Bravery, Brilliance and RuPaul Charles | On the Spot | TED

发布时间 2024-07-22 14:55:19    来源


In the debut of TED's new “On the Spot” rapid-fire Q&A format, Emmy-winning television superstar and drag icon RuPaul Charles ...



Hello, darlings. Now we're going to do a new format here, which is on the spot. I'm told it's on the spot. I will be answering a series of questions, so we'll see how this goes. Let's start with our first question. Again, I have 10 minutes. We'll see. I bet I can do it faster than 10 minutes. Define bravery. Define bravery. I think bravery is the ability to follow your bliss and make no excuses for that. Define brilliance. I think allowing yourself to be a vessel, a channel, so that the source can work through you and you align yourself with that source. I think that's brilliance. What's the power of drag? Now, the power of drag, it's like the Superman suit to Clark Kent. It allows you to expand your idea of who you are, of what you are. It's a very simple trick and it works. I recommend everybody try it tonight. What's the best way to slay? Know thyself. Be thyself. You are the best version of you. You can slay that way. I get a round of applause for that. Thank you over here.
大家好,亲们。现在我们要采用一个新的形式,即现场回答问题。我被告知这是现场提问环节。我会回答一系列问题,我们看看情况如何。让我们从第一个问题开始。我有10分钟时间,但我相信自己能更快完成。 第一个问题:如何定义勇气?我认为,勇气就是追随自己的快乐,并且对此不找任何借口。 第二个问题:如何定义才华?我认为,才华是让自己成为一个媒介,一个通道,让源头能通过你工作,并且你与这个源头保持一致。我觉得这就是才华。 第三个问题:变装的力量是什么?嗯,变装的力量就像是超人的制服对于克拉克·肯特一样。它允许你扩展自己对自我身份和本质的认识。这是一个非常简单的小技巧,而且很有效。我建议大家今晚试试看。 第四个问题:最好的闪耀方式是什么?了解自己,做自己。你就是最好的版本,遵循这一点,你就能闪闪发光。给我一个掌声,谢谢这里的朋友们。

That's the first thing you notice about someone. I notice they're aura. I can sense what they're about, what they want. For years, I learned how to sort of shape shift myself into what I felt someone needed from me. Listen, not the greatest thing in the world to do because you, of course, you leave a little bit of yourself behind. But it sure did teach me a lot about reading someone's character and my own character. All right. What trait do you most value? A sense of humor. People, a sense of humor. My favorite thing to do in the world is to laugh. My favorite thing in the world to do is to laugh. I've done a lot of things.

But if you have a sense of humor, yeah, because I think if you have a sense of humor, you get it. This is all an illusion. I don't take any of it too seriously. All right. What's the wisest way to be an adult? Well, to be an adult, you have to be able to keep your mouth closed because there's a lot of things you want to say in the situations. But an adult knows better. Yeah, it's true. It's true. You can't say everything to everybody. You really just can't. I wish we could. I wish we could. But we can. All right. If there's one thing you want AI to keep in mind, what is it? I don't like that question. Which of your dreams have not yet come true? I would love to be able to put together a retail storyline that is just as magnificent as Patagonia and as free and all the things they've done. I'd love to do that. Maybe there's maybe there's time.

Yeah. Oh, hi. What's the best way to say goodbye? I really don't like saying goodbye. I never have. But I've learned to be in the moment and to actually acknowledge someone and the time that we spent together. I've learned how to sit in that. I think I was always too sensitive. So I never liked to say goodbye. So the best way to say goodbye is to do it deliberately and to acknowledge that, you know, this could be the last time I ever see you. So, you know, I'm going to acknowledge that and stay in the moment. That's great. That's fantastic.

