537 - "If you’re not thinking about money then you’re not making it:" Money Expert Nicole Lapin and Entrepeur Magazine Editor in Chief Jason Feifer on How to Have a Money Mindset

发布时间 2020-01-31 08:00:00    来源


Money isn’t just about what’s in your account. There’s a power to money. But to really understand money and the influence it has in your life, you have to have a money philosophy. You have to think about HOW you think about money. So I interview Nicole Lapin, a financial expert, author, and host with Jason Feifer, the Editor in Chief of Entrepreneur magazine. They both have their own money philosophies. And they'll teach you how to make be more strategic about how you use, make, grown and keep money. Check out their podcast Hush Money. https://megaphone.link/HSW2799622578 Where they talk about money — but not *boring* money! I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at jamesaltucher.com/podcast. Thanks so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe to “The James Altucher Show” and rate and review wherever you get your podcasts: Apple Podcasts Stitcher iHeart Radio Spotify   Follow me on Social Media: YouTube Twitter Facebook Linkedin Instagram

