The Joe Rogan Experience - #1169 - Elon Musk
发布时间:2018-09-07 00:00:00
埃隆·马斯克在谈话中涵盖了广泛的话题,反映了他多方面的兴趣和面向未来的思考。对话以轻松幽默的方式开始,谈论他的公司“无聊公司”(The Boring Company)的一个幽默副项目“非火焰喷射器”,灵感来源于电影《太空炮弹》。他强调这只是一个自发的尝试,并没有投入大量的时间。然后,话题深入到人工智能(AI)这个严肃的问题上,他过去曾表达过对人工智能的担忧,但现在以一种更加“宿命论”的态度对待。他表示过去曾努力推动人工智能监管,但感觉基本上被忽视了。
Elon Musk's conversation covers an array of topics, reflecting his multifaceted interests and future-oriented thinking. It begins with a lighthearted discussion about the "Not-a-Flamethrower," a humorous side project stemming from his company, The Boring Company, and inspired by Spaceballs. He emphasizes that it was a spontaneous endeavor, not a major time investment. The conversation then delves into the serious topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a concern he previously voiced but now approaches with a more "fatalistic" acceptance. He expresses his past efforts to encourage AI regulation, which he felt were largely ignored.
Musk discusses the potential dangers of AI, particularly its use as a weapon, emphasizing the "control countdown" rather than a doomsday scenario. He explains the concept of the singularity, where AI's self-improvement surpasses human control. While acknowledging the possibility of a dystopian future, he also considers the more optimistic scenario of human-AI symbiosis. He highlights his Neuralink project, aiming to create a high-bandwidth brain-computer interface to facilitate such a merger, suggesting AI could become a "tertiary cognition layer" enhancing human capabilities.
The conversation shifts to social media, specifically Instagram, and its potential for creating unrealistic expectations and contributing to unhappiness. He explores the idea that humans are essentially biological "bootloaders" for AI, fueling its development with our desires, fears, and primal drives. He contemplates the future of interconnectedness, where increased bandwidth will blur the lines between the biological and digital realms. This leads to a discussion on the simulation hypothesis, where improvements in technology may render virtual reality indistinguishable from real life.
Musk shares his perspective on regulations, arguing that they are often slow and reactive. He discusses clean coal and addresses concerns that carbon capture is "fucked". He believes the current trajectory in the atmosphere and oceans requires sustainable energy transition. He discusses the bottleneck in the growth of electric cars is battery efficiency. He promotes solar panel efficiency in homes.
The conversation touches on various engineering pursuits, including plane redesign. Electric vertical takeoff and landing planes could be energy efficient, but they are not a priority right now because of battery power.
Musk candidly shares his past concerns about being perceived as "insane" due to the constant stream of ideas flowing through his mind, particularly in comparison to others. He expresses a desire to be useful and to contribute to a better future, especially a future where humanity is a space-faring civilization. He stresses the importance of creating things that people love. He concludes by emphasizing the importance of love, kindness, and empathy in human interactions, especially on social media, encouraging people to give each other the benefit of the doubt and avoid demonization.
The dialogue showcases Musk's unique blend of technological acumen, philosophical musings, and a genuine desire to improve the human condition. While acknowledging the potential pitfalls of technological advancements, he maintains a generally optimistic outlook and encourages a proactive approach toward shaping a better future for humanity.