of Constantin Opal you might ask?
Here I go with historical convention.
As you probably know Byzantium was the original Greek settlement which Constantine built over when he founded his city.
The residents of Constantin Opal continued to call themselves Romans, albeit in Greek, up until the 15th century.
However historians rightly wanted to distinguish between the classical empire of Rome and the medieval empire of Constantin Opal.
So I will be falling in line and referring to the empire of the Romans as the Byzantine empire during the podcasts.
Or at least I'll try to.
Inevitably at times I will refer to them as Romans because that's what they call themselves but I will try to keep that to a minimum.
It will get confusing after all when we come to talk about those people who actually live in Rome when they come face to face with Byzantine forces.
The second point I need to make is about the podcast schedule.
For the foreseeable future I don't want to commit to a particular one.
At the end of each podcast I will let you know when the next one will be available.
I aim to keep these gaps to three weeks at a maximum and one day perhaps go weekly.
However given the amount of reading involved and my two other jobs it would be foolish to make promises I can't keep.
The final point I should add is that I will need your support to keep the podcast going.
For now, I can guarantee that I will take the story forward another hundred years to the end of the reign of Justinian.
I will then reassess how things are going.
In the meantime please get in touch to let me know what you think of the podcast.
You can leave a comment at thehistoryofBizantium.wordpress.com.
You can give the podcast a like or other comments at the Facebook page.
Just type the history of Byzantium into Facebook or you can leave me some iTunes feedback.
That's it for now.
I'm off to learn how to pronounce Zeno's real name and continue my reading.
Please join me in three weeks time when our story will resume.
I will actually be taking a brief step back in time to the 450s and 460s to introduce the Emperor Leo and give you a fuller picture of what was going on in Constantinople as the West was falling apart.
By the end of that episode we should be back in 476 and watch as the Emperor Zeno works out what to do with the purple cloak and diadem that just arrived gift-wrapped from Ravenna.