Power and Politics in Today’s World - YouTube - Lecture 21: Backlash - 2016 and Beyond
发布时间:2019-12-05 14:26:27
This lecture explores the economic, demographic, and cultural origins of the political backlash leading up to 2016, focusing on the resurgence of identity politics and the Tea Party movement.
The lecturer begins by examining the Tea Party's core tenets: anti-elitism, belief in conspiracy theories (particularly regarding the media), and hostility toward taxes and government, especially the federal government. The lecture ties the anti-tax sentiment to anxieties about ethnic minorities and the questioning of President Obama's citizenship, illustrating a complex interplay of economic and racial resentments.
The lecture then transitions to the economic factors contributing to the backlash. While financial markets recovered quickly after the 2008 crisis, real wages stagnated, and productivity gains did not translate into higher hourly wages. The decline of union membership, the rise in income inequality, and the increasing job insecurity for middle-class workers paint a picture of widespread economic anxiety that is not limited to working-class voters. The lecturer cites Dan Markovitz's book on the "Maritocracy Trap," highlighting how technology and globalization are eroding middle-class occupations. Primary voters for Donald Trump, it is noted, were not limited to the stereotypical “Joe lunch bucket.”
The lecture also analyzes ethnographic research from Arlie Hochschild (studying oil workers in Louisiana) and Katherine Kramer (studying rural workers in Wisconsin), both of whom observed a profound sense of resentment among white voters. Hochschild's "deep story" depicts people waiting in line for the American dream, only to see minorities, women, immigrants, and even endangered animals "cutting in line," facilitated by the federal government under President Obama. This sense of being overlooked and humiliated fuels anger directed not at corporations, but at the government. Kramer echoes these sentiments in her study of rural Wisconsin.
The crux of the lecture explores the historical context of race relations in America, tracing a long arc of inclusion and exclusion. From the Dred Scott decision, which denied citizenship to Black Americans, to the Civil War amendments ostensibly promoting racial equality, the lecturer shows how each step toward integration was met with backlash. The rise of Jim Crow laws, the compromise in the Social Security Act that excluded domestic and agricultural workers, and the struggles to implement Brown v. Board of Education illustrate this pattern.
The lecture contrasts Martin Luther King's integrationist vision with Malcolm X's Black nationalist call for separation. It also examines landmark events such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, followed by the Moynihan report, which raised contentious debates about the social pathologies of the Black underclass. Nixon's Southern Strategy is cited as a deliberate exploitation of racial divisions for political gain. The McGovern-Fraser reforms in the Democratic Party led to quotas for women and minority representation. This accelerated what some perceived as preferential treatment for some groups over others.
The lecture references the Baki Supreme Court case. The Jesse Jackson rainbow coalition sought to reconcile the ideals of a melting pot with the reality of diverse identities, but was interpreted by some as a signal that the Democratic Party was forming a patchwork of minorities excluding whites. The creation of majority-minority districts, while intended to increase minority representation, was another attempt to redraw lines of separation along racial and ethnic lines. The Connecticut RIC v. De Stefano case is presented as an example of conflicting narratives surrounding fairness.
The lecturer concludes by noting that debates about reparations also produce highly charged emotional and mutually exclusive narratives that are often self defeating. With a thorough look at the history of racial issues in the United States the lecture notes there is a clear trend of people glomming onto specific facts.