Byzantine Project Update
发布时间 2014-03-06 13:52:54 来源
Byzantine Project Update Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hello everyone. I'd like to say sorry immediately if you were expecting the next instalment of Heraclius's battles with the Persians. I'm afraid it's an apology and explanation from me instead and I will try to keep this brief. Please don't switch off just yet as this is an important message.
As you've probably guessed by now the episode about Heraclius's great war is gonna be delayed. It's a massive episode maybe not Dan Carlin quality but definitely quantity and it's probably gonna take me another couple of weeks to get it out.
In part because it's so big but in part because my day job and the TV critic dot org are keeping me very busy and I don't have any minutes to spare right now. I'm sure most of you are sympathetic to that situation and some of you are hovering over the skip button right now.
But I just want to say three quick things that I think are important about the history of Byzantium project as a whole. One is that I am working toward running down the work I do at the TV critic by June. I won't be recording regular podcasts there anymore so that I can focus my time on the history of Byzantium.
I hope you will be patient with me in the meantime because I'm so busy right now with three different jobs at the same time. But you guys have invested in me through buying the fundraising episode and lots of other kind support and I'm gonna repay that by working toward eventually getting the podcast out every week or at least, you know, as often as I can every week.
At some point in the future, the second thing is to say that I probably will have to be loose with podcast deadlines until June. As you all know, Islam is about to be born in our story and explaining that revolutionary development is doubtless going to need some heavy reading and writing which may make the schedule increasingly uneven.
Again, please be patient. I'm not gonna quit and all the podcasts will come out eventually. And I will do the best I can.
Third and final point is about the servers. A couple of people have complained about slow downloading speeds recently. And I'm sorry about that especially if you're on a phone trying to grab an episode in a short amount of time.
Again, this is something that come June, I will look to improve. With all the TV critic podcast and the Byzantium ones together, it's not easy to quickly move them to Libson or another host, but I will get there.
That also brings me to this next giant episode. I need to warn you now that because it will be so big, it's gonna take a while to download. I'm sure you all know when you get the giant hardcore history episodes that they take a bit longer to download the normal.
Obviously in this case if the servers are being a bit slow you could have to wait many many minutes for it to download and again, please be patient. You know I listen to dozens of podcasts every week so I know how annoying it is when you can't get hold of one you're waiting for, but I think if you wait and give it some time and remember this warning when you see it, it will be worth it.
I have thought about splitting the podcast up, but I really I don't want to do that. It I think it works best as one giant story. Thank you all so much for your patience and support as ever and while you're waiting for me to get you the next podcast, please do check out
I know most of you already listen to loads of other history podcasts, but there may be some of you don't and you'll find a bunch of great podcasters there. And I know that most of you won't have heard the roundtable or collage podcasts that a bunch of my fellow podcasters have put together.
And as an example, if you go to and try out unsung heroes Part 2 for a...