I put, come on up here. That was going to be 10 minutes. And I have four minutes and 37 seconds left. You want to chat? You want to? Shall we? Let's do it. OK, if you have the questions for RuPaul. Oh, I thought you were going to chat with me. You know, questions from the audience? Why not? Well, I'll tell you why not. I don't think in all the years I've taken questions from the audience, I really, mostly people like to make comments. That's true. And we don't really want comments. No, that's true. Yeah. Maybe you and I should come up with a few questions to ask me. What would you like to tell everyone? OK. All right. RuPaul, what is the best piece of advice you've ever gotten? That's a good question. Thank you. My 10th grade teacher, Mr. Penel in Atlanta, Georgia, he said, RuPaul, my real name, do not take life too seriously. The emphasis on to, he actually used some dirty language in there. And you can fill in the blanks where he put it. You can also swear on this stage. No, no, darling. There may be Christian children here. Darling. There are none. You will. I can guarantee it.
我说,快上来吧。预计这部分讲十分钟,我还剩四分三十七秒。你想聊聊吗?你愿意吗?我们聊吧。好吧,如果你们有问题要问RuPaul……哦,我还以为你要跟我聊呢。观众提问?为什么不呢?原因很简单,这么多年我几乎没怎么看到观众真提问题的,大多数人喜欢评论。这倒是。而我们其实不太想要评论。没错。也许你和我应该想出几个问题来问我。你想告诉大家什么呢?好的。 RuPaul,你收到的最好的建议是什么?这是个好问题,谢谢。我的十年级老师,亚特兰大乔治亚州的Penel先生,他说,RuPaul(我的真实姓名),不要把生活看得太严肃。他特别强调“太”这个字,他其实用了些脏话,自己可以想象他在哪些地方用了脏话。你在这个舞台上也可以爆粗口。不不,亲爱的,这里可能有基督教的小朋友。亲爱的,根本没有。我敢保证。

But no, it was the best advice at the time. It was in 10th grade. You know, I flunked the 10th grade. I repeated the 10th grade, and then I dropped out in the 11th grade. But of all the time I spent in school, that was the most valuable lesson I ever learned. And as the years went on, it became more and more valuable because you have, it's like we are actors on a stage. And it's as if the actors believe that they say 12th nights, some Shakespeare thing. The actors actually believe they are the characters they're playing, you know, and drag and laughter and all those things shake it up to say, hey kiddo, you know, you're only playing a role. This show will close, and we're going to go on to another show and another show.

And another show is going to be fabulous. Yes, it sure is. So don't get too invested in 12th night, darling. So, report. Yes. Yes. Report is your real name. Why did your mom call you a report? Well, Elizabeth, I will answer that question. I just want to say, if there are any people who want to get into show business, do not use your real name. That's my real name because it ends up on all your, the public papers and all that stuff. And you're at the gynecologist or in the dentist's chair and they know all your business. But my mother saw a psychic when she was pregnant with me and the psychic said, you're going to have a boy and he's going to be famous. So my mother thought, you know, I'm going to name him RuPaul Andre Charles because ain't another MF in the world with that name. Yeah. True. My real name. True. Yeah. People call me Ru, though.
另一个节目会很棒。是的,肯定会的。所以,亲爱的,不要太投入在《第十二夜》里。那,然后说说你的事吧,好的。你的真名是报告。为什么你妈会叫你报告? 好吧,Elizabeth,我会回答这个问题。我想说的是,如果有人想进入娱乐圈,不要用你的真名。我的真名就叫这个,因为它会出现在你所有的公开文件上,所有的事情都会被知道。不管你是去看妇科医生还是牙医,他们都知道你的事。而我的妈妈在怀我的时候去找过一个算命师,算命师说,你会生个男孩,他会变得很有名。所以我妈妈就想,我要给他取名叫RuPaul Andre Charles,因为这个世界上没有第二个叫这个名字的人。对的,真名。人们都叫我Ru。

Who is your favorite person on the planet? My best friend who I happen to be married to, his name is George LeBar and he's so lovely and kind. I think the greatest attribute humans can have is kindness. That's number one. Number two is a fat ass. And he's got both. He's got both. And he's really, he's Australian. He's absolutely lovely. He's lovely. Okay. We have 45 seconds. 40 seconds. What's your favorite thing about television? Oh my gosh. I learned everything I know from television. I love it. I'm watching a show called Murder She Set Down and She Wrote Right Now. It's about 45 years old and I can't get enough of it. I can't get enough of it. I love it. Murder She Set Down and She Wrote.
谁是你最喜欢的人?我最好的朋友,也是我的丈夫,他叫George LeBar,他非常可爱和善良。我认为人类最重要的品质是善良,这是第一条。第二条是胖屁股。而他两者都有。他真的是,他是澳大利亚人,特别可爱。他真的很可爱。好,我们有45秒。40秒。你对电视最喜欢的是什么?天哪,我知道的一切都是从电视上学到的。我爱它。现在我正在看一个叫《谋杀她坐下后写》的节目。这节目大约有45年历史了,我看不够它。我看不够。我爱它。《谋杀她坐下后写》。

All right. Ladies and gentlemen, it has been so much fun. Thank you. Thank you so much. No, give love to somebody.