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The Joe Rogan Experience - #1470 - Elon Musk

发布时间:2020-05-06 23:00:00   原节目
在一次内容广泛的对话中,埃隆·马斯克讨论了他最近的经历,包括在全球疫情期间为人父,出售个人财产的哲学理念以及人工智能的未来。 他首先表达了自己年长得子的感激之情,强调了它所带来的独特视角。 他甚至解释了他新生儿的名字是如何从Archangel-12项目(SR-71黑鸟侦察机的前身,一种他非常欣赏的飞机)中衍生出来的。 转到更哲学的层面上,马斯克深入探讨了他出售物质财产的决定。 他透露,这个决定源于他希望减少与财富相关的“攻击面”,并相信拥有过多财产会成为负担。他还解释说,他希望把时间分配到让我们到达火星和帮助解决可持续能源问题上。 对话自然地过渡到人工智能,特别是Neuralink。 他分享了项目的最新进展,声称他们可能在一年内就能将Neuralink植入人体。 马斯克强调了其潜在的好处,包括恢复肢体功能、视力和听力。 他解释了植入过程,描述了如何将一小块头骨替换为Neuralink设备,并将电极小心地插入大脑。 他还提到了认知方面的好处,例如改善记忆力并可能预防癫痫。 马斯克冒险进入更遥远的未来,推测“完全人工智能共生”的可能性,以及无需语言即可交流的可能性。 他承认,计算机促进的通用语言具有潜力,可以实现更精确的沟通。 他预计这将彻底改变人类的互动方式和表达复杂思想的方式。 他指出,人工智能正在迅速发展,“超级智能人工智能”似乎不可避免,因此与人工智能的共生是保持存在感的一种方式。 他承认人工智能存在的风险和不确定性,特别是滥用的可能性,以及拥有先进人工智能的人拥有不公平优势的“富人与穷人”局面。 他提到了人们认为人工智能共生关系是一种“冷酷无情”的概念。 话题一转,对话转向了COVID-19疫情。 马斯克分享了他的观点,他凭借着在中国疫情蔓延全球之前观察到的情况的经验。 他对公民自由受到侵犯表示担忧,并质疑封锁的有效性。 他表示,他认为政府正在侵犯我们的公民自由,因为公民权利是选择的权利,政府不应该能够告诉人们该怎么做。 马斯克强调需要清晰准确的数据来影响公众认知。 他建议将确诊的COVID-19病例与具有COVID样症状的病例分开,并澄清COVID是否是主要的死亡原因。 他指出,医院在将死亡记录为与COVID相关时存在经济动机,这可能会夸大数字。 最后,马斯克讨论了特斯拉的进展,并提到了由于疫情造成的延误。 他提到了即将推出的Roadster,强调它将采用源自火箭世界的“不公平”技术。 该设备的发布会即将到来,他承诺任何人都不会对这些进步感到失望。 他谈到了Apex,他们基本上像一个改装公司,为其他人修理特斯拉。他认为他的产品能被别人改进和加强是很棒的。 马斯克最后感谢了他的主持人,并重申他真的相信人类拥有激动人心的未来。

In a wide-ranging conversation, Elon Musk discusses his recent experiences, ranging from fatherhood during a global pandemic to the philosophy behind selling his possessions and the future of AI. He starts by expressing his appreciation for becoming a father at an older age, highlighting the unique perspective it provides. He even explains how his newborn son's name is derived from the Archangel-12 project, the precursor to the SR-71 Blackbird, an aircraft he admires. Moving onto more philosophical topics, Musk delves into his decision to sell his material possessions. He reveals that this decision stems from a desire to reduce the "attack vectors" associated with wealth and a belief that possessions can be weighing. He also explains how he wants to allocate his time on getting us to Mars and helping solve sustainable energy. The conversation naturally transitions to AI, specifically Neuralink. He shares updates on the project, stating that they may be able to implant a Neuralink in a person within a year. Musk emphasizes the potential benefits, including restoring limb functionality, eyesight, and hearing. He explains the implantation process, describing how a small piece of the skull is replaced with the Neuralink device, and electrodes are carefully inserted into the brain. He also touches upon cognitive benefits, such as improving memory and potentially preventing epilepsy. Musk ventures into the more distant future, speculating on the possibility of "full AI symbiosis" and communicating without language. He acknowledges the potential for a universal language facilitated by computers, allowing for more precise communication. He anticipates this could revolutionize how humans interact and convey complex ideas. He notes that AI is rapidly advancing, and "super sentient AI" is seemingly inevitable, so symbiotic existence with AI is a way to stay relevant. He acknowledges the risks and uncertainties surrounding AI, particularly the potential for misuse and a "have vs. have not" scenario where those with access to advanced AI have an unfair advantage. He touches on the idea that people see the idea of AI symbiotic relationship being a "cold emotionless sort of thing." Shifting gears, the conversation turns to the COVID-19 pandemic. Musk shares his perspective, drawing on his experience observing the situation in China before it spread globally. He expresses concern about infringements on civil liberties and questions the effectiveness of lockdowns. He states he think the government is infringing in our civil liberties as a civil right is the right to choose and the government should not be able to tell people what to do. Musk emphasizes the need for clear and accurate data to inform public perception. He suggests separating diagnosed COVID-19 cases from those with COVID-like symptoms and clarifying whether COVID was the primary cause of death. He points out the financial incentives for hospitals to record deaths as COVID-related, potentially inflating the numbers. Finally, Musk discusses the progress of Tesla, addressing delays due to the pandemic. He mentions the upcoming Roadster, emphasizing that it will incorporate "unfair" technologies derived from the rocket world. The unveil for this device is soon, and he promises that no one will be disappointed by the advancements. He talks about apex which are basically like a tuning company that fixes Teslas for other people. He thinks that it's awesome for his products to be improved and enhanced by someone else. Musk finishes by thanking his host and restating that he really does believe that humans have an exciting future ahead